Can a Relationship Go Back to Normal After Cheating?

Cheating is one of the main factors that cause problems in relationships. And while its true that a marriage or relationship can survive cheating, can a relationship go back to normal after cheating?

As a general rule, a relationship can go back to normal after an affair. Between 60-75% of couples stay together following an affair. But it generally takes 1 year for each month the affair lasted before it starts to feel normal.

But that can vary a lot based on several factors including the transparency of the cheater and willingness to 100% own their mistake.

But there’s a lot more to know about cheating and whether a marriage or committed relationship can come back from that.

In this article, we’re exploring the harsh reality many couples face; cheating. We’ll look at the success rates most couples see after. But we’ll also explore how to get your marriage back on track after an affair also.

Ultimately, we’ll answer the question can a relationship go back to normal after cheating?

You CAN save your marriage — even after the trust has been damaged.

I’ve been in your shoes. You want to stop hurting. And you desperately want to restore trust, mutual acceptance, and respect to your marriage; whether you were the cheater or the one cheated on.

Luckily, all hope is NOT lost, and there is something you can do, even if your spouse has cheated.

The website Regain by BetterHelp offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.

This quote from Brenda R. perfectly sums up the quality work Regain does:

“I was apprehensive about having a male couple’s counselor at first, but he has been amazing. We were close to ending our relationship but over time we’ve worked on our foundation and also expanding our communication. We would not be together if it weren’t for the direction from Tom (and the work we’ve done as well).”

Serious about saving or improving your relationship?

CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you.

Is infidelity a deal-breaker?

As hard as it is, it is still possible to have a long-lasting and happy relationship after the cheating betrayal.

It requires hard work and a lot of patience among other things but if both parties are willing it can be done. You have to avoid making some of the common mistakes people in such situations make. Understand that things will not go back to how they were before. They may be better but not exactly as they were before.

One of the mistakes you have to avoid is assuming the relationship is automatically over because of the incident. It causes a lot of pain and mistrust but you shouldn’t just assume that the relationship cannot be salvaged.

You can have a healthy relationship again. It will just take some work.

Sometimes giving someone a second chance is what leads to the best relationships. Should you decide that you want to try again, you should move from the mindset that everything has been ruined to start the healing process.

Start thinking positively about the idea of everything working out. However, you should also pay attention to how you truly feel. If you both think there’s nothing to be saved then you should just let it go.

Another common mistake is not being open about how you feel.

This can be tricky because you want to talk about your feelings without talking too much about cheating. It’s not good to keep everything bottled inside as that leads to more frustrations.

You should confide in a few trusted friends who will be impartial. Or seek out professional help. By keeping everything a secret, you’ll be showing the outside world that everything is okay and you’ll have more pressure to act like it is.

This will be more damaging because it will make healing a lot harder. Don’t assume that you can handle it on your own. The kind of trauma that cheating causes can be too much even for the strongest person to manage.

How do you fix a broken relationship after cheating?

Here are the steps that help get things back to normal:

1. Not asking for too many details

Granted, you’ll want to know why the betrayal happened and what led your partner to do that to you but that will only damage the relationship more.

Most of the time the betrayed partner thinks that something is wrong with them or that the other person in the cheating is better than them.

This leads to questions about intimate details.

You should try to avoid that because it will only leave you with vivid images about what went down and you may not recover from that. It’s still okay to ask questions. Just try to limit them to what you need to know.

2. Avoid trying to get back at your spouse

We all know the saying 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

Don’t cheat on them just because they cheated on you. You’ll end up feeling bad about yourself but you’ll also make it harder for reconciliation to happen. A broken relationship isn’t fixed by doing further damage.

You’ll make it harder for them to feel remorseful and will hinder any real progress from taking place. Resisting the urge to cheat after being cheated on is hard but you should try. It’s the only way to rebuild the trust that one of you has already broken.

3. Be 100% transparent

As the cheating partner, you have to let your partner see your emails and cell phone.

Give them your passwords even to your social media accounts. You may feel insecure about that but it’s important to the person who has been cheated on. They’ll feel reassured that you don’t have anything to hide.

You’ll also be showing them that they can trust you again, and that’s the best way for things to start going back to normal.

4. The cheater has to take 100% responsibility

As the cheater, avoid sharing the blame. Take full responsibility for cheating and understand how your partner feels.

While there are always root issues, those can’t be used as an excuse for the affair. Don’t just focus on the cheating without trying to find out what the root cause of the problem is. But remember roots are not excuses for cheating.

The cheater destroyed the partner’s trust. That has to be dealt with regardless of the reasons behind the cheating.

Nothing can justify cheating. But, you just have to ensure that you get to the root problems in your relationship to make it a happier one.

If your marriage is failing, then check out this quick video on the 7 Steps to Fixing Your Marriage that will help get yours back on track.

But there are several ways you can try to rebuild your relationship after cheating.

Start by making sure that the affair is completely over. There has to be zero tolerance for communication with the other man or woman. This is the first step in rebuilding that trust that they have lost.

If that means getting a new phone number and blocking them on social media; do it. In my case, it also meant changing employers since we had worked together.

In a recent article, I detail all the crucial steps for a cheater to prove they won’t cheat again.

I explore everything needed to rebuild trust and even speed up the process of getting things back to normal, including 1 surprising thing that makes a huge difference.

Just click the link to read that on my site.

The second step is being completely honest. Trust me, it sucks to get asked questions about my affair. But not being honest is worse (the truth always comes out eventually). Plus you won’t get back to normal by being less than truthful now.

Rebuilding trust is another one of the important things that you have to do in the aftermath of cheating.

It’s true and even normal to feel lost like you can’t differentiate what’s real and what’s not anymore. You have to be open with each other and share your true feelings and thoughts of you want to rebuild the trust.

Most of the time cheating occurs when other underlying issues are not being discussed.

In the case of my wife and me, my wife had been an alcoholic for years and had engaged in a lot of reckless and damaging behavior. While she had quit drinking a few months before my affair, that followed years of damage.

You have to talk about such issues and find out what they are. Issues like poor communication, sex and even not being able to spend enough time together are common factors leading to cheating.

Just remember that nothing justifies cheating.

Recreating the relationship is the final step in rebuilding the relationship.

Let go of all the bad stuff and the things that were ruining the relationship, including the idea that things could go back to how they were.

Start fresh and work towards building something new and better.

For my wife and me, we had to go through the motions for a while even if our hearts weren’t fully in it. I call it faking it ’till you make it. But it’s really just doing what you know is right even when it feels a little uncomfortable.

Any time we do something new, different, or that we aren’t 100% sure about, it will feel uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. As with anything, the more you do it, the more natural it will feel and the better it becomes.

In a recent article, I detail 15 proven steps on how to rekindle your marriage.

I go down a list of steps that I know to work from personal experience that I know can work for you too. Just click that link to read it here.

How long does it take before a relationship goes back to normal after an affair?

Things can go back to normal but it won’t happen immediately.

You should start by preparing your mindset by understanding that you’ll need time. That will prevent you from rushing the process and will, therefore, allow you to truly heal and put all the resentment behind you.

In my own marriage, my 2-month affair probably took well over a year to work through.

The healing process took time, but it did gradually get better. Part of the healing process is getting to the root of the problem. The biggest things I did to help us work through the aftermath were:

  • I allowed my wife to vent whenever she felt she needed to (this allowed her to feel heard)
  • Don’t try to rush the healing (allow it to take as long as necessary)
  • Avoid the need to defend yourself when your spouse is venting 
  • Don’t walk on eggshells around them (just be yourself, but be considerate)
  • Go overboard on communicating your whereabouts when not at home or work

Whether you are the unfaithful partner or the one who was cheated on, both people are damaged in the wake of an affair. And usually, the root of the affair is some type of emotional scar in the cheater; from childhood in my case.

If you’re a wife wondering if you can trust your husband after he cheated, check out one of my recent articles. In it, I detail some proven steps to work through to ensure he’s trustworthy, including the 1 sure red flag to look out for.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Can a cheater change?

Yes, is the short answer; a cheating partner can change. But they have to really own it and want to change. Change is the only constant thing and that means that everything and everyone can.

This includes cheaters as well. However, the most important thing is that they have to show remorse and a willingness to change. A cheater who doesn’t feel sorry or even recognize that what they did is wrong cannot change.

Someone who places the blame on their hurt partner will also not change.

So if all the cheater does is blame you, it may be time to accept the relationship is over. Let me be clear as a cheater (and someone who has been cheated on also); there is no excuse for cheating. Period.

Cheating is usually the symptom of relationship problems (or a problem with the cheater) rather than the problem itself. But even if it is a symptom of a problem in the relationship, that still doesn’t justify cheating.

A cheater without remorse doesn’t see that their actions ruined another person’s life. Instead, they justify, blame, and shift responsibility onto everyone but themselves.

If, however, they show the willingness to change, you should try to give then support and a chance to prove themselves.

Just make sure that their cheating behavior doesn’t become a pattern where they do it frequently and come back to apologize later.

Getting help and changing our patterns of behavior is a huge part of not cheating again. In my case, I did the following things in the aftermath of my affair:

  • I quit drinking alcohol for 3 years
  • I resigned from my job and started a new career with family-friendly hours
  • Instead of trying to change my wife’s opinion of me, I focused simply on being the best version of myself I could be

Marriage counseling for either or both of you is a great thing also.

In a recent article, I put together the ultimate guide to couples therapy. I explore what they do, what results to expect from the help of a therapist, how to find one, and how much (on average) it costs. I also look at if it’s common for insurance to cover it, and how often and how long you should see one.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Does it matter if the person cheated once or multiple times (or with multiple people)?

Whether it was a one-time slip or multiple indiscretions can weigh heavily on the decision to stay or leave.

Here’s the thing: a one-time mistake might be chalked up to poor judgment, a momentary lapse, or a situation gone awry. Some argue that everyone deserves a second chance, especially if genuine remorse is shown.

On the flip side, multiple instances and/or multiple partners can indicate a toxic pattern of behavior.

It might suggest deeper issues, be it commitment fears, dissatisfaction, or a lack of impulse control. It’s not just about the act of cheating but the repeated breach of trust. Can trust be rebuilt when it’s been shattered multiple times?

However, numbers aside, it boils down to personal boundaries and what one can tolerate. For some, a single instance is one too many. For others, the context and reasons behind the actions matter more than the count.

Ultimately, it’s essential to consider one’s emotional well-being, the relationship’s overall health, and whether both parties are willing to put in the work to rebuild.

Does it matter if the cheater came clean about the affair or was found out?

When faced with the aftermath of infidelity, the manner in which the truth emerges can significantly influence the healing process.

If a partner comes clean about their indiscretion, it can indicate a sense of guilt, responsibility, and a desire to mend the relationship. Their honesty, albeit painful, can be seen as a step towards rebuilding trust, as they chose transparency over continued deception.

On the other hand, discovering an affair independently often amplifies feelings of betrayal.

The traumatic experience and potential web of lies can deepen the emotional wound, making trust even harder to restore. In such cases, the deceived partner might wonder: “Would they ever have told me if I hadn’t found out?” This doubt can cast a shadow over the relationship’s future, as the foundation of trust is further eroded.

Regardless of how the truth surfaces, open communication is crucial.

Both partners should discuss their feelings, the reasons behind the infidelity, and what they envision for the relationship’s future. While the manner of revelation can influence initial reactions, the couple’s subsequent actions and commitment to rebuilding will ultimately determine the relationship’s fate.

How long does a marriage last after infidelity?

Some marriages that survive infidelity last a lifetime.

That shows that your marriage can last for as long as you both want it to. However, the healing process is very slow and that’s where most people give up. But if we go by statistics, in a recent Gallup poll between 60-75% of couples surveyed stayed together after an affair.

So the chances of your marriage lastly following an affair are really good.

In a recent article, I compiled an amazing list of all the Infidelity Recovery Statistics. I was really surprised to see the age category that sees the worst chances of staying together after cheating.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

As for how long it takes to get over an affair, a good rule of thumb is about 1 year of recovery for each month of the affair.

Of course, everyone is different, so that’s just a general guide. Also, know that it will get incrementally better over that time too.

Once you’ve completely healed and no longer think about it, you can make your marriage last a lifetime.

Take as much time as you need to process everything and move forward. If your partner is genuinely sorry, work together on your marriage. Definitely let your pain, anger, and disappointment out, but try to avoid negativity and wallowing in those feelings.

Do you really love someone if you cheat on them?

Most of the time when a partner cheats, the don’t have an emotional connection with the person they’re cheating with. But even if they do, contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t mean they don’t love their spouse.

Cheating is more about one or more of the following:

  • They liked the attention
  • Unresolved childhood issues that lead to relationship sabotaging
  • It’s easier (in the short-term) than dealing with real problems in the relationship
  • They like how exciting a new relationship feels (before life, bills, kids, and reality set in)

Even if the affair was more than a 1-night stand, that doesn’t mean your partner was driven by love. Your partner was most likely in lust or just infatuated with the person they cheated with. Some call that unhealthy obsession limerance.

This means that your husband or wife can cheat on you even if they still love you.

Understand that while sex can be emotional and intense, it can also be shallow and meaningless. Even if they claimed to love the other person, that’s often not really true; which is what I experienced.

In my case, the intensity of the affair did feel real. I felt a connection.

But when you only spend a tiny portion of your time with someone and none of that time is spent doing all the mundane things most of us do every day, it warps our perception of what’s real.

I never stopped loving my wife.

And I didn’t really love the other woman; even if I couldn’t see that at the moment. I was unconsciously sabotaging my marriage out of fear and insecurity. And that happened to be around the time when the other woman made advances on me. So yes, I loved my wife, but still cheated back in 2013.

Still not convinced you can make your relationship work?

In a recent article, I connected with 6 of the world’s best marriage experts to get their opinion of whether couples should stay married after an affair. The real surprise was not so much their responses but a look at the differences that men and women have in defining cheating.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

How often do people cheat in relationships?

According to a study published in the “Journal of Marriage and Family,” infidelity rates have been found to vary, with estimates suggesting that about 20-25% of men and 10-15% of women admit to having cheated at some point in their married lives. Factors such as age, relationship satisfaction, and opportunity can influence these rates.

