How to Hire Me to Help With Your Relationship Struggles

Need a Relationship Coach Who โ€œGetsโ€ It?

The School of Hard Knocks is STILL School!

I have 2 different ways I can help and these will work with almost any budget! I am offering one-on-one coaching via Zoom or phone for $100 for 30-minutes. Or you can submit your question and I will create a custom video answer and send you the link to the video within 1 week for the ultra-low price of $50.

Chat With Me Live 1-0n-1

Want a Live One-on-One Coaching Session via Zoom or Phone? CLICK HERE to schedule a session now!

With this option you’ll literally book a call with me at a time that works for both of us and you can discuss any relationship, breakup, or life struggles you are having. I’m all ears and will give you my undivided attention. Just click that link to go directly to my calendar to book your date and time and then don’t forget to submit the Paypal payment after.

Get a Custom Video from Me

Want a custom video detailing a solution to your problem? CLICK HERE to order now!

With this option, you’ll submit your question in detail as well as the solution you are hoping for on the linked form. Then I’ll record a custom video answer just for you. These aren’t pre-recorded responses! I read your struggles and respond directly to you in a video that I only share with you. Usually I get these back to you within 48 business hours.

Put my life and experience to work for you!

Iโ€™ve been in your shoes almost no matter what. No matter how dire your situation, Iโ€™ve probably dealt with those issues in past relationships and found a solution! Issues that I have direct, personal experience with:

  • Infidelity
  • Trust Issues/Disloyalty
  • Being Dumped
  • Being Used/Manipulated
  • Being in a Relationship With a Narcissist
  • Getting an Ex Back After Getting Dumped

If you have a relationship issue, attachment style issue, trauma bond, or got dumped, I guarantee I can help!