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Three Common Dental Health Issues You Might Be Susceptible To And How To Prevent Them

Dental problems are never fun. As well as being painful, they can be embarrassing and unpleasant to look at, seriously damaging your self-esteem. Fortunately, many dental health issues can be prevented by establishing a regular oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and regularly visiting your dentist for a check-up.

This will also help to reduce tooth sensitivity as millions of people suffer from sensitive teeth, and the problem can have a major impact on quality of life. Eating cold foods, drinking hot beverages, and even breathing in cold air can trigger pain for those with sensitive teeth.

Education is key when it comes to prevention, so here are three common dental health issues that you might be susceptible to and how you can prevent them.

  1. Halitosis

Halitosis is the scientific name for bad breath, and if you have ever experienced it, you know how embarrassing it can be, particularly in social situations.

Although it might simply be put down to your having eaten a strong-smelling meal, there can be medical reasons why you might suffer from persistent halitosis: gum disease, tooth decay, and bacteria on the tongue all result in unpleasant odors.

Simply swigging mouthwash or chewing minty breath-freshening gum will only mask the problem rather than resolve it. A rigorous oral hygiene routine is the only way to protect your mouth against the bacteria and decay that causes halitosis.

Brush twice a day using a fluoride toothbrush and floss once a day to remove debris from hard-to-reach crevices. You could even use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and debris from your tongue for an extra clean mouth. Visit Kent Express Dental Supplies at for more information about oral hygiene tools.

  1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common – and preventable – diseases in Western society.

It is caused by plaque, a substance that sticks to teeth, combining with the sugars present in food to produce acid that attacks tooth enamel.

The enamel is gradually eroded, and small holes, known as cavities, form. If these cavities are left untreated, they can continue to rot and grow larger, eventually compromising the integrity of other teeth and resulting in serious dental problems. Following a rigorous oral hygiene routine is the best way of preventing tooth decay.

You should also pay close attention to important preventative dental care. It’s recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup (which will tell you what problems you have but are likely not aware of and how serious it is).

You should also cut down on food and drinks that are high in sugar and try to avoid snacking in between meals to reduce the number of occasions in which your teeth experience acid. If you do get a bit peckish, opt for foods that clean the teeth, such as apples and carrots.

  1. Gum disease

Gum disease is an infection of the gums surrounding the teeth.

It is a serious condition that may see you losing teeth. Smoking is a significant risk factor, but it is also caused by poor dental hygiene, so ensure that you are keeping up with brushing twice a day and visiting your dentist.

Flossing between your teeth can help guard against gum disease, as you are removing plaque from between your teeth that can attack your gum line. Go for traditional string dental floss or easily maneuverable floss harps to maximize your clean.



Jeff Campbell