However, it’s crucial to remember that every relationship is unique.

While statistics provide a broader perspective, they don’t necessarily reflect individual experiences or the myriad reasons people might stray.

For someone grappling with a partner’s infidelity, understanding the broader landscape can offer some context. But the decision to stay or leave should be based on personal feelings, the relationship’s overall health, and both partners’ willingness to rebuild trust and move forward.

Final thoughts

You’ll feel a lot of pain when you learn about your spouse cheating on you. You may even feel like your world has ended but it’s not.

But that doesn’t have to mean the end of your relationship!

In this article, we took a hard look at the world of marriages and relationships and the devastating effects of an affair. We explored how to rebuild a relationship in the aftermath. But we also looked at what the statistics say about how often marriages survive an affair.

Ultimately, you can have a successful relationship again. But it’s going to take a lot of hard work, honest communication, and commitment on the part of both partners. The recovery process can be a difficult process and lengthy. But you can emerge with a relationship even better than it ever was before.

You CAN save your marriage — even after the trust has been damaged.

I’ve been in your shoes. You want to stop hurting. And you desperately want to restore trust, mutual acceptance, and respect to your marriage; whether you were the cheater or the one cheated on.

Luckily, all hope is NOT lost, and there is something you can do, even if your spouse has cheated.

The website Regain by BetterHelp offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.

This quote from Brenda R. perfectly sums up the quality work Regain does:

“I was apprehensive about having a male couple’s counselor at first, but he has been amazing. We were close to ending our relationship but over time we’ve worked on our foundation and also expanding our communication. We would not be together if it weren’t for the direction from Tom (and the work we’ve done as well).”

Serious about saving or improving your relationship?

CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you.

19 Worst Signs Your Wife Wants to Leave You (Stop Divorce)

Sometimes it’s not always obvious if your wife is unhappy in your marriage. And all too often, wives wait to ask for a divorce until they are past the point of no return. So what are the most telling signs your wife wants to leave you?

The clear signs your wife wants to leave you include:

  • Being on her phone constantly
  • Setting her phone face down
  • A new lock screen or password on her phone
  • The term “divorce” shows up in your computer search history
  • She is vague or non-committal about future plans (or vacations later in the year)
  • Not saying I love you as often as before (or at least not saying it first)
  • Spending more time away from home than in the past
  • Showing little to no emotion toward you
  • Or being overly rude or critical (compared to normal)

As guys, we work hard to build a family, forge a career, and provide for everyone. Sometimes in focusing on those big pictures over the course of a long-term relationship, we can lose sight of what’s important.

You don’t have to accept defeat and the breakup of your marriage and possibly the loss of your family. So in this article, we’re diving deep into troubled relationships on the verge of breakup.

I’ll explain the signs your wife wants to leave you and file for divorce. But more importantly, I’ll show you how to stop it so you can begin fixing your marriage.

signs your wife wants a divorce couple on a park bench guy has his head in his hands and the woman is looking away Middle Class Dad

So, let’s dive into the…

19 Worst Signs Your Wife Wants to Leave You

1. Constant Arguing

Yes, it’s no secret that constant arguing with your wife is a bad sign.

It’s a definite indication that your marriage needs help. In fact, it can definitely be one of the Top Reasons for Divorce (click to read the article on my site). While not all of the top reasons will surprise, you, some of them definitely will!

Now, don’t panic here just because you and your wife are fighting a few times a week. That’s not necessarily bad, and disagreements are a natural part of married life.

Every married couple has disagreements from time to time. In fact, it’s actually a healthy thing to argue now and then as long as they get resolved and don’t build resentment.

When those arguments happen daily, that’s when it’s important to pay attention. For example, if coming home 5 minutes late turns into a huge yelling match or (even worse), the silent treatment, that’s a problem.

These kinds of arguments, if they happen often,  can definitely destroy a formerly successful marriage. And if it goes on long enough, it could mean the end of a marriage.

signs your wife wants a divorce scissors cutting a marriage certificate and a rose in half Middle Class Dad

Most of the time, couples who argue too often but have otherwise healthy marriages can fix this problem fairly easily.

In basic terms, if you and your wife fight too much or argue often over little issues, then it’s crucial to learn how to argue less frequently and more constructively.

Another more serious indicator of an unhealthy marriage is when one or both of you stop trying to resolve conflict at all. That leads me to another of the signs of a troubled marriage ….

2. Giving up instead of resolving conflicts

If your wife doesn’t even care enough to argue anymore or is apathetic about everything, then that can be a clear indication of a potentially big problem.

When this kind of negativity sets in, your wife may disconnect emotionally. You will begin to wonder if there will ever be a way for the two of you to fix things. Obviously, that’s not a good thing. So if you’re seeing this bad sign, the time to act is now.

A marriage therapist can be a great thing. But it’s not for everyone.

Wondering if counseling sessions can help? I highly recommend taking a moment to check out one of my most shared posts on that topic.

Just click that link to read that on my site.

3. You have neglected her for a long time

We all make mistakes.

But the trick with mistakes is to recognize them, take responsibility for them, learn from them AND not repeat them.

However, if you have repeatedly neglected your wife, cheated on her, or otherwise made her feel like she doesn’t matter to you (over a long period of time), that could easily lead to some of the other signs your wife wants a divorce.

So if you have been a bad husband, take ownership of it!

Acknowledge it, but more importantly, change your behavior so she sees (not just hears) that you’re getting better. Your wife doesn’t expect you to be perfect, but she shouldn’t feel like she’s last on your list of priorities either.

4. Showing little or no affection or emotion

signs your wife wants a divorce unhappy woman by the ocean Middle Class Dad

Along with giving up on fighting back, one of the other signs your wife wants a divorce is a general lack of affection or emotion towards you.

There’s no hand-holding, no kisses, and no “I love you’s” throughout the day or before bed.

In my experience, this is one of the most common signs your marriage will end in divorce. Usually, though, it’s more of a symptom than the problem itself.

But resolving the core problems in your marriage can definitely help rebuild an emotional connection. When that happens, that’s when the affection returns.

If you’re seeing this symptom as well as some of the other subtle signs, start taking action now.

5. She constantly criticizes you

If everything that comes out of your mouth immediately results in backhanded comments, jabs, and other critical comments, that could be one of the signs your wife wants to leave you.

In fact, criticism is one of Gottman’s Four Horsemen (click to read the article on my site); things renowned marriage expert Dr. John Gottman says are the top predictors of divorce. Trust me, if you are doing ANY of those 4, your marriage may be headed for disaster, so take a quick look at my solutions.

Playful comments that tease are one thing, but if every comment is meant to criticize or belittle you, she’s clearly holding on to a lot of anger and resentment. If you want to save your marriage:

  • Resist the urge to just “give it back to her”
  • Recognize that she’s in pain, and however inappropriate her means of delivery, she needs to feel heard
  • Look her in the eyes and say, “it sounds like you have some anger or resentment towards me. I’d love to sit down and hear it directly so I can work on fixing it.”

6. You know in your gut

When we tune into our intuition, we can often hear what is really going on.

You can feel the tension in a room when you’re both there. Maybe she avoids eye contact. Or perhaps she communicates the minimum required info and then leaves the room, or there’s no physical intimacy.

And it could be subtle and might not be a sudden change.

If your gut is telling you something is off, while it may not be one of the obvious signs, it IS an indicator that something is wrong. But like all issues, don’t dwell on the problem or symptoms, and don’t play the blame game.

Focus your energy on fixing it!

7. A non-existent sex life

A lack of sex can be a symptom of other problems in your marriage, but it also shows up as one of the common signs divorce papers might be in your future.

If you’re always arguing and there’s no emotional connection, your sex life is likely going to grind to a halt. But a low sex drive can sometimes have its roots in many different issues too.

Either way, a sexless marriage is not likely to make it.

So if your wife is uninterested in sex or makes excuses, that’s certainly one of the 15 signs your marriage will end in divorce.

signs your wife wants a divorce shirtless couple on the floor kissing Middle Class Dad

8. Your wife spends more time away from home or is focused on other things

If your wife is always out with her family or friends and spending significantly less time with you, that is an indication of a problem.

It may be that they are unhappy with your current situation and just need a break from the tension. But it may also be that they’re starting to prepare mentally for life apart from you.

Hopefully, that’s not the case, but it can definitely be one of the telltale signs of a pending divorce.

Simply put, if a woman stops spending time with you more than she has in the past, that can be one of the signs she is about to pack her bags.

If you’re seeing this symptom, start taking action now.

9. She’s always on her phone

Constantly being on her phone could mean one of 2 things:

  • She’s just using it as a distraction (from you and your problems)
  • She’s engaging in an emotional affair (or maybe even a physical affair)

In either situation, it’s not great. After all, your problems don’t fix themselves by ignoring them.

But technology has made affairs all the easier to have. It’s easier than ever to use various apps to find someone to cheat with and to communicate with them. Even if it’s just confiding in a male work associate, as my ex used to do, when we let ourselves become emotionally vulnerable to someone and complain about our spouse to them, the door to infidelity can be easily opened.

If she routinely leaves her phone lying around, especially face up, then it’s probably not an affair.

However, if she guards it and her various email and social media accounts like a hawk, and spends a lot of time sending text messages, that could one of the sure signs of an affair.

If you suspect an affair or if it’s already been exposed, that doesn’t have to lead to divorce. My post on how to Save a Marriage After Infidelity (click to read the article on my site) walks you through the very same steps I took after I cheated on my wife in 2013.

Our marriage is better than ever now and yours can be too.

10. You have seen “divorce” topics in the search history on your computer

While not all searches are done on the home computer, in-depth research is often easier and faster off of a mobile device.

Therefore if you have a home computer that is shared, while I do not recommend snooping into her personal accounts or getting paranoid, it’s easy to look at browser search history.

If you see any topics relating to divorce or lawyers, that’s clearly one biggies of the signs your wife wants a divorce.

Don’t use it as an opportunity to confront her about it. If you want to save your marriage, use it as an opportunity to calmly address the issues and let her know you’re willing to do whatever it takes to fix them.

11. There’s no communication

This is easy to spot, especially if your wife is always on her phone.

She’s constantly texting people and you are never one of them. No messages throughout the day. No checking in. People, but especially women, need a connection. They need to feel that spark from another.

If it’s not you meeting that need, then who IS meeting it? Her best friend? Or maybe new friends? Are you seeing this symptom? Start taking action now!

12. You don’t eat at least 1 meal together each day

If you and your wife are always on the go to separate places that’s not a good sign.

If you routinely make plans after work with your buddies and/or your wife does the same and there’s no consideration for what the other is doing, you’re going down a bad path.

It IS important that couples have interests outside of one another and spend SOME time apart. But when your wife spends all or most of her time apart, that’s clearly one of the signs to pay attention to.

13. There’s no “I Love You”

Telling each other “I love you” throughout the day and week is normal, healthy behavior.

If you and your wife never or rarely do that, that’s not a good sign. Even worse is when you say it to her and she doesn’t say it back. If that’s what you’re seeing, that’s definitely one of the easiest ways to identify you have a problem.

Now is the time to fix things before it’s too late.

14. Being vague or non-committal about future plans

If you’re discussing vacation plans or possibly moving for a career opportunity, that should be an exciting conversation!

But if your wife is vague, non-committal, or disinterested that’s a really bad sign. Once, I had the chance to work in NYC. There was an upcoming interview scheduled with my former boss who loved my work. I knew it was likely I would get the offer, but I didn’t want to apply without my (then) fiancee’s approval.

When we discussed it, I heard a lot of vagueness, hesitation, and excuses for why she thought I wouldn’t get the job. But in the end, she did loosely commit.

After I got the job offer, she changed her tune and refused to move with me. I turned the job down (twice because they upped the original offer) only to find out a month later she was cheating on me with my best friend’s married brother.

She eventually left me for that guy.

15. A recent and dramatic change in her appearance

If your wife has recently started working out, wearing more makeup, buying sexier clothes, or otherwise made a noticeable change in how she looks, that could be one of the signs your wife wants to leave you.

After all, if your marriage isn’t good, then these changes obviously aren’t for you.

While the changes could just be to help her feel better about herself (not a bad thing), they could also be for someone else or to attract someone else.

The last thing you want to do, however, is to criticize her for the change.

But you also don’t want to make her think she wasn’t attractive before, so don’t go overboard with compliments. Make a point of complimenting her. But not always just about how she looks physically. Women like compliments, but they also like being recognized for things other than physical attributes.

Focus on telling her what you love about her as a person and then sprinkle in the occasional compliment about her appearance.

16. You’ve tried marriage counseling and she gave up

Marriage counseling can be a great resource for couples who are struggling.

But both people have to be willing to put forth the effort and try. Sometimes one spouse will go as a formality. They check it off their list just so they can say “they tried”. But they aren’t really serious about it.

You’ll know your wife is serious if she sticks with it and keeps going. If she stops going after just a few times, that’s a sure sign she’s not really willing to try and fix things.

17. She refused to go to marriage counseling

But even worse than only going to marriage counseling a few times is refusing to go at all.

Now it could be simply that she doesn’t think she did anything wrong. When we feel like that, we often don’t feel like we should have to put forth the effort to fix it. In reality, it takes 2 to make a marriage, and it takes 2 to break one; even if one person did more damage than the other.

But if she refuses to go to a therapist, that’s one of the signs a divorce might be looming.

18. She never initiates conversation with you

When someone has given up on a relationship, they just go through the motions.

Like continuing to go to a job you hate; you just do the bare minimum; just enough to avoid getting fired. If your wife never initiates conversation and only responds when you do, that’s a bad sign.

19. Her friends avoid you or treat you differently

Chances are you have some close friends and so does she.

Often in long-term relationships, her friends and your friends often become “our” friends. By that I mean we tend to hang out together a lot of the time.

If, however, you have noticed her friends avoiding you, treating you differently, or not looking at you in the eyes, that’s a bad sign.

That means your wife has likely done a lot of venting to them. In and of itself, that’s understandable. But if they are clearly colder to you now than before, she may be planning to leave you and they know it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do if you are seeing signs your wife is planning to leave you?

First, let’s make one thing clear: just because you’re seeing a couple of the signs your wife wants a divorce doesn’t mean that she’s definitely planning to file for divorce.

