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What Are Some Simple Dermatologist Recommended Skin Care Tips for Oily Skin?

Skin care is an important aspect of maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin, but it can be a challenge for those with oily skin. Oily skin is caused by an overproduction of sebum, the natural oil produced by the skin.

Skin Care for Oily skin can be a frustrating and difficult to manage. Excess oil production can lead to clogged pores, acne, and a shiny complexion. However, with the right skincare routine, it is possible to control oily skin and achieve a clear and balanced complexion.

Here are some simple dermatologist-recommended skin care tips for oily skin:


A key step in managing oily skin is to keep the skin clean and free of excess oil. It is important to use a gentle, oil-free cleanser that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils. Avoid using hot water, as it can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation. Instead, use lukewarm water and gently massage the cleanser into the skin, being careful to avoid the eye area. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel.


Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, which can help to reduce the appearance of acne and prevent future breakouts. However, it is important to be gentle when exfoliating oily skin, as over-exfoliation can cause irritation and lead to an increase in oil production. Look for products that contain gentle exfoliating ingredients such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid, and use them once or twice a week.


While oily skin may not seem to need moisturizing, it is important to keep the skin hydrated in order to prevent overproduction of oil. Choose a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that is specifically formulated for oily skin. Look for ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin that can help to hydrate the skin without clogging pores.

Sun Protection:

Sun protection is important for all skin types, as UV rays can cause damage to the skin and contribute to the development of wrinkles and sun spots. Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and reapply every 2 hours when spending time outdoors.


A healthy diet is important for maintaining clear skin. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help to keep the skin clear and healthy. Also, foods high in sugar and processed foods can cause inflammation, which can lead to acne.

Avoid Touching Your Face:

Touching your face can transfer oils and bacteria from your hands to your face, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Avoid touching your face throughout the day, and always wash your hands before applying any skincare products.

Use a toner:

Toners help to restore the skin’s natural pH balance and remove any remaining impurities. Look for a toner that is formulated for oily skin and contains ingredients such as salicylic acid, witch hazel, or tea tree oil.

A common question among users is, does witch hazel expire? Add it to your recipe for a nourishing hand sanitizer that’s completely natural.


Even though oily skin is prone to acne, it’s still important to moisturize. Look for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that is formulated for oily skin. Avoid heavy creams and lotions as they can clog pores and cause breakouts.

Use sunscreen:

Sunscreen is important for protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Look for a sunscreen that is oil-free and non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores) to prevent breakouts.

In conclusion, managing oily skin requires a consistent and gentle skincare routine. By following the tips outlined above, you can help to control excess oil production, unclog pores, and achieve a clear and balanced complexion. Remember to always use oil-free products and to be gentle in your approach, as over-treating oily skin can cause more harm than good.

Jeff Campbell