5 Signs Your Doctor in Oklahoma is Right For You

When you first begin working with a doctor, it can be difficult to tell if they are going to be right for you.  Oklahoma has a combination of larger cities and rural towns: what this means is that you are probably going to find a doctor in a larger city.

Once you have found a doctor that you would like to work with, there are a few different things that you want to look for.  From personality to professionalism, here are five signs that your Oklahoma doctor is right for you.

1. They Read Your File

One of the biggest signs that you have found a doctor worth their salt is if they have read your file.  Some doctors are so overrun with patients that they donโ€™t have the time to read through a chart.  Even if this means you need to go see another doctor, that might be the best idea.

For your health, make sure that your doctor is reading your file by following these general guidelines:

  • Has your doctor gotten your name, gender identity, and primary reason for coming in correct?
  • Are they able to refer back to your file quickly?
  • Does your doctor seem focused on you as a patient?

These will help you determine if this doctor is one that you want to stick with.  If they are able to refer back to your file without seeming embarrassed, they focus on you, and they are also able to get your information correct, then that doctor is more than likely not overrun and can fit you in their schedule.

2. General Check-Up/In is Over Quickly

Believe it or not, if your doctor gets to the heart of an issue quickly, this isnโ€™t a sign of a bad doctor.  Instead, a doctor that focuses on getting you taken care of right away is very important.

When you have a doctor like this, it is vital to give important information to them so that they can make important treatment decisions.  Once a quick check-in is done, a doctor can dig into the heart of the issue.

To help your doctor and yourself, be ready to answer questions about your health and diet.  A solid doctor and their team are going to make sure that you are comfortable and feel prepared, informed, and taken care of.

3. All Treatment Routes are Open

Something that you may not know is that for many conditions there are a few routes of treatment.  There are the tried and true methods and then there can be newer methods.  If you bring up alternative treatment methods, see how your doctor responds.

Most doctors are going to want to do what is best for their patients.  If you and your doctor agree on a treatment method that is not always talked about and they are willing to learn more, that is the sign of a great doctor.  They are willing to learn and try new things to help their patients.

4. Professional Bedside Manner

Something that is constantly forgotten is that, more often than not, doctors are going to be busy.  This isnโ€™t an excuse for someone to treat you with disrespect though.

Doctors have to work in a professional way that also communicates a lot of information. If a doctor comes in rushed and moving quickly, itโ€™s hard to feel as though you are the focus of that appointment. Special oncologist jobs are about communicating crucial information.

This is why doctors have to have that professional attitude that can sometimes put people off.  Remember, a doctor is also a professional and that is a hard balance to strike.

If they can be professional by giving you the attention and time needed to address an issue during your appointment, then you have definitely found a good doctor.

5.  Great Doctors are Great Listeners

If someone, not just a doctor, talks over you instead of listening, how does that make you feel?

Itโ€™s not the best!

When your best interest is taken into consideration, a doctor listens to your concerns, determines a treatment plan, and then discusses this plan with you.  If you have any questions at all, then they ensure that you are listened to.

They are professional in how they handle situations but a good doctor is also someone who has empathy for your situation.  This balance is difficult, but the goal of a doctor is to make sure you are seen and heard.


No matter how you twist it, a good doctor is someone who cares, gives needed time, and is always willing to learn.  If you find a doctor like that, then you are set: a doctor willing to learn is a doctor willing to help.


Jeff Campbell