It may just be that these are indicators of trouble ahead in your marriage. Marriage counseling is a great place to start.

A good marriage counselor can help the two of you mend your communication, release the anger and resentment you’ve been holding on to, and put you back on the right path.

But anything that gets the two of you acknowledging and talking about the problem in a non-threatening or accusatory way is a good thing.

Can’t afford marriage counseling?

I can tell you one thing; it’s cheaper and easier than divorce! (been there, done that).

But I also get being on a tight budget. Minimally, I would get the book that helped save my wife and I’s marriage (given to us by our marriage counselor). It’s called the Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman (click to read my review on my site) I referenced above.

In my link, I have an in-depth review of the book and how it helped save my marriage. I know it can help with yours too!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you tell if your wife doesn’t want to be with you?

If your wife no longer wants to be with you she will be:

  • She will be indifferent to you and your day-to-day life and activities
  • She will show little to no emotion
  • Or she will be highly critical of you
  • She may develop new hobbies or activities outside the home
  • She may take a renewed interest in improving her physical appearance
  • She dresses nicer when going out with friends than she does with you
  • She is nicer to her friends than she is to you
  • Her friends no longer communicate with you

Love doesn’t just vanish instantly or go away overnight.

Most of us didn’t fall in love at first sight, so like building love, losing love happens gradually over time. Because it happens gradually, it’s not always easy to spot until it’s too late.

That being said, if you are starting to wonder if she still loves you, look for a red flag, such as:

  • She always seems argumentative with you (but just fine with everyone else)
  • An almost total lack of affection
  • She has new hobbies, interests or friends
  • You notice a big improvement in her appearance
  • She responds to your communication but rarely initiates it
  • You feel alone even in her presence

The good news is that if you’re just starting to see these signs, it’s not too late to do something about it. You just have to take action. Situations like this won’t just fix themselves on their own.

How do you cope when your wife leaves you?

When your wife leaves you, here are the best steps for you to take:

  • Don’t pressure her or guilt her to come back
  • Let her know you would like to see a marriage counselor together
  • See one by yourself if she refuses to go
  • Do focus on being the best version of yourself possible
  • Find a physical activity to focus your time and attention on

If your wife has already left, I’m sorry to hear that.

As I get into more below, I experienced that myself when my wife left me in March of 2013. At the time I was devastated and felt like my world was crumbling around me. After all, we had 2 kids (now 3) and she took them and moved to another state.

In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to get angry, feel violated, and want to lash out at her. You might even want to go out, get drunk, and have a random hook-up with someone.

While understandable, that is NOT what you want to do to win her back.

Even if you feel like you did nothing wrong, she is obviously unhappy and you have to acknowledge her feelings. Chances are she’s felt this way for a while. She’s also probably tried to talk about it and either felt like you didn’t hear her or didn’t care.

Or maybe she was too afraid to bring it up.

But no matter what, she feels these feelings and while you don’t have to agree, you have to understand and empathize that these are very real to her.

The best ways to cope are also the best ways to try and win her back; focus on being the best version of you that you can be. If you are overweight, start an exercise regime. If you have bad habits, work on those. Go to therapy, take up yoga.

In short, use your newfound free time to improve yourself, make yourself happier, and you might just save your relationship and end up back in a happy marriage. Worst case scenario, you’ll be a much better person for the next relationship.

Sometimes those little things can make all the difference.

What are the signs that you should get a divorce?

The warning signs that you should get a divorce include:

  • When your spouse’s actions don’t evoke any emotional response from you
  • If your spouse is already seriously dating someone else
  • When you continue to find out things your spouse was lying to you about
  • If your spouse moves out
  • When your spouse refuses to go to marriage counseling despite their being obvious marital problems
  • If your spouse is constantly criticizing, belittling you
  • When abuse turns physical

Sometimes, a marriage just isn’t worth saving.

Maybe there’s been too much damage done, and there’s too much water under the bridge. It’s hard to say when that point is as each marriage is different. Each person also has their own place where they draw the line.

I also think any sort of physical abuse is a dealbreaker and a clear sign the marriage is over.

But beyond those things, here are some other common signs that it’s time to get a divorce:

  • The love has turned to hate
  • You or your spouse has cheated multiple times with multiple people
  • You’ve already tried marriage counseling (and gone at least 6 times)
  • There is a lot of resentment toward each other
  • You each just retaliate against the other for any perceived wrongdoing

What to do when your wife wants to leave you?

When your wife wants to leave you but hasn’t yet, that means reconciling is still an option. Focus on improving yourself and your attitude rather than pressuring them. See a marriage counselor, ideally together, but alone if they won’t go, and be 100% accountable for the things you have done to damage the marriage.

Separation is a serious thing.

It’s also really bad in terms of later trying to reconcile because the divorce rates show that upwards of 85% of couples who separate end up divorced, according to DivorceStatistics.

My wife left me in early 2013 (and again in 2021, but that’s a different story).

In our case, it was more obvious as I had a brief affair in the first 2 months of that year. But on our long road to recovery, there was a time when she told me that while she still loved and cared for me, she wasn’t sure she was still IN love with me.

Here are the steps I took to work through that and win her back:

  1. I didn’t try and guilt her back or pressure her
  2. Let her vent whenever and wherever she pleases. Holding onto anger or frustration would only be toxic for her and build resentment
  3. I did, however, focus almost completely on being the best version of me I could be. If I became the man she thought I was and who I truly wanted to be, that would be enough
  4. I took 100% accountability for my actions and never tried to justify my behavior

If you have issues with temper or anger management, show her you are serious about fixing those behavior issues by finding and attending classes designed to help with that. After all, at this point, she needs to see action, not just hear words.

Do focus on being the best version of yourself you can be.

Don’t try and pressure her as that could just push her away. Do let her know you want to make it work, but then give her space to work through her feelings without breathing down her neck.

Pestering, pressure, nagging, or pleading aren’t attractive qualities and if your spouse was already on the fence and considering starting a new life, those actions on your part may just push them toward a divorce lawyer.

Is my wife serious about divorce?

Sometimes spouses threaten divorce when they aren’t serious about it. But you will know if your wife is serious about it if you see some or all of the following signs:

  • She makes no effort to resolve conflicts and arguments
  • There is no affection or sex
  • More and more, she is spending time outside the home on career, hobbies, or friends
  • You see drastic changes in physical appearance (losing weight, plastic surgery, etc)
  • She is unwilling to share feelings or intimate feelings

It could just be a warning that things need to change. But they could also be telltale signs she is actively considering divorce.

Make no mistake, you should never give ultimatums if you don’t intend to follow through; that’s a form of manipulation and not a nice way to treat someone you love.

But all of us are imperfect and sometimes do things to the ones we love that hurt them.

The good news is if you’re seeing these early signs, it doesn’t mean the ink is dry yet. You still have time to turn things around. Just focus on yourself and be the best version of yourself that you can be.


Should I fight for my marriage or let go?

Always fight for marriage unless there is physical or verbal abuse or significant neglect.

But do not beg, plead, or pressure them to come back. Instead, focus on improving oneself, and communicate positively with them, but do not communicate more often than they do. And if they try and start an argument, avoid escalating it.

As they say, people don’t leave what they have unless they think what they are going to do is better.

So focus on improving yourself. But don’t do it for them. Them seeing it and possibly responding positively to the changes is a bonus.

Instead, make those positive changes for yourself.

Then, if things don’t work out at least you’ll be in a better position the next time you’re ready for a relationship with someone else.

What else can you do to “fight” for your marriage?

Make your intentions clear with your spouse; they need to know where you stand and that you want to fix the marriage. But again, don’t pester them or pressure them.

Once you’ve told them how you feel, give them time and space.

For starters, it’s good if they “miss you” a little. If you’re constantly on them pressuring or begging, there’s no time to miss you, and your behavior will be so annoying, they’ll be apt to rush to the arms of the first person to make them feel safe, heard, and understood.

Remember, women need to feel that from a man (safe, heard, and understood).

In our culture today, it’s become common for men to be told they have to be more like women (emotional and sensitive) to please women. In truth, masculinity is a big part of who men are. And we need to embrace that and show that.

That doesn’t mean domineering or controlling; those aren’t actually masculine qualities.

A true “masculine” man is, as Coach Correy Wayne says, “unperturbable”. In other words, you keep your cool even when others, including your wife, don’t. You lead, you listen, and you be decisive.

Final thoughts and advice

Are you feeling that things aren’t on track with your marriage?

If so, I encourage you to act to turn things around now before matters get any worse. In this post, we looked at the signs your wife wants to leave you. We talked about each of them, how to recognize them, what the symptoms are, and what they can mean.

More importantly, though, we talked about simple steps you can take to work through the challenges.

19 Warning Signs Your Husband Wants a Divorce (What to do)

signs your husband wants a divorce shirtless couple on the floor kissing Middle Class Dad

Women work hard to build a family, balance family, life, and career and provide for everyone. But in focusing on that, their husband can sometimes feel forgotten and could be looking elsewhere. Here are the signs your husband wants a divorce.

The warning signs your husband wants a divorce:

  • He noticeably avoids you
  • He stays out with his friends more than usual
  • He’s no longer interested in physical intimacy
  • He is more secretive about his phone, email, and social media accounts
  • The term divorce comes up in his computer search history

Sometimes in trying to do EVERYTHING, we can lose sight of what’s important.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though! You don’t have to accept defeat and the breakup of your marriage and, if you have kids, splitting custody.

In this article, I’ll explain the signs your husband wants a divorce. But more importantly, I’ll show you how to stop it so you can begin fixing your marriage and get back to having a healthy relationship.

Table of Contents:

signs your husband wants a divorce scissors cutting a marriage certificate and a rose in half Middle Class Dad

But for now, let’s dive into the …

19 Warning Signs Your Husband Wants a Divorce (What to do)

1. Constant Fighting & Disagreements

It should be no surprise that constant arguing with your husband is a bad sign.

It’s a definite sign that your marriage is in trouble. In fact, it is one of the Top 3 Reasons for Divorce (click to read my article that breaks them down).

Now, don’t worry just because you and your husband fight a few times a week.

Healthy marriages have arguments from time to time. In fact, it’s actually a healthy thing to disagree and work through challenges every now and then. But only if they get resolved and don’t build resentment.

But when these arguments happen every day, that’s when it’s important to take action. These kinds of fights, when they happen often, are definitely a sign of a troubled marriage.

Most of the time, husbands and wives who argue too much but have an otherwise healthy marriage can fix this problem easily.

But, if you and your wife fight too much, argue too often over little things, or show a lack of respect when arguing, then it’s a must to learn how to argue less and more constructively.

Serious about saving or improving your relationship?

CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if your marriage can be saved.

Another more serious sign of an unhealthy marriage is when one or both of you stop trying to resolve things at all. This leads us to the next point….

2. Not caring enough to fix problems

If your husband doesn’t even show enough interest to argue anymore or is indifferent about everything, then that can be one of the warning signs of a larger issue.

With this kind of apathy, your husband has checked out, emotionally. You will begin to question if there will ever be a way for the two of you to fix your marriage.

Obviously, this is not a good thing. So if you’re seeing this as one of the signs your husband wants a divorce the time to act is now.

Marriage counseling or a family therapist can be a great thing.

Wondering if Can Marriage Counseling Help (click to read my article to find out)? I highly recommend taking a moment to check out one of my most shared posts on that topic. In many ways, it’s the best way to get a failing marriage back on track.

3. You have neglected his needs for a long time

We all do things we wish we hadn’t.

But the trick with any mistake is to recognize it, take responsibility for it, learn from it, AND then not repeat it. However, if you have repeatedly nagged your husband, cheated on him, or made him feel like he isn’t important to you, that could easily lead to some of the other signs your husband wants a divorce.

Men are often the quiet and strong silent types. BUT we often have fragile egos and like the attention we got from our wives in the early stages of our relationship.

When that attention falls off or becomes non-existent, it’s lonely and a blow to the ego.

If that sounds familiar, own it, but most importantly, change your behavior so he feels it. Words don’t mean much if it’s not backed up by actions.

Your husband doesn’t need you to be perfect, but he shouldn’t feel like he’s last on your list either. 

4. He’s emotionally distant and disconnected

Another sign is an overall lack of affection or sharing of feelings with you.

Guys are kind of notorious for not sharing their emotions well, but this goes beyond that. If there’s little or no touching, no kissing, and little communication throughout the day or before bed, those are huge red flags.

Overall, this is one of the most obvious signs of a pending divorce. Typically, though, it’s more of a symptom of the issue than the actual problem.

But fixing the core issues in your marriage can definitely help rebuild an emotional connection. When that happens, you’ll see this turn around.

He may never be the guy who constantly shares his feelings and is overly sensitive to your needs, but that may not be who he is in the first place.

If you’re seeing this pattern as well as some of the other signs your husband wants a divorce, now is the time to take action.

Answer a few questions right now to see if marriage counseling is right for you (even if your husband seems indifferent).  

5. He’s extremely critical of everything you do

If everything you say or do immediately results in rude comments, jabs, and other criticisms and put-downs, that could be a clear sign your husband is considering divorce.

In fact, being critical of our spouse is one of Gottman’s Four Horsemen (click to read my post which breaks them down); which marriage expert Dr. John Gottman says are the top predictors of divorce.

Funny, sarcastic comments are one thing, but if every statement is meant to make you feel bad about yourself, there’s clearly a lot of anger and resentment that he’s holding on to.

If you want to fix your unhappy marriage:

  • Resist the urge to escalate things or “give it back to him”
  • Understand that he’s in pain, and while he’s expressing himself poorly, he really just wants to feel heard
  • Look him in the eyes and say, “it sounds like you’re really upset with me. I’d would really like it if we could sit down and talk about this so I can have the opportunity to fix it.”

6. You just have that gut feeling

Women often have what some call women’s intuition.

You can feel the anger and resentment in a room when you’re both there. Perhaps your husband avoids making eye contact. Or maybe he just communicates the bare minimum and then quickly leaves to avoid further communication.

If your women’s intuition is telling you something is wrong, then it probably is.

But like all problems, don’t dwell on the issue or symptoms, and however tempting, don’t just do the same thing in return. Focus your time and energy on fixing things! You’re only 50% of this relationship, but there’s still a lot you can do by staying positive and focused on the end goal.

