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5 Tips for Levelling Up Your Blackjack Skills

Online gambling is one of the most popular forms of entertainment available at the moment as people from all over the world enjoy logging on to different online gambling sites in order to have a roll of the dice, spin of the wheel or a game of blackjack. Blackjack is one of the most popular games out there given the rules are relatively simple and the houses advantage is less than it would be for a lot of other online casino games. As such, you may well be wondering about how you can level up your blackjack skills. If this is the case, then you’re in the right place as the below article is going to discuss in a bit more detail exactly how you can do just that.

  1. Play a Basic Strategy, Don’t Overcomplicate Things

It’s pretty easy to overcomplicate things when you start getting into blackjack so you should try your hardest to avoid doing this. Take some time to memorise the hands that you would hit, stick, twist and double down with. When you do this effectively, you are cutting down the houses edge over you even more, all the way from 1 or 2 percent to around 0.5.

A few handy tips that you should memorize include:

  • Stand your hand if you have 12 – 16 and the dealer only has 2 – 6
  • Always hit if your hand is 12 – 16 and the dealers is 7 – Ace
  • Make sure you split Aces and 8’s
  • Hit or double Aces – 6
  1. Don’t Buy into Common Myths

There are myths out there surrounding absolutely everything and thanks to the internet, it is easy for these myths to get spread around and for us to buy into them. They surround a whole manner of different topics all the way from a love life to car insurance to blackjack. Don’t let yourself get fooled by them!

The decisions that other players make isn’t going to have any kind of impact on your hand, it is simply you versus the dealer, so don’t worry about anyone else there. Also, if you have someone at your table that is claiming to be an expert then don’t let yourself get sucked in by them, simply give them a smile and continue with your own game.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice can benefit a number of different aspects in our day to day lives and you won’t be surprised to hear that our blackjack skills are no different. You should make sure that you keep practicing because in doing so your game playing will become better.

There are a number of different ways that you can recreate the setting of a casino right from within your own home so that the practice you’re doing is top tier. One of the best ways to do this is by using an online gaming site that has live dealer blackjack games such as In doing this, you will be dealt cards by an actual dealer on a live stream, so you will get first-hand experience on beating the house and lessening their advantage over you.

  1. Start Small

You might be tempted to waltz right into a casino and go in all guns blazing for your very first hand. Whilst the compulsion to look like a gambling legend might be strong, you should try your hardest to resist it. Be sure to start small in order to give yourself a chance to properly gauge the situation with the cards and the dealer. You will get a feel for whether they are hot and cold, and these streaks will have a large effect on how you, as a player, should proceed.

  1. Don’t Play Insurance

Playing insurance might be tempting but when push comes to shove, it is simply a silly move that you need to try and avoid making. It is where you are able to place a bet with new money on whether or not the dealer has blackjack. The fact is that the houses advantage over you will creep up to around 6% if you play insurance, hence why it is so important you avoid this.


Online gambling is an incredibly popular form of entertainment for a lot of people out there due to the massive array of games available. One of the most popular games is blackjack. There are a number of different tips and tricks out there that you can adopt and some of the most popular for you to try are listed above.




Jeff Campbell