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Be Careful Of The Formulas You Feed Your Baby: Some May Contain Toxins Linked With Gastrointestinal Diseases

Parents of infants who are fed with commercial baby formula are often concerned about the safety of their child’s food. In most cases, there is no need for concern since most products meet strict regulations and standards. However, if you suspect that your baby has been harmed by exposure to toxic chemicals in formula, you may want to consider filing a lawsuit for medical malpractice or product liability.

Gastrointestinal Issues in Infants Can Sometimes Lead To Serious Disease, Hospitalization, and Sometimes Death

According to the National Library of Medicine, one out of two infants from birth to six months of age, suffer from Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGAD) related symptoms.

It’s devastating to know that your baby is suffering from a serious illness, but it may be even worse to realize that you’re the one who caused his or her suffering. That can be a difficult thing for any parent to deal with, especially when they aren’t aware that something as simple as formula might have been the cause of their child’s condition.

The condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is one of the most common causes of death in premature babies. This gastrointestinal disorder can damage the intestinal walls and lead to severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and dehydration. In some cases, NEC can also cause intestinal perforation or septic shock. Not only does NEC threaten premature infants’ lives, but it also increases their likelihood of developing cerebral palsy later on in life.

The Majority of Babies Born in the United States Are Fed With Formula

According to a report by the New York Times, 75 percent of babies born in the US received formula by the time they were six months of age. A formula can be an easy and convenient way to feed a baby if you’re not able or prepared to breastfeed.

However, this convenience comes at a price. A formula can be difficult to digest, which can cause problems with your baby’s tummy and digestive system. In addition, baby formula isn’t always easy to make since you have to add water and mix it together each time you feed your baby.

These Formulas May Contain Toxins Linked With Gastrointestinal Disease

Most babies are breastfed for the first 6 months of their lives. This is the best way to protect your child from gastrointestinal disease, as studies have shown that breastfeeding lowers the risk of developing NEC. However, if you choose to formula feed your baby instead of breastfeeding, it’s important to be aware that many formulas contain toxins linked with gastrointestinal disease.

For example, cow’s milk is often used in formulas because it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to access and store. However, cow’s milk has been shown to cause allergic reactions in many infants who consume it regularly, and even those who don’t show any outward signs may still experience stomach problems as a result of cow’s-milk consumption. One study found that cow milk allergy affects 7 percent of infants under one year of age.

Cow’s milk also contains lactose, a type of sugar, which can lead to diarrhea or other digestive issues when consumed regularly in large quantities by young children. Therefore, if you think that a bovine-based (cow milk) baby formula has caused diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), then you may rightly file an NEC baby formula lawsuit against the manufacturer.

What is Nectrotizing Eneterocolitis (NEC)?

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a disease that affects the intestines of premature babies. It is a devastating disease that can lead to death or serious chronic health problems. Most infants born before the 37th week of pregnancy have an increased risk of developing NEC.

The initial symptoms include feeding intolerance and abdominal bloating. And there may be no signs of illness at all until it’s too late to reverse the damage done by toxins produced by bacteria that invade the baby’s gut into his bloodstream and organs. Death occurs within two to three weeks for patients diagnosed with NEC and the mortality rate of NEC-diagnosed patients ranges between 10% to 50%. Long-term complications such as malnutrition, respiratory failure, and neurological impairment occur frequently even among survivors who make it past this stage

How Can You File an NEC lawsuit?

If you think your baby’s formula was contaminated and your child became sick, it’s a good idea to file an NEC lawsuit. An attorney can help you determine if you are eligible to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the contaminated formula. You need to know the name of the manufacturer, as well as the name of their product and batch number. If that information isn’t on your bottle, check with your pediatrician or ask him or her for assistance in determining what caused your child’s illness.

Your next step is filing a lawsuit in federal court against the manufacturer of this contaminated product. To do this successfully, it’s necessary to retain an experienced attorney who understands how these kinds of cases work, especially when they involve defective foods or drugs being distributed nationwide through chain grocery stores such as Walmart or Kroger supermarkets.

You Might Want to Look at Alternatives to Commercial Baby Formula

Consider alternatives if you’re concerned about the chemicals and toxins in the baby formula that your child is consuming. The best option is breastfeeding. If you are unable to breastfeed your child, look for an organic homemade formula that contains goat’s milk, yogurt, sunflower oil, raw honey, and coconut oil.

You may also want to look for commercial formulas without toxic chemicals such as sucralose, or high fructose corn syrup. Some parents have reported fewer gastrointestinal issues after switching from commercial formulas containing sucralose or HFCS to those without those ingredients.


We’re not saying that all commercial formulas are unsafe. In fact, we know how important they are for many families, and we want to encourage parents to talk with their pediatrician before making any changes in their baby’s diet. But when it comes down to it, you should be aware of what goes into your child’s formula so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for your family.


Jeff Campbell