7. He no longer seems interested in sex

It’s a stereotype, so of course, it’s not completely accurate, but stereotypes are typically rooted in some common behavior pattern.

I’m talking about guys and physical intimacy.

I’m not at all implying that women don’t like it too, but if you look at 100 couples who are married with kids and asked them how much intercourse in the marriage is reasonable, I bet the guys would give you a higher number.

So if your husband seems disinterested in it, that’s one of the obvious signs of other problems in your marriage. And while that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s having an affair, he could eventually end up in one, or at least an emotional affair.

When you’re always fighting and there’s no emotional connection, your sex life is likely going to pay the price.

No matter what, a sexless marriage with a lack of intimacy has a high probability of failure. So if your husband is not interested in it or makes excuses, that’s definitely one of the signs your marriage will end in divorce.

And if the lack of physical intimacy has been coming from you, then you need to figure out why your libido is down and take action.

8. He’s always out with his buddies or otherwise occupied

If your husband is always out with his buddies and spending noticeably less time with you, that is an indicator of a larger problem.

It may be that your husband is unhappy with the current state of your relationship and just need a break from the fighting. But it may also be that he’s starting to prepare mentally for life away from you.

Hopefully, that’s not the case, but it can definitely be one of the signs your husband wants a divorce.

Simply put, if he’s spending less time with you than he has in the past, that can be a clear sign of someone thinking about ending the marriage.

If you’re seeing this symptom or any of the other signs your husband wants a divorce, start taking action now.

9. He’s constantly on his phone

If your husband is constantly on his phone, that could mean one of two things:

  • He’s using it as a means of distraction (from you and the problems in the marriage)
  • He’s engaging in an emotional affair (or maybe even a physical affair)

Neither situation is great. After all, your issues don’t fix themselves by pretending they aren’t there.

10. He’s secretive about his phone, email & social media accounts

Unfortunately, technology has made extra-marital affairs much easier to start and grow.

It’s simpler than ever to use different apps to find another to cheat with and to communicate with them. Even if it’s just confiding in a female work buddy, when we allow ourselves to be emotionally vulnerable to another and complain about our spouse to them, the door to an affair can be easily opened.

If he routinely leaves his phone lying around the house, then he’s probably not cheating.

But, if he guards it and his different email and social media accounts and seems paranoid about you seeing them, that could definitely be a sign of an affair and certainly one of the signs your husband wants a divorce.

That is especially true if he didn’t use to act like that. As with most of these signs, we’re wanting to notice a sudden change in behavior.

My soon-to-be ex-wife always used to lay her phone up.

But for the past few months, even though we were going through the divorce process, she’s been laying it face down. I eventually figured out she was having an affair with a friend of hers.

She wouldn’t call it an affair since we were in the process of divorcing.

But who knows how long it was really going on for? After all, she’s known him for 7 years. Plus legally and technically, since are still married, it is cheating.

If you think an affair might be happening or if he’s already admitted it, that doesn’t have to lead to divorce.

My post on how to Save a Marriage After Infidelity (click to read my post on how to do it) walks you through the steps on how to trust him again and how to make your marriage great again; maybe even the best it’s ever been.

11. Divorce or lawyers come up in the search history on your computer

Not all searches are done on a home computer, but usually more detailed research is easier and faster not on a mobile device.

So if you have a home computer that is shared, while I don’t recommend snooping into his email or social media accounts, it’s easy to look at your browser(s) search history.

If you happen to see any topics about a divorce lawyer, that’s clearly one biggest of the signs your husband wants a divorce.

I don’t want you to confront him though. If you want to fix your marriage, use this as an opportunity to calmly address the underlying issues and let him know you’re willing to do whatever you need to fix them.

The searches could have been done in the heat of the moment or to just blow off steam, so letting him know you snooped could just make things worse.

12. He noticeably avoids you

This is easy to see, especially if your husband is always on his phone.

Is he constantly texting others and you are never one of them? No texts throughout the day? No checking in with you? People need a connection with others. They need to feel that energy from another.

If it’s not you meeting that need, then who is meeting it?

Are you seeing this symptom of the other signs your husband wants a divorce? Don’t wait! Now is the time to fix things before it’s too late.

13. He doesn’t even eat his meals with you

If you and your husband are always on the go and live totally separate lives, that’s not a good sign.

If you routinely make plans after work with your girlfriends and/or your husband does the same and there’s no thought even give for what the other is doing, that’s going down a dangerous path.

It IS important that all married couples have interests outside the marriage and spend SOME time apart.

But when your husband spends all or most of his time away from you, that’s clearly one of the signs your husband wants a divorce.

14. You never say “I Love You” to each other

Saying to each other “I love you” throughout the workday and workweek is very healthy behavior.

If you and your husband never or rarely say that, that’s a sign that something is wrong; especially if it used to happen. Even worse is when you say it to him and she doesn’t say it back. If that’s what you’re seeing, now is the time to work on things before it becomes too late.

15. Is he vague or non-committal about future plans?

If you’re discussing summer vacations, a weekend getaway or maybe moving for a job opportunity, that should be an engaging discussion!

But if your husband is vague, refuses to be pinned down, or is not interested that’s a really bad sign.

About 18 years ago, I had the chance to work in New York City. I had a scheduled interview with an old boss who loved working with me. I knew he would most likely offer me the job since we worked really well together, but I didn’t want to go through with the interview without my (then) fiancee’s approval.

When we talked about it, I got a lot of vagueness, hesitation, and excuses why she wasn’t sure it was a good idea. But eventually, she did commit to moving if I got the job.

When I got the job offer, she changed her tune completely and refused to move with me.

I ended up turning the job down (twice because they upped the original offer) only to find out about a month later that she was cheating on me with my best friend’s married brother. She eventually left me for that guy.

16. A recent and dramatic change in his appearance

If your husband has recently started hitting the gym more, buying nicer-looking clothes or otherwise made a noticeable change in his appearance, that could be a bad sign.

After all, if when marriage isn’t working, then these changes clearly aren’t for you.

While these changes could just be to help him feel better about himself (not a bad thing), they could also be for another person or to attract another person.

While you don’t want to be critical of the change (or sarcastic), you also don’t want to make him think he didn’t look good before, so don’t go overboard with compliments either.

Make a point of complimenting him on it and letting him know how attractive you find him.

17. Opening new bank or credit accounts

I’m a firm believer that when you say “I do” you combine everything, including income, bills, and debt. So a bank joint account is definitely what married couples should have.

For me, having “yours and mine” instead of “ours” doesn’t sustain a marriage in the long run. So if he suddenly opens a new bank account or gets a credit card, or if you just notice an unfamiliar bill for those, that could definitely be one of the signs your husband wants a divorce.

18. A sudden interest in the household finances if there was none before

Along those same lines, if you are the primary bill-payer and budget-keeper if your husband suddenly starts asking about savings accounts, debt, credit, etc, that could be a red flag as well, especially if he never seemed to care before.

19. He starts talking about how broke he is or how poorly his business is going

This one is especially true if your husband owns his own business, but it applies even if that’s not the case.

If he suddenly starts talking about how bad his business has gotten or how much debt the business has or anything that implies he’s on shaky financial ground, that could be a red flag.

While it certainly could all be true, he could also be trying to imply that there isn’t much for you to take in the event of a divorce.

Of course, if you did have to go that route, good divorce lawyers will certainly uncover all assets, but it’s still a sure sign he’s preparing to move on.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do when my husband wants a divorce?

Here are the best things to do when your husband wants a divorce:

  1. Don’t beg -Confidence is attractive and begging will make you seem weak & desperate
  2. Focus on being the best version of you possible – Instead of trying to convince him to stay, focus on improving yourself; mentally & physically
  3. Be clear if you want to save the relationship – If you don’t want to divorce, make sure he knows that. But don’t pester nag, or argue
  4. But give him space to get there on his own – Once you’ve clearly let him know what you want, allow him space to figure out what he really wants
  5. Do take ownership & apologize for any wrongdoings – We all make mistakes and every broken marriage involves 2 people who screwed up. Own it, apologize for it, and do so without expectation.
  6. Stay calm and civil – Even in the heat of a breakup, getting angry, physical, abusive, or overly critical will only make things worse
  7. Suggest marriage counseling – even if just to help the breakup go more smoothly

First, let me make one thing crystal clear: just seeing a couple of the signs your husband wants a divorce doesn’t mean that he’s actively planning to file for divorce.

These are just confirming the trouble in your marriage that you already knew was there.

Seeing a marriage counselor is a fantastic place to start.

A good marriage therapist can help you and your husband fix your communication issues, learn to let go of the anger and resentment you’ve both been holding on to, and put you back on a healthy path.

But anything that gets both of you being intentional and talking about the problems in the marriage in a non-threatening or accusatory way is a great thing.

Can’t afford to go to marriage counseling?

Let me tell you one thing; it’s cheaper & easier than getting divorced! (been there, done that). But I also understand having a small budget and living paycheck to paycheck.

At the very least, I would get the book that helped save my wife and I’s marriage (given to us by our therapist).

It’s called the Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman (click to read my review) I referenced above.

In that link, I wrote an in-depth review of the book and how it helped fix my marriage. I bet it can help you with yours too!

How do I know if my marriage is worth saving?

Your marriage is worth saving if you still feel a connection with your spouse and there hasn’t been any abuse. Feeling any emotion, even anger or frustration is telling you there’s still something there. When you no longer feel anything, and you’re just indifferent, it’s probably time to move on.

But if you have kids, your marriage is certainly worth trying to save!

That’s not to say kids will be better off with 2 parents who fight constantly, but a loving 2 parent household produces more well-adjusted kids than a broken home.

That’s not to shame anyone who’s divorced as I’m on my 2nd marriage and am a child of divorce. But it’s just the truth. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health confirms it.

They found that “Children of divorced parents may have lower scores“.

They also noted “Anxiety and depression seem to worsen after the divorce” and girls of divorced parents were “eight times more likely to become pregnant as adolescents”.

Boys too were impacted with “higher rates of sexually transmitted disease when they have experienced divorce in their family.”

So if you and your husband still feel something, that something is something! And it can be nurtured back with time, effort, focus, and ideally marriage counseling.

I’ve written extensively about how I Rekindled My Marriage (click to read my post), and if I can restore my marriage, I know you can too.

So check out my article which walks you step-by-step on how to do it.

How can I save my marriage when my husband wants out?

To save your marriage when your husband wants out, make it clear that you don’t want to give up on the marriage or him. But avoid begging, being clingy, needy, or seeming desperate. You can’t change anyone’s behavior other than your own. But you can remind him of what the marriage was like when it was good.

Focus on being the best version of you that you can be.

Work on improving your physical and emotional health and well-being. Especially if you feel like your behavior in the marriage lately hasn’t been great, you need to show your husband that you can be the same woman he fell in love with and married.

You have to give him hope that things can be like they used to be or better.

So let him see the steps you’re taking to improve yourself. That could include any of the following:

  • Seeing a therapist on your own (in addition to couple’s counseling is even better)
  • Taking up a healthy physical activity (any form of exercise or sport will naturally improve your attitude and outlook while decreasing stress
  • Dress to feel good about yourself (sometimes with life and kids we can all slide into dressing purely for comfort and that’s not always our most attractive look)

Do be cautious to not go overboard on self-improvement as that could be a sign to your husband that you’re doing this for another man. But be the best version of you that you can be.

Even if you can’t save the marriage, you’ll still end up in a better place for yourself.

Final thoughts

Do you have that women’s intuition that things just aren’t right with your marriage? If so, now is the time to take (positive) action before things get worse or before it’s too late.

I won’t lie. This is a difficult time.

In this post, we looked at the 19 signs your husband wants a divorce. We discussed each of them, what to look for, how the symptoms can show up, and what it all means.

Most importantly, though, we talked about small steps you can take to work through these issues.

I’ve been there. I know. My wife and I were talking about getting divorced in 2013. We chose to work through it, and everything gradually got better until 2021 when she went through a mid-life crisis and suddenly wanted out of our marriage.

Can Married Men Have Female Friends? (Friendships with Women)

Marriage is hard enough on its own. But sometimes when 1 spouse starts spending a lot of time alone with someone of the opposite sex, it can create a lot of headaches in their marriage. So, should a married man have female friends?

As a general rule, it is OK for a husband to have female friends. However, they ideally should not be single. Also, their spouse should always be included or invited when meet-ups occur. And the husband should also avoid talking negatively to the friend about his wife.

Clear boundaries, communication & empathy can help all of the individuals navigate the friendship without it causing problems.

But that’s just 1 example.

There are a lot of ways a spouse can opposite-sex friendships (or the same gender if that’s how their attractions align). And, more importantly, there are a lot of things that a spouse can do to really damage the marriage by having a friend they are potentially attracted to.

Even though times are changing, the idea of a married man and woman having close friendships can still be a touchy subject for a lot of couples out there. Indeed, being friends with the opposite sex can sometimes be difficult to navigate with your partner.

But with precautions, awareness, proper boundaries, and good communication, friends of the opposite sex can enrich you and your partner’s lives exponentially. In fact, it would be an absolute shame to dismiss the idea.

A person of the opposite sex can offer perspectives and advice that we can’t get from our partner. They’re key to growing an understanding of how to maintain relationships, needs, expectations, and communication styles of the opposite sex.

You CAN save your marriage — even after the trust has been damaged.

I’ve been in your shoes. You want to stop hurting. And you desperately want to restore trust, mutual acceptance, and respect to your marriage; whether you were the cheater or the one cheated on.

Luckily, all hope is NOT lost, and there is something you can do, even if your spouse has questionable friends.

The website Regain by BetterHelp offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.

This quote from Brenda R. perfectly sums up the quality work Regain does:

“I was apprehensive about having a male couple’s counselor at first, but he has been amazing. We were close to ending our relationship but over time we’ve worked on our foundation and also expanding our communication. We would not be together if it weren’t for the direction from Tom (and the work we’ve done as well).”

Serious about saving or improving your relationship?

CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you.

Table of Contents:

Can a married man and woman be just friends?

Yes, they can.

Let me type that again just to clarify. Heterosexual men and women absolutely can be just friends and have healthy relationships without the thought of a romantic relationship ever entering their minds. At best, this is an issue of trust in your partner vs. protective instincts. In this best case, an honest, open conversation could be enough to ease your mind.

