For babies in their first year of life, breast milk is the best food, but sometimes a baby, for whatever reason, cannot get it, and then you have to switch to formula feeding.
The doctor and the baby’s parents should take this decision very responsibly. It should try to keep any, even a small amount of breast milk for as long as possible and attach the baby to the breast. After all, mixed feeding – is a more acceptable option for nutrition than purely formula feeding. In addition, mixed feeding maintains the hope that, perhaps, it will be possible to return to breastfeeding. Infant formulas will also be needed when breast milk is insufficient for balanced nutrition. If a mother has to be separated from her baby due to some circumstances, and the pumped or frozen breast milk is not enough, she will also have to use infant formula.
Guide to formula feeding
And now, let’s list the basic rules that should be observed when feeding a baby formula. Following them, you will avoid most of the “side effects” of such foods, and the baby will please you with health and a good mood.
- Buy baby formula only in specialized stores from reputable brands and retailers. A great quality option for formula-fed babies from the first days can be Holle baby formula. Always pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, the expiration date, and the storage conditions of the product.
- Store opened jars or boxes of baby formula in a cool, dry place, but not in the fridge: the formula will become damp and hard to dissolve. Do not use powder from a package opened more than three weeks ago to prepare your baby’s food.
- To prepare the milk for formula feeding, always strictly follow the instructions for use on the package.
- Hold your baby in a semi-vertical or upright position while feeding to reduce air swallowing.
- Be aware of your child’s nutritional needs. This is very important. Your pediatrician can help you determine how much formula your baby needs.
Common mistakes in formula feeding
The most common mistake is overfeeding the baby. The desire to feed your baby well is very natural. However, with formula nutrition, overfeeding is fraught with many problems. Remember that feeding a baby on demand is acceptable, mainly for breastfed babies. However, if the baby receives formula, the excess nutrients lead to metabolic disorders and excess body weight.
Another common mistake is unreasonably substituting one formula for another. Every mother wants to give her baby the best of everything. However, you shouldn’t change your baby’s food just because a new formula seems healthier, more modern, etc. Changing the formula can be a real stress to the baby’s body. And there is no guarantee that the new food will not cause any signs of intolerance.
The next point concerns using a formula that has already been prepared. Many parents prepare the formula in advance ( for overnight feedings). This is unacceptable, as it is a great breeding ground for germs. For this same reason, it is intolerable to store up any leftover formula until the next feeding. Therefore, always prepare a fresh portion before feeding and pour out the leftovers immediately.
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