But for the sake of this article, let’s take a look at the worst possibilities. This may be an issue of:

  • Ignored red flags
  • Miscommunication
  • Unclear expectations of your partner
  • Unset or no boundaries with your partner

If you’re reading this before marrying your spouse or are still somewhere in the dating phase, and there’s already drama about a platonic relationship with women, then now is the time to iron out these concerns. Let’s start with the first.

It’s the biggest and worst.

Let’s say your man is meeting a female friend very often, going out with her alone, or texting her during the time spent with you. By themselves, even these drastic behaviors could be entirely innocent. This is especially so if your man doesn’t realize this behavior makes you uncomfortable.

But, if you’ve voiced these concerns and nothing changes, that’s red flag city.

A healthy relationship means hearing each other’s worries and finding a compromise. And most of all, it’s following through with promises to change hurtful behavior.

If any man doesn’t try to understand your perspective or empathize with your worries, you may need to ask yourself some hard questions. If you’re feeling like your marriage is in a stalemate, it may be time to get some help.

Marriage counseling has helped my marriage and hundreds of thousands of others. 

And therapy doesn’t mean you’re weak or incapable. It is simply a way for a neutral 3rd party to help you and your spouse figure out how to communicate better.

But if you’ve never done it, you probably have a lot of questions about how marriage counseling works: Cost, insurance, what they do, and how many times you need to go. If that sounds familiar, check out the facts in my recent article.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Can guys have close female friends?

Absolutely, yes.

In fact, everyone benefits from a close friendship with opposite sex friends. You can learn so much about relationship issues from the other side. You gain a new perspective from someone who can probably see the situation better than you can. Through platonic friendships, you learn how to communicate in a way that your partner is more likely to understand.

You can even get the bad news that it’s you who’s been the jerk this whole time – information a friend would be willing to share, where a lover may not.

It is more than just absurd to still be asking if cross-sex friendships can still work. It would be stunting your own growth. Besides, all these great things and lessons learned can benefit your man’s romantic partner most of all – you!

 I think some more important questions to think about are:

  • What is the nature of your man’s platonic relationships with other women?
  • Do he and she keep healthy boundaries?
  • Do they have any romantic history together which may compromise their judgment?
  • Is she friendly with you?
  • Is she single?

Let’s look at each one.

1. The nature of their friendship and how they first met

This could be a good indicator of any foul play.

For example, if their friendship came about from a shared interest, as part of a mutual friend group, or started in childhood, there’s probably not much to worry about.

If their friendship is new, based on some chance meeting, or formed without a logical explanation of why that’s a different story.

Ask questions about the friend to get a clearer picture of what you’re dealing with, a genuine friend or something else.

2. Clear boundaries

Second, when you’re good friends with the opposite sex, there is a certain vigilance you need to maintain.

Feelings can come up unexpectedly. And no matter how in love you are with your partner, if your eyes still work, you can and will notice physical attractiveness.

So, it’s important to make sure that both parties have and respect each other’s boundaries.

Cheating is not only physical, so a keen awareness of self and the friend is essential. Couples should check-in and make sure no one is getting stepped on.

Ask before getting yourself into a potentially problematic situation. 

A simple “Looks like it’s just going to be me and her tomorrow. But, I can cancel if that bothers you.” or “Do you mind if I invite her to our plans, or did we want to keep it just us?

Both are okay with me.” is a good start.

3. Is there a romantic history?

The third concern is whether they have any romantic history.

If there is, that adds another layer of difficulty in maintaining a healthy friendship. The person trying to maintain a friendship with their ex should understand this and act accordingly.

If they get defensive, that’s one more red flag.

Even in the case of deep history, not all hope is lost. For example, while it’s 99% a Facebook friendship, I am still friends with my first ex-wife. We’ve been split up a long time, and there’s no romantic interest there whatsoever.

But we shared over a decade together and that means something to me. But not in a romantic way.

4. Is the female friend friendly with you?

If your husband’s new friend of the opposite gender isn’t friendly to you and doesn’t make an effort to connect with you, that’s a very bad sign.

After all, she is spending time with your husband.

There should be respect for you that comes with that. But, instead, if she makes an effort to be friendly with you and takes the time to get to know you, that’s a much better indicator that there’s nothing to worry about.

If she makes an effort to be your friend too and/or invites you out sometimes too; even better!

5. Is the female friend single?

Make no mistake. Married women and men have affairs all the time.

But a single woman wanting to hang out with a married man just has a few extra red flags compared to a married woman. To be clear, I’m not suggesting a married man can’t be platonic friends with a single woman.

I am suggesting that it warrants greater effort on her part and the part of your husband to ensure they aren’t doing things to create mistrust with you. If, as I mentioned in #4, she also doesn’t make an effort to be friendly with you, or has awkward body language, that’s almost a sure sign her motives aren’t 100% pure.

But if we’re talking about single women, it’s just that much easier for their relationship to turn inappropriate or at least turn into an emotional affair.

That doesn’t, however, mean your husband has impure motives. I can tell you, as I mentioned above, that guys are not usually good at picking up small signals. So even if the woman has intentions on your man, he might be totally clueless.

Can a man just be friends with a woman he is attracted to?

As mentioned, your sense of physical attraction to members of the opposite sex does not magically stop once you commit to someone. But acting on those impulses, must.

The common stereotype is that men are powerless against our “little brain.”

But that’s an excuse for a lack of integrity and low willpower. If your man is genuinely committed and respects you, he will maintain boundaries and guard his heart accordingly.

Besides, the emotional attraction is a more serious threat.

It’s perfectly fine to respect, enjoy the company of, or even admire a person who isn’t your lover. It’s even okay to have rogue thoughts of what they would be like as a partner.

But it’s important for their to be clear boundaries. And for the guy, if he’s attracted to another woman, he should ideally cut her off completely. But at the very least he should not hang out with her just the two of them, especially in the evening and definitely not if alcohol is likely to be involved.

How my wife’s “friend” helped lead to our divorce

My now ex-wife has been friends with a guy for 7 years. And he’s been largely single for a lot of that time.

And for the past 5 years, I did see him as a potential threat. Now in retrospect, I should have simply focused on being a better husband and focused on improving my marriage. If you’re married to a person of integrity, if the marriage is good, they’ll never cross that line.

But here we are now, almost divorced, and guess who she’s in a relationship with? 

And while she claims it had only been going on about 2 months at the time of our divorce, who’s to say if any lines were ever crossed or blurred in the past? The one thing I do know is there was an intimate emotional connection going back a few years.

And as I said above, often it’s the emotional affair that’s more damaging that the physical one.

How being attracted to a female friend contributed to the end of my relationship

I still recall having a close friend of the opposite sex named Heather.

She was a female co-worker I met in between my 2 marriages (roughly 20 years ago). I was, however, in a committed relationship at the time with a serious girlfriend. To be clear, Heather, who was also living with her boyfriend, and I never did anything I haven’t done with my male friends.

Not even a kiss. I also have no idea if she had any romantic feelings for me whatsoever.

But I was attracted to her on a physical and emotional level. I kept my boundaries in place and told myself as long as I did that, it was OK. In truth, my relationship with my girlfriend did suffer and we eventually split.

We didn’t split because of my emotional connection to Heather, and they were friends too.

But I can see in retrospect that I neglected my girlfriend in wanting to spend time with Heather. While I kept my physical boundaries in place, I should have recognized how my emotional needs were negatively impacting my relationship with my girlfriend.

Eventually, my girlfriend went looking for a connection elsewhere and found it (with my best friend’s married brother). So inappropriate friendships for both of us contributed to the demise of our relationship.

You can get your marriage back on track! I know because I’ve done it myself.

Check out my recent article where I break down every step to take to rekindle and restore a relationship. I’m not even talking about just making it like it was before, but better than it ever was!

Just click that link to read it on my site!

How do you know if your husband is in love with another woman?

While there’s no surefire way to tell, since as many of those probably involve some deception on your part, there are a few signs you can look for.

Unexplained changes in routine are one obvious one.

Especially if they are recurring and habitual in nature. Sudden late nights at work or social events that exclude you specifically are a sign of something fishy. Showering or washing hands as soon as they get home is another classic example.

Some more subtle cues might be: 

  • A decrease in sex drive 
  • Texting in the early mornings or evenings 
  • Keeping the phone locked and nearby at all times
  • Turning the phone down on its face when you’re around
  • Overall more distant and detached with you 

I mentioned deception above.

Let me be clear. Don’t go down the rabbit hole of doing bad things hoping to catch your spouse doing bad things. 2 wrongs, as they say, don’t make a right.

Hacking into emails, social media stalking, or reading your spouse’s text messages when they are in the shower might give you an answer. But more likely, it will just increase your insecurity and paranoia. If you get caught, especially if they aren’t actually doing anything wrong, now you’re the bad guy.

Give your spouse the benefit of the doubt. If they are doing really questionable things, ask them directly. It’s OK to feel suspicious in the face of suspicious behavior.

It’s NOT ok to resort to doing suspicious things yourself.

This is a tricky question that involves intuition and feeling just as much as evidence. But there are some more concrete signs your husband is considering a divorce.

If you think that’s where he might be heading, check out my recent article linked below. I get into all the signs to look for, including the 1 sign that almost assuredly means he’s thinking about divorcing you.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

When does a man texting another woman cross the line?

The question of when a man texting another woman crosses the line can be a complicated one, as every relationship has its own boundaries and expectations.

However, there are some general guidelines that can help determine when this behavior is inappropriate or even harmful to the relationship.

  • Secretive behavior. If a man is texting another woman in secret, hiding his phone or messages from his partner, this is a clear sign that he is crossing a line. In a healthy relationship, there should be open and honest communication.
  • Frequency and duration of texting. If a man is texting another woman frequently and for long periods of time, this can be a sign that the relationship is becoming more than just a friendship. It’s important to have open communication with your partner about your expectations for texting and other forms of communication with people outside the relationship.
  • Flirting or sexual content. If a man is texting another woman with flirtatious or sexual content, this is a clear violation of the boundaries of a committed relationship. This behavior is not only disrespectful to his partner, but it can also be emotionally damaging.
  • Lack of respect for the partner. If a man is texting another woman despite his partner’s objections or discomfort, this is a clear indication that he is not respecting the boundaries of the relationship. It’s important for both partners to have their feelings and concerns heard and taken seriously.
  • Emotional connection. If a man is texting another woman and developing a strong emotional connection with her, this can be just as harmful to the relationship as physical infidelity. Married men (or women) talking about personal problems with members of the opposite sex, especially talking about marital issues, is totally inappropriate. Emotional infidelity can be just as damaging to a relationship, if not more so, than physical infidelity.

Ultimately, the decision of what behavior is acceptable in a relationship is up to the individuals involved.

However, it’s important to have open and honest communication about boundaries and expectations in order to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

How would you know if your husband was texting another woman inappropriately?

Discovering that your husband is texting another woman inappropriately can be a difficult and painful experience. While every relationship is different, there are some common signs that may indicate that your husband is engaging in inappropriate texting behavior:

  • Secrecy. If your husband is being secretive about his phone and his messages, this may be a red flag that he is engaging in inappropriate behavior. He may hide his phone or be reluctant to let you see his messages.
  • Excessive texting. If your husband is spending a lot of time texting and seems preoccupied with his phone, this may be a sign that he is engaging in inappropriate behavior. He may also become defensive if you ask him about his texting habits.
  • Emotional distance. If your husband is texting another woman inappropriately, he may become emotionally distant from you. He may seem less interested in spending time with you or talking to you, and may become defensive or angry if you ask him about his behavior.
  • Changes in behavior or routine. If your husband’s behavior or routine has changed suddenly, this may be a sign that something is going on. For example, he may suddenly start working late or spending more time away from home.
  • Flirtatious or sexual content. If your husband is engaging in inappropriate texting behavior, he may send flirtatious or sexual messages to the other woman. He may also use language or emojis that are inappropriate or suggestive.
  • Guilty behavior. If your husband is feeling guilty about his behavior, he may become defensive or irritable when you ask him about his phone or his messages. He may also become more affectionate or attentive to try to cover up his behavior.

If you suspect that your husband is engaging in inappropriate texting behavior, it’s important to address the issue directly and honestly.

This may involve having a difficult conversation and setting clear boundaries for what behavior is acceptable in your relationship. If your husband is unwilling to change his behavior or address your concerns, it may be necessary to seek outside help or consider ending the relationship.

If my husband is texting another woman is that considered cheating?

The answer to whether texting another woman is considered cheating or not can be subjective and may depend on the context of the situation and the individuals involved. Some people may view it as a form of emotional infidelity, while others may see it as harmless communication.

However, here are some factors that may determine whether texting another woman is considered cheating:

  • Intentions. If the texting is innocent and platonic with no romantic or sexual intentions, it may not be considered cheating. However, if there are flirtatious or suggestive messages, it may be viewed as a form of emotional infidelity.
  • Frequency and duration. If the texting is frequent and long-lasting, it may indicate that the person is emotionally invested in the other woman and is engaging in a form of emotional cheating.
  • Secrecy. If the texting is done in secret or the person is hiding their phone and messages, it may indicate that they are engaging in inappropriate behavior and may be considered a form of cheating.
  • Impact on the relationship. If the texting is causing problems in the relationship or leading to a breakdown in trust, it may be considered a form of cheating regardless of the intentions or frequency.
  • Individual boundaries and expectations. What is considered cheating can vary from person to person depending on their personal values and expectations in a relationship. It’s important for individuals to communicate their boundaries and expectations clearly to their partners to avoid misunderstandings and potential cheating.

Ultimately, the definition of cheating may vary from relationship to relationship, and it’s up to the individuals involved to determine what is acceptable behavior in their relationship. However, it’s important to establish clear communication and boundaries to avoid misunderstandings and potential harm to the relationship.

Can an emotional affair turn into love?

An emotional affair is a type of relationship where two people have an intense emotional connection that goes beyond friendship but does not involve physical intimacy. This type of affair can occur between individuals who are in committed relationships with other people and can be just as damaging as a physical affair.

When it comes to whether an emotional affair can turn into love, the answer is complicated and may depend on a variety of factors.

Here are some things to consider:

  • The intensity of the emotional connection. Emotional affairs often involve a deep level of emotional intimacy, which can lead to feelings of love. If the emotional connection between the two individuals continues to grow, it’s possible that it could turn into a romantic relationship.
  • The individuals’ personal values and boundaries. Some people may view emotional affairs as a form of cheating and be less likely to pursue a romantic relationship as a result. Others may be more open to the possibility of turning an emotional connection into a romantic one.
  • The individuals’ current relationships. If both individuals are in committed relationships with other people, pursuing a romantic relationship may be more difficult and may involve the end of the current relationship.
  • The individuals’ level of commitment. If both individuals are committed to working on their current relationships or maintaining boundaries with each other, it may be less likely that the emotional affair will turn into love.

It’s important to note that emotional affairs can be just as damaging to a relationship as physical affairs, and individuals who are in committed relationships should be mindful of their emotional connections with others.

While an emotional affair may not always lead to love, it can still cause significant harm to the individuals involved and their partners.

Ultimately, whether an emotional affair turns into love depends on a variety of factors, including the individual’s personal values, boundaries, and level of commitment. It’s important for individuals to communicate openly and honestly with their partners and to be mindful of their emotional connections with others to avoid potential harm to their relationships.

How to talk to your husband about his texting another woman

Discovering that your husband is texting another woman can be a difficult and emotionally charged situation.

While it’s important to address the issue, it’s also important to approach the conversation in a calm and rational manner. Here are some tips on how to talk to your husband about his texting another woman:

  • Take some time to process your emotions. Before you have a conversation with your husband, take some time to process your emotions and think about what you want to say. It’s important to approach the conversation calmly and rationally to avoid making the situation worse.
  • Start the conversation by expressing your concerns. Begin the conversation by expressing your concerns and letting your husband know how his actions are making you feel. Use “I” statements to avoid placing blame and keep the focus on your feelings.
  • Be specific about your concerns. It’s important to be specific about your concerns and the behaviors that are bothering you. For example, you may be uncomfortable with the frequency or content of the texts.
  • Listen to your husband’s perspective. Allow your husband to share his perspective and listen to what he has to say. It’s important to have an open and honest conversation to understand each other’s viewpoints.
  • Establish boundaries and expectations. Once you have discussed your concerns and perspectives, it’s important to establish clear boundaries and expectations for your relationship. This may involve setting limits on communication with the other woman or seeking counseling to work through the issue.
  • Be willing to work on the relationship. If both you and your husband are committed to working on the relationship, it’s important to be open to seeking outside help, such as counseling or therapy, to work through any underlying issues.

Here are a few examples of the right and wrong things to say:

Example One

“When you (behavior) it makes me feel…”

  • What not to say: I hate you seeing her so often. 
  • Say this instead: When you see her so often, it makes me feel like you’ve lost interest in me as a romantic partner.

Example Two

“I think (clearly stated expectation) would make me feel …”

  • What not to say: You should put some distance between you two.
  • Say this instead: I think putting some distance between you two would make me feel more comfortable.

Example Three

“What do you think about (boundary or expectation)?”

  • What not to say: Can’t you not hang out with her alone at least?
  • Say this instead: What do you think about not hanging out with her alone?

While these sentences are all clear and direct, the first in each example feels like an attack.

This could escalate a civil talk into an argument very quickly. In the third example, framing a request the second way gives the listener a sense of control that opens them up to a dialogue. Asking the first way presents a demand that leads to a reactive, defensive response. Not good for a productive discussion.

Again, if your man does not respect or hear these concerns, it is a major red flag.

That might mean revisiting the issue. If that has failed, it might be time for some hard choices. Don’t let anyone disrespect you or your wishes, intentional or otherwise.

It’s important to remember that having an open and honest conversation with your husband about his texting another woman can be challenging, but it’s essential to address the issue to avoid potential harm to your relationship.

By approaching the conversation calmly and rationally, expressing your concerns, and working together to establish clear boundaries and expectations, you can move forward and work towards a stronger, healthier relationship.

Should a married man go out alone with another woman?

The question of whether a married man should go out alone with another woman is a complicated one.

Some people follow the “Billy Graham Rule,” which states that a married man should avoid being alone with a woman who is not his wife to avoid any potential temptation or appearances of impropriety.

Others may feel that it is acceptable to spend time alone with someone of the opposite sex, as long as they have no romantic or sexual intentions.

However, regardless of personal beliefs or cultural norms, it’s important to consider the potential impact on one’s marriage and spouse when spending time alone with another woman. Even if there is no intent to engage in romantic relationships, it can still create feelings of jealousy, mistrust, and insecurity in a spouse.

While some situations may be deemed acceptable, such as a work-related meeting or a group outing, an evening get-together for dinner or drinks just the two of them is generally inappropriate unless spouses are welcome as well.

This is particularly true if the relationship with the other woman is relatively new or if there have been any previous romantic or sexual feelings involved. In these cases, it’s important to prioritize the feelings and well-being of one’s spouse and avoid any situation that could be interpreted as a breach of trust or commitment.

Ultimately, the decision to spend time alone with attractive women as a married man should be made carefully and with consideration for the potential impact on one’s marriage and spouse. And most definitely don’t look for emotional support from same-sex friendships.

It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with one’s spouse about any plans to spend time with someone of the opposite sex and to establish clear boundaries and expectations to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

By prioritizing trust and commitment in one’s marriage, couples can work towards a strong and healthy relationship built on mutual respect and understanding.

Final thoughts

I hope this article allays some typical fears and instills some confidence that a married person having healthy friendships with people of the opposite sex is not only okay but recommended!

Just remember that above all, good communication is the foundation of a successful marriage or relationship.

If your expectations and needs are expressed clearly, your partner monitors his feelings and maintains healthy boundaries, there should be nothing at all to worry about.

But, if your partner fails to respect your feelings or is unwilling to compromise his female friendships, there is something wrong. It’s not OK to ask your man to be a prisoner and never spend time away from you or work.

I ended my first marriage for that (and other) reason. But you should also be the #1 woman in his life and come before all others.

Respect yourself and don’t ever tolerate emotional neglect or abuse.

You CAN save your marriage — even after the trust has been damaged.

I’ve been in your shoes. You want to stop hurting. And you desperately want to restore trust, mutual acceptance, and respect to your marriage; whether you were the cheater or the one cheated on.

Luckily, all hope is NOT lost, and there is something you can do, even if your spouse has questionable friends.

The website Regain by BetterHelp offers licensed therapists who specialize in couples counseling and will work directly with you and your spouse online; anytime and from anywhere.

This quote from Brenda R. perfectly sums up the quality work Regain does:

“I was apprehensive about having a male couple’s counselor at first, but he has been amazing. We were close to ending our relationship but over time we’ve worked on our foundation and also expanding our communication. We would not be together if it weren’t for the direction from Tom (and the work we’ve done as well).”

Serious about saving or improving your relationship?

CLICK HERE to answer a short quiz and see if Regain is right for you.

35 Crucial Signs That Your Husband Loves Another Woman

There’s arguably nothing worse than that feeling that your spouse is cheating on you. But often it’s hard to be certain of it. Are you wondering how to tell if your husband loves another woman?

Here are the top signs of that:

  1. He becomes secretive
  2. His close family & friends start acting differently around you
  3. He no longer seems interested in sex
  4. He is on his cell phone a lot more when he’s home
  5. He’s gone from home a lot more than in the past

But there’s a lot more to know, and those are only a few of the signs.

So in this article, I’ll answer all the top questions surrounding the issue of a cheating partner and the telltale signs of a husband being in love with someone else. But I’ll also detail the top 35 obvious signs to look for. That way you can be more certain of what’s happening.

Then, and only then, will you have enough information to make an informed decision about what to do.

husband loves another lg

and now, here are my . . . 

35 Crucial Signs That Your Husband Loves Another Woman

1. He becomes secretive

With any of these signs, look for drastic changes in behavior and not the behavior itself.

After all, if your husband has always been secretive, maybe he’s just naturally insecure or private and that’s who he is. In that case, it is not likely an indicator that he’s recently called in love with someone else or engaging in inappropriate behavior.

But if he’s recently started acting this way, and this is a sudden change, that could be a sign.

After all, text messages or mysterious phone calls could mean he’s hiding something. It’s, at the very least, a warning sign. Dive in deeper in a recent article that deals specifically with what it means if your husband hides his phone. But I also get into some not-so-sneaky ways to find out the truth.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

2. His family members or best friend starts acting differently

Often a man will confide in a close family member or best friend about an affair.

After all, it’s a lot to keep secret and even though it’s wrong, only a sociopath feels no remorse or guilt over cheating. So most men will tell a small handful of people.

But those people will now feel incredibly awkward around you.

So if you notice his family or best friend suddenly treating you differently, that’s a sign that they now have knowledge that makes them uncomfortable around you.

3. You see a lot of calls and texts to a new number in the call logs

Let’s be honest. Most of us have checked our phone bills once or twice. And while they don’t give us the name of the other person, it’s not hard to notice a new pattern of a large number of calls or texts to a number you haven’t seen before.

Now if they have recently changed jobs, or have a new project they are working on, maybe that makes sense.

But it could also be a red flag of something inappropriate going on. If you do see this, first make sure that the phone number isn’t in your own contacts. Then try Googling the phone number; a surprising number of people have their phone number public.

Lastly, you could use SlyDial which (for cell phones) which takes you immediately to their voicemail. Listen to the message and then hang up before the beep and they’ll never know.

It’s not a paid link or anything, but you can call Slydial (it’s free) here: 267-759-3425. Then at the prompt, just enter the mystery number.

4. You see a new female friend commenting on his social media accounts

Most of us have Facebook, Instagram, or maybe TikTok or Snapchat.

And most of us are “friends” with our spouses on those platforms. But if you are on your husband’s friend list and see a new attractive female, it could be worth checking out her profile.

That being said, on Instagram, I get followed all the time by young attractive women that I don’t know and have never met. If their profiles seem inappropriate or are just trying to draw people over to their OnlyFans page, I usually block them. But I get a dozen a week, so usually, I ignore them.

So Facebook is a better barometer as you have to actively accept friend requests back.

Or maybe you see a new woman who has been liking and commenting on a lot of your husband’s photos and posts and you have no idea who she is.

While not a clear sign of anything (could just be a new female co-worker), it could be a good sign if it’s in conjunction with some of these others.

5. You notice he’s buying expensive gifts or spending more than normal on the credit cards

Most of us log in and check our credit card or bank statements.

But what if you suddenly notice your husband has been spending a lot more than normal at expensive stores or stores that sell jewelry? Or maybe you see restaurant charges that are more than they would just be for 1 person.

Again, if this isn’t new behavior and he’s always spent lavishly, it could be nothing.

But as with the rest of these signs of a possible cheating husband, look for behaviors that are new or out of the ordinary.

6. He isn’t spending as much time at home

Has your husband suddenly started spending more time away from home?

Do you get the old “I had to work late” excuse when that never used to happen before? Or suddenly, he’s “out with the guys” twice as much as he used to?

An affair isn’t the only reason he is gone more now than usual.

But changes like that often mean he’s doing something new and potentially inappropriate. However, that could be addiction-related and doesn’t have to mean an affair.

7. His body language around you is different

As I mentioned above, only a heartless sociopath feels no remorse or guilt over an affair.

And those feelings make the cheater feel awkward around you. That can’t help but manifest itself in unusual ways. We’ll get into some of those below.

But one of the ways is for him just to be awkward around you; shifty, listless, or uncomfortable.

8. He isn’t paying as much attention to you as he used to

Now I will say it’s easy for most guys (and women) to become complacent in their marriage over time.

So by itself, if he’s less attentive, and not “courting” you as much as he used to, that doesn’t mean he’s having a physical affair (or an emotional affair for that matter).

But it could mean he’s now distracted by something (or someone) else.

9. It’s been a long time since he has had or initiated sex with you

Sometimes the cheating husband will keep having sex with his wife. But it will feel more detached and less emotional and intimate.

But more common is a withdrawal from sex, or at least from initiating it.

So if his interest in sex has suddenly dropped, while it could be an ED issue like low testosterone, if you see it combined with some of these others, that could be a red flag.

10. You see evidence of him gaslighting you as an excuse to leave the house

Gaslighting is kind of a new term. And since it comes from a movie, it’s actually not a technical or medical term. It is, however, when someone makes you feel crazy as a way to cover up their bad behavior.

So if your husband is now saying things like “I never said that” or acting as if you’re totally out of your mind and making you question your own sanity, he could be simply trying to throw you off the scent.

Dive in deeper on gaslighting in a recent article of mine.

I get into greater detail on what it is, how it gets used, why it gets used, and how to know the crucial difference between that and a simple misunderstanding or remembering a situation differently.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

11. He has less interest in socializing as a couple

Did you used to have couple’s game nights with friends or double date occasionally and now he always has an excuse as to why he’s busy or it won’t work?

Between his own feelings of guilt, remorse or just being uncomfortable, he won’t likely want to spend time around other people as a couple.

For starters, he could be concerned about the other woman seeing the 2 of you (who knows if she’s even aware of you or he may have told her that he left you). But he might also simply not want your mutual friends to pick up on his nervousness or changes in behavior.

12. He becomes forgetful about important things

Men are notorious for forgetting birthdays, and anniversaries, buying flowers, etc.

And as I’ve said a few times, if he’s ALWAYS like that, don’t sweat it; it’s just who he is. But if he’s only recently begun to forget those things, that might be a good reason to question his fidelity.

13. He won’t look you in the eyes

Going back to changes in behavior, avoiding eye contact, unless he’s always done that, is a huge red flag.

After all, he’s feeling a lot of conflicted feelings and only a total jerk won’t care about hurting your feelings. Plus he may feel that if you really “saw” him, you might figure out that something’s going on.

So being kind of shifty and avoiding eye contact with you is common with a cheater. You can get over the affair and make your marriage better than ever.

14. He changes the subject quickly when you talk about the two of you

My wife used to love to have deep, state-of-the-art-type relationship conversations.

And to be honest, they were never my forte. But I would do my best to listen and respond when she would initiate them. And I would stay focused and present.

But if I had suddenly changed the conversation abruptly, that is a good sign that something was wrong.

15. He starts taking out-of-the-ordinary work trips

When I worked for Whole Foods Market, work trips out of town or state were somewhat common.

But when I ran a martial arts school after that, I only ever did that once. But if I had suddenly started doing that once every couple of months at that point in my career, that would have been a huge red flag.

So if he never or rarely used to take work trips and now they are happening on a regular basis, that is cause for concern. If you know any of his co-workers and/or their wives, see if anyone else is doing this (or even knows about it).

And if a new attractive work colleague is also on these trips, that is something to consider if you’re seeing a number of these other signs too.

16. He becomes more critical of you

Sometimes when someone is cheating, they become on edge from having to live the double life they have created for themselves. While there’s no excuse, it is stressful having to live a lie and cover their tracks.

And sometimes people need a scapegoat or someone to take it out on.

So if this is happening in your relationship, don’t be surprised if he becomes critical of you or your appearance. He might also start comparing you to others or suggesting you do things to improve your appearance.

If you’re insecure about losing him to another woman, it might be tempting to make the changes he suggests.

But never change yourself for anyone other than yourself. He isn’t really wanting you to change. He’s agitated and trying to justify why the other woman is better for him.

17. You catch him in a lie

Inevitably cheaters have to lie.

Maybe they claimed they were working late when they were actually with her. Or maybe he makes up lies about work trips or spending or something else.

But eventually, you’re likely to catch him in 1 or more lies.

If he never used to lie and now he is, there has to be a reason. That reason isn’t necessarily that he’s cheating. But it is probably a sign of him doing something inappropriate.

18. He’s always on edge (more than usual)

When you’re living a double life it can be stressful.

Now I’m not at all suggesting you feel sorry for him. Even if the marriage was terrible, there’s no excuse for cheating. But I am saying that cheating could create the symptom of him being grumpy and on edge all the time.

You see when living a lie, something has to end.

That end could be the end of your marriage, but it could also be the end of the affair. And there’s just no way for him to know (since he’s not thinking clearly) which way it will go.

But something will end as he can’t have his cake and eat it too indefinitely.

19. He gets defensive quickly

As with being critical, cheaters also often get defensive quickly.

After all, they are living a lie and a double life. As I’ve said, unless they are a true sociopath, they are no doubt also feeling a lot of guilt and remorse too.

So if you ask too many questions or raise suspicions, don’t be surprised if he reacts extra defensively.

20. He claims you’re too controlling when you ask him questions

As your suspicions grow, you’re likely to start asking questions. Such as:

  • Where were you last night?
  • Why are you always working late now?
  • What are these charges on the credit card/bank statement?

And those are natural questions to ask, and you have a right to ask them.

But don’t be surprised if he reacts poorly to those questions. He may get angry, and defensive, or he may accuse you of being controlling. After all, the last thing he wants right now is for you to find out the truth.

And when people feel attacked but have no defense for their actions, that’s when they typically attack back, even though there’s no justification for it.

21. His hobbies have changed

Has your husband suddenly started doing new hobbies he never had any interest in before?

It could be anything from golfing to bowling. But it’s new, and something he’s never mentioned before. Now all of us get introduced to new hobbies from time to time. And sometimes we realize we love that new hobby.

I went disc golfing with my buddy a couple of weeks ago and had a great time. And I might start doing that every once in a while.

So in and of itself, this isn’t a symptom of anything.

But a new hobby had to have been learned somewhere with someone. And if his buddies don’t engage in that hobby, that could be a red flag.

22. He’s drinking or doing drugs more than usual

The “other woman” is notorious for being younger, sometimes much younger.

But let’s be honest. Any woman who would sleep with another woman’s husband has issues. And sometimes those issues are tied to excessive drinking or drug use.

And if your husband is sleeping with her guess what he’s likely to join in on?

So if you see signs that his intake of those things has changed, that could be a bad sign. It’s certainly a sign of something new and negative in his life as people don’t suddenly change those habits for no reason.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean he is cheating.

23. Recent physical changes in his appearance

Is he hitting the gym for the first time in years?

Or maybe he’s doing more grooming or paying closer attention to personal hygiene? It is easy to get complacent in marriage. But often guys (and women too) stay in that complacent zone until something knocks them out of it.

In my case, I got knocked out of that zone when my wife asked for a divorce in the spring of 2021.

It came as a complete shock and surprise. But the end result, which I detailed in a recent article, was that I did indeed start to make changes in my appearance. I started dressing better, exercising more, and dropped 25 lbs.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

But things like that don’t just happen for no reason. So if you’re seeing that with your husband and there isn’t a reason to justify that, it could be a sign he is cheating.

24. You see comments from a woman you don’t know on his social media channels

Most of us cyber-stalk our spouse’s social media from time to time.

And it’s not uncommon to look at friends lists for unfamiliar faces and see who’s commenting or liking posts. And in some cases, we even go to unknown friends’ pages to see what our spouse is doing on their page.

And none of this is good (been there, done that).

It leads us down rabbit holes, feeds our insecurities, and almost never gives us any real information or proof of anything.

But combined with some of these other signs, if you do see a new woman on his friend list that you don’t know, and she’s all over his pages with likes and comments (and/or him on her page), that could be a red flag.

25. He is less responsive to your calls, texts, or emails

Again, we’re looking for changes in behavior.

If he’s always been slow to respond to you, maybe that’s just who he is. But if he used to send you a few texts throughout the day while one or both of you were at work, and was quick to respond to yours and now is not, that could be a sign.

Again, if he didn’t use to do this, it’s telling you that you are now lower on his priority list. You just have to find out why.

26. You find he has a new “secret” credit card

This one is arguably one of the worse signs.

That being said, it’s hardly proof he’s having an affair. A “secret” credit card is considered financial infidelity. But that doesn’t mean it’s tied to sexual infidelity. It could be due to gambling, drugs, or shopping addiction.

But he’s doing something bad if this has happened.

27. You catch him deleting text messages or call history

Most of us never think about the old text messages on our phones or our call history.

But if there are incriminating calls or texts, guess what he is likely going to start doing? That’s right; he’ll start deleting the evidence.

Now I don’t want you to snoop.

Snooping leads to neediness and can cause you to do things to damage the trust in the marriage almost as much as he might be. But especially if you don’t know if he’s doing anything wrong, why treat him like he’s guilty?

But if you happen to notice him doing it, that’s definitely a bad sign.

28. He begins to mention the name of a new female friend more than seems normal

Sometimes cheaters drop hints about their new love interest.

As crazy as it sounds, sometimes guys think that if they just casually mention her name occasionally, or even introduce her to his wife, it will somehow lower suspicions.

Usually, it has the opposite effect.

I won’t lie. I cheated on my wife in early 2013. And I did indeed mention her name and even introduced the other woman to my wife. It seems crazy in retrospect.

Or maybe cheaters just are secretly hoping to get caught as at least then they won’t be living the double life.

Luckily in my case, my wife and I chose to work it out and my affair ended about 2 months after it began. Then I began the work to prove to my wife that I was worthy of earning her trust back.

What are the steps I took to do that?

I detailed my exact process in a recent article. So if your husband does come clean and wants to work with you to save the marriage, make sure he’s doing at least some of the steps I outline, or the reconciliation is doomed to fail.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

29. He doesn’t initiate hand-holding or other displays of affection

When we’re out in public with our spouse, it’s common to hold hands, kiss occasionally, or maybe walk arm in arm.

But if he’s feeling conflicted inside about his feelings for you vs the other woman, he may stop doing this. Sure he may allow it if you initiate it so as to not arouse your suspicions. But he’ll stop initiating it.

30. He showers immediately upon coming home

I tend to shower first thing in the morning. But unless your husband works outside or does manual labor, he won’t really need to shower the moment he gets home.

If he does this on a regular basis and didn’t use to (and has the same job as always) he could be trying to hide the smell of another woman, her perfume, or other incriminating scents.

But if you can do it discretely, check out his clothes while he’s in the shower.

31. He has started washing his own laundry (if he didn’t before)

If you typically do the laundry in the house but suddenly you notice he’s doing his own laundry when he never did before, that’s a huge red flag.

Sure he could be just trying to do more around the house to help you.

But more likely he’s trying to avoid having you see or smell something suspicious like lipstick on his shirt collar or the smell of unfamiliar perfume.

32. When you do have sex he does something he’s never done before

Most of us just have sex with our spouse the same 2-3 ways.

Rinse and repeat. And yes, sometimes that can get boring. Some couples might watch porn together for inspiration or shop together at an adult store for sex toys.

But if he suddenly starts trying new things out of the blue he’s never done before in the bedroom, where is he learning those things?

33. He starts being overly nice or attentive

While it’s common for a cheater to be defensive and quick-tempered, sometimes they go the other direction.

They do this to try and keep their spouse from getting suspicious. But remember, any radical change in behavior is a potential red flag. So if he’s always been extra nice and attentive, that doesn’t mean anything.

But if he didn’t use to be that way and now is, it could be a sign he’s hiding something.

34. They become more jealous than usual or accuse you of cheating

As with gaslighting, or accusing you of being controlling, sometimes a cheater will accuse you of cheating or get overly jealous.

That’s partly because they believe that if they are doing it, you could be too.

But it’s also because the best defense when you have no excuse for your behavior is to attack. That’s why politicians routinely hurl accusations at the other side of the aisle when called out for bad behavior.

Attack when you have no defense.

35. You just know it intuitively

We don’t always get definitive proof, and that’s frustrating.

But sometimes we just have to trust our gut and go on instinct. So if deep down inside you just know something is wrong, despite the lack of clear evidence, there probably is something wrong.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a married man love his wife and another woman?

It is not possible to truly and totally love 2 people at the same time.

However, when a married man has an affair with another woman, the physical attraction paired with infatuation often leads to a feeling called limerence which, to the cheating husband, often feels like love.

So your husband may well think he’s in love with the other woman.

But the reality is unless he’s totally and completely out of love with you, or never loved you to begin with, he’s not really in love with her. He’s feeling what is known as limerence. describes limerence as:

the state of being obsessively infatuated with someone, usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person

Limerence also almost always ends.

Why? Because it’s not real. An affair typically lives in a fantasy world. There’s a lot of sneaking around. And most of the time, the couple isn’t around each other 24/7. They aren’t seeing the day-to-day habits and full personality traits.

They aren’t seeing the affair partner in dirty underwear or when they’ve forgotten to brush their teeth.

That’s the reality of being married and being around your spouse all the time. But in most cases, it just doesn’t happen with an affair partner. So the couple who are cheating live in this fantasy world.

Over time, that fantasy loses its shine, and reality beings to set in.

When that happens the other woman may question her choices. She may find someone else who isn’t married. She may get lonely sitting at home alone while the cheater is back home with his wife and kids. But the cheating husband may also begin to realize what he’s losing by continuing in the affair.

Limerence almost always ends.

What do you do when your husband loves another woman?

If you are certain your husband loves another woman, try these steps:

  1. Try not to lash out at your husband. While this is a natural reaction, in most cases, it will just push him toward the other woman.
  2. Don’t beg or plead for your husband to come back. This is also very natural, and it’s easy to feel like if our spouse just knew how much pain they were causing me, they would rethink what they are doing. But the reality is that 9 times out of 10, this will push them away (and into her arms). After all, are you at your most attractive if you seem needy, clingy, and desperate? No.
  3. See if your husband will go see a couples counselor. Even if he won’t, it would still be a good idea for you to talk to a relationship coach who is committed to trying to help you to save your marriage. But regular family therapists are better than nothing.
  4. Don’t contact the other woman. Again, this could backfire and cause him to move closer to her.
  5. Focus on being the best version of yourself that you can be. We all get complacent in our marriages over time. That can impact our style, diet, hygiene, sense of fun, and how we present ourselves to others. By re-focusing our energy on ourselves (instead of begging, pleading, or scolding your husband) we not only will be happier, but it creates the greatest opportunity for your husband to fall back in love with you.
  6. Be patient. Affairs don’t start instantly, and while many don’t last beyond a few months, the impact of the affair takes time to fade.
  7. Understand that if your husband ends the affair, he will grieve the loss of the other woman. No wife wants to hear that her husband is grieving for another woman. But he will, and if you deny that reality or try and make him feel guilty for feeling that, the recovery will take longer. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck to be in your shoes. But if you want to save the marriage, find a way to push past that or at least not comment on it.
  8. Take ownership of your role in the demise of the marriage. Read that again, but understand I’m not at all suggesting that the affair is your fault. There is NO excuse for cheating. The affair is, instead, a symptom of problems in your marriage. And in 99% of the cases, those problems were created by both partners. Understand, own, and verbally acknowledge your role in that. Then focus on not falling back into those patterns.

What makes a man leave his wife for another woman?

Up to 25% of men cheat on their wives, but when a man leaves his wife for the affair partner, he believes that what he is going to is better than what he is giving up. That could be a more active sex life, but it’s more likely that he feels that she has more shared interests, is nicer to him, has a stronger emotional connection, or is more aligned with his core values.

But make no mistake, most married men that cheat don’t leave their wives.

In fact, only about 25% of cheaters actually leave their spouse for the affair partner. So assuming you want to save your marriage, the odds are actually significantly in your favor. (source)

And even when they do leave their wives and marry the affair partner, the divorce rate for couples like that is a whopping 75%. (source) That is again due to the fact that the cheater at least, isn’t really likely in love with the other person.

They are in limerence which as I mentioned above is sort of an obsessive infatuation that, over time, almost always ends.

Check out all the surprising and shocking infidelity statistics in a recent article. I get into all the numbers, but I also share how many men cheat versus women, and how long the affair is statistically most likely to last.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

How do you know when your husband stops loving you?

If you think your husband is no longer in love with you, look for 3 or more of the following signs:

  • He’s not interested in sex
  • He’s gone at work or with friends more than usual
  • He shuts down if you try and have tough conversations
  • He never initiates texts when he’s away
  • A lack of interest in you and your life
  • He only says “I love you” if you say it first
  • You find out about his plans in the moment as opposed to him checking with you first
  • He isn’t present to you when you are together and seems distracted
  • He’s often on his phone when you are together, and there’s a lack of quality time

But as I get into more below, if you recognize some of these signs, but he’s always been this way, that may not mean anything. What you really want to notice are sudden changes in his behavior.

When someone suddenly starts doing something very differently than they did before, there’s always a reason, and that can be a bad sign.

Now that reason doesn’t have to be an affair or being in love with someone else. Big changes can come about for a lot of possible reasons; the loss of a close pet or family member, newfound sobriety, an increase in drinking or drug use, or what might be best described as a mid-life crisis.

But if you see several of those signs and they are indeed new behaviors, that could be a sign your husband doesn’t love you anymore.

But in truth, there are actually 13 key ways to know if your husband still loves you.

Luckily, I get into all 13 in detail in a recent article. I dive in deep on each one and share the 1 sure-fire thing you can do to prove whether he still loves you or not.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Why did my husband choose the other woman?

In most cases, limerence is what drives a husband to choose the other woman over his wife.

This is an obsessive infatuation that skews the perspective of the person in it which often makes them believe the affair partner is their soulmate and that they’ve never experienced love like this before.

But the reality is, it’s not real.

It’s not really love if they are in limerence. Limerence drives us to be needy, clingy, and unhealthily obsessed. It can cause reckless behavior that would otherwise be completely out of character. And when a married man falls for another woman, it’s almost never real true love.

And because the average affair is done in secrecy in fleeting moments, there’s almost nothing “real” about it.

You aren’t seeing 100% of the other person as they really are. A husband, in this case, is likely only seeing the affair partner dressed up in sexy clothes with perfect hair and makeup.

They aren’t seeing them frumpy or grumpy.

And that lack of reality can distort the image of what they think they are getting by leaving their wife for the affair partner. That doesn’t make it any less painful for you.

But if they do leave you completely for the other woman, once reality and the day-to-day hum-drum sets in, that glamor wears off.

And when it does, there’s a really good chance they will come crawling back.

How can I attract my husband back?

To attract a husband back who left for another woman, don’t beg, plead, or get angry.

Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself that you can be; taking better physical and mental care, and dressing to feel good about yourself. Then keep communication brief but congenial.

It’s not always easy to be calm and easy-going around a wayward spouse.

But that’s crucial to not pushing them away (and further into the arms of another woman). You see when we beg or plead, that’s a very unattractive way of behaving. It makes us seem desperate and needy. It might make him feel sorry for you. But it doesn’t make you attractive.

And attraction is the best way to get him to want you more than the affair partner.

Make no mistake, there’s nothing you can do but use time as your ally to make the relationship fizzle between your husband and the other woman. But the more attractive you become, the more confident, self-sufficient, and positive, and the more attractive you will be to him.

But don’t make any of those changes for him, or with the sole intent of “winning” him back.

You do this for yourself because you deserve it. And if he doesn’t come back, guess what? You’ll be so much happier for yourself, and that will naturally help you attract the next potential partner.

I know it seems counter-intuitive to not focus on him or the marriage, but if anything will work, it will be presenting yourself in the best possible light and not engaging in behaviors that push him away.

You can get over the affair and make your marriage better than ever.

Final thoughts

So I’ll leave you with this.

Nothing is certain, and even if you can see all 35 of the signs I just mentioned, that’s not completely definitive proof that your husband is cheating or in love with another woman.

But it does significantly increase the likelihood of that being the case if you’re seeing a lot of those signs.

So trust your gut, but also look at the facts. And also know that even if your husband is cheating and in love with the other woman, that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your marriage.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Should You Stay Married After Infidelity? 6 Experts Answer!

I won’t lie. I cheated on my then-wife back in early 2013. My wife could have left me and moved on with her life, but she didn’t. Should you stay married after infidelity?

Between 60-75% of couples DO stay married following an affair being discovered. Couples should stay together if the cheater is willing to be 100% honest, open, transparent, and willing to work on themselves and rebuild trust without blame, excuses, or defensiveness.

But that’s only the beginning.

Luckily for me and our family, we were able to work through everything, had our 3rd daughter in late 2017, and had a successful marriage that was far better than it ever was up until my ex left in 2021 for unrelated reasons.

But if you have cheated, or were cheated on, your decision on whether or not to stay married after an affair may be different. In addition to my own experience in fixing my broken marriage, I’ve also consulted 6 marriage experts.

So let’s explore why staying or leaving might be the right choice for you.

Can a marriage be saved after infidelity?

The short answer is YES. Almost any roadblock in a marriage or relationship can be overcome.

That being said, there are some key things that have to happen in order for a marriage to be repairable. And for the spouse who was cheated on to be willing to forgive and work to repair the marriage.

So to have a healthy relationship again (assuming it ever was healthy), a lot of effort has to be made in the healing process.

After all, a partner’s infidelity is one of the worst things one spouse can do to another. Some of the ways infidelity damages a marriage include:

  • It Destroys trust
  • Creates insecurities (sometimes in both people, but certainly for the cheated on)
  • Causes the spouse who was created on to build an emotional wall

If you were cheated on, there are some important factors to consider when deciding whether or not to stay married.

Those things include:

  • Take 100% ownership of their behavior (no excuses, no blaming you)
  • 100% cut off all communication with the 3rd person 
    • Change jobs if it’s a co-worker
    • Block them on social media
    • Change phone numbers and email addresses
  • Consider therapy to get to the root of why they cheated
  • Be ready, willing, and able to be 110% transparent about everything moving forward
    • They should not lock phones
    • Their spouse should have their social media and email passwords
    • For the time being, the spouse who cheated should not go out without their spouse
    • The spouse who cheated should over-communicate their whereabouts when not at work or if delayed at work
    • These things aren’t for forever, but they are essential for rebuilding trust
  • Allow their spouse to vent and express their feelings any time they need to

In short, if the cheating partner isn’t willing to do those things, they probably aren’t worthy of forgiveness.

The main reason I say that (as someone who has cheated and been cheated on) is that when someone doesn’t own and learn from their own poor choice, they are VERY apt to repeat it.

Anyone can change, but that doesn’t mean they will. Changing our behavior patterns takes time, effort, and focus. If they aren’t willing to do the work, chances are they will cheat again.

Also bear in mind that most of the time, the cheating isn’t the actual problem, but instead a symptom of the real marital problems. And the underlying problem is one that both of you contributed to. Your spouse just chose the wrong solution for that problem.

But if you don’t deal with the real issue, it will come back!

What is considered cheating in a marriage?

Cheating can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

So it’s important for a couple to define what is and isn’t OK for both people. That doesn’t mean one spouse gets to dictate. What it does mean is that both people talk about their feelings and reach agreements.

In the early days of my marriage, my wife was extremely flirty. She also used to brag to others about how cool a wife she was. Because, she said, as long as I came home to her, I could basically do what I wanted.

In truth, that’s not really what she meant, nor did I really take it literally.

No, it was probably her own insecurities fueling a desire to be liked by others and to feel worthy of being loved by me. To be clear, when I did cheat in 2013, it was not because I felt some sort of pass on it. BUT, it is important to not send mixed messages to your spouse.

For most people cheating is when 1 spouse has some sort of physical, romantic relationship with another person without their spouse’s consent. But it could be a purely emotional affair too.

While for many, that would actually mean sex, it could also be:

  • Kissing
  • Being emotionally intimate
  • Virtual infidelity/online activity

But at the end of the day, what matters is what you and your spouse think is OK or not OK. Discuss it, agree to it, and don’t violate that agreement.

Is kissing considered infidelity?

I think most of us, assuming we’re talking about a kiss on the lips given and received with romantic intent, and especially with tongues involved, the answer would be yes. Kissing is infidelity.

As the saying goes, if it would be inappropriate to do with your grandparents, it’s probably not OK with someone who is not your husband, wife or significant other if you have agreed to be monogamous.

But, surprise, surprise, the answer here does differ by gender.

According to a recent survey by Spark Networks, 90% of women feel that “passionately kissing someone else” was cheating, compared to only 75% of men.

Is flirting cheating?

Here I think most people would say no.

But first, let’s define flirting. The definition of flirting is to “behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.

I think the key here is “for amusement”.

If you or your spouse are simply smiling, chatting people up, and being friendly, that is NOT cheating. If it gets physical at all or if you give the other person your contact info, then you’ve crossed a line most people would agree shouldn’t be crossed.

Since I had my affair in 2013, I have strived to try as much as possible to have my thoughts, actions, and words all match up. In other words, when my ex-wife wasn’t around, I chose to not do or say things I wouldn’t do or say if she were around.

When you commit to living your life that way, it gets a whole lot simpler!

Should you forgive a cheater?

Ultimately this is a personal choice and really comes down to how you found out about your spouse’s affair and what steps your spouse took following the discovery to try and make amends.

People are fallible. We make mistakes. Expecting anyone to be perfect and never make a mistake is setting yourself up for a life of disappointment.

That being said, the unfaithful spouse who cheated does need to do a number of things to warrant being forgiven.

Being honest, open, transparent, and 100% accountable for their behavior and the damage it caused is essential to foster forgiveness from the betrayed spouse.

A recent study and survey from YouGov asked couples if they could forgive their spouse if they cheated. Not surprisingly the results were uneven.

  • 37% of the 2624 adults polled would definitely or probably forgive their spouse for cheating
  • 47% said probably not or definitely not
  • Democrats and Independents were slightly more likely to forgive
  • Men were more likely to forgive than women
  • People in the South and West were more likely to forgive than those in the North or Midwest
  • The higher the income bracket, the more likely they are to forgive

But ultimately you should follow your heart and your gut.

Ignore what others think you should do or not do. They aren’t in your marriage and ultimately won’t be affected by the decisions you make. While it is good to clear your head, step away for a brief time, and not make a rash decision in the heat of the moment, don’t just ignore the issue.

Staying in limbo doesn’t help anyone. It’s also a good idea to not trash-talk your unfaithful partner to everyone who will listen.

After all, when you do that, you’re naturally turning them against your spouse. If you do later decide to forgive them and rebuild the relationship, it naturally puts everyone in an awkward position.

Talk to a therapist or one friend or family member who you know will love and support you through this tough time. Be honest, of course, but talk about your feelings rather than just bashing your spouse.

Couples therapy can help.

And a recent article of mine details everything you need to know about marriage counseling including what they do, what it costs, and exactly what the success rates are for working with a couples therapist.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

What the experts say about staying married after infidelity

In writing this article, I consulted the work and opinions of 6 experts in the field of marriage.

Here’s what they had to say on infidelity and whether or not a couple should try and save their marriage after an affair:

DR. JOHN GOTTMAN – Noted marriage expert

  • In order to truly recover after a betrayal, you must be able to hear, accept, and believe that your partner truly regrets the infidelity.”
  • “Hopefully, your partner will be patient with the fact that you might need to hear that regret expressed many times in many different ways.”

What Dr. Gottman is saying here is that when the spouse who cheated admits the affair, ends it, and tries to move on, it’s not uncommon for them to want things to get “better” quickly. This can be out of shame for their behavior. But if the marriage wasn’t great before the affair, it can also just be out of impatience.

Unfortunately for the spouse who was cheated on, this can appear that the cheater isn’t taking full ownership of their behavior. When we try and justify a wrong, make excuses, or (worse) blame someone else (“I wouldn’t have cheated if you hadn’t . . . ) it effectively is the same as not even admitting any wrong in the first place.

The good news is that if a couple can work through the aftermath of an affair, they often find their marriage comes out better and stronger than ever before.

That has certainly been true for my wife and me in the wake of my affair in 2013.

Gottman, of course, is famous for his description of the Four Horsemen (click to read my detailed article) which are the 4 worst behaviors spouses can do to destroy their relationship.

I can certainly tell you that my wife and I used to engage in ALL of those behaviors and that changing them was key to our staying married.

Gottman goes on to say:

“The betrayed partner attempts to understand how it happened and how they can prevent it from happening again.”

Most spouses who were cheated on naturally want a lot of information about the affair, details about the affair partner, where the acts took place, etc. However, Gottman also advises that “It is best not to ask questions about the specifics of the sexual nature of the affair.

Ultimately when you paint a very detailed and graphic picture of the affair, while it can help the wounded spouse understand, it can also fuel their anger and rage toward the cheating spouse and make the recovery process take longer.

All of that was certainly true in my and my ex-wife’s case.

DR. JOHN GRAY – Author of Men Are from Mars

Should an affair cause the end of a marriage? Not in most situations, especially if the guilty partner has apologized, admitted it was a mistake, and promised to never do it again.”

Dr. Gray goes on to say that:

“It’s terrible to see your partner choose someone else instead of you. That doesn’t mean your relationship doesn’t hold value and merit.”

In my own life, I can absolutely testify that this is true.

When I had my affair in 2013, my wife had quit drinking 6 months earlier after years of being an alcoholic and not making good choices.

So while the not drinking was good (I eventually quit too for 3 years) it widened the divide between us. And as she went through the withdrawal and had to face her emotions and issues head-on, it wasn’t always pretty.

But that wasn’t why I cheated, nor did I ever not want to be married to her. But I did choose to withdraw, which according to Dr. Gray was a mistake on my part:

Dr. Gray also notes that:

“It makes a world of difference in a relationship if one person starts (being intentional and active in the marriage) because if one person starts, he or she can see the positive results (and will want to do more of it).

DR. MEG MEEKER – Noted parenting author and marriage expert

“Women don’t think the way men do. When something happens in a man’s life, he identifies the problem, finds a solution and then implements it.”

Dr. Meeker goes on to say that women “think about the problem, the solution, the repercussions, who’s to blame, who isn’t to blame, and then a thousand feelings land on top of every thought.”

She also encourages women who have been cheated on to “get some help for yourself so that you can stay emotionally healthy and strong” and while she advises to not “threaten to leave, but you need to demand some respect for yourself and the marriage.

Ultimately, when it comes to the question of should you stay married after infidelity, Dr. Meeker advises:

“When a spouse is willing to see the offenses he/she has committed against the other and is genuinely willing to correct them, many marriages can be saved.”

But lastly, she cautions “Divorce is caused by two (not one) broken people.”

And while that of course, does not justify an extramarital affair, it does mean that even if the spouse who was cheated on gets divorced, if they don’t deal with their own issues, they are likely to wind up in yet another broken relationship following the divorce.

TONY ROBBINS – Noted self-help guru and life coach

“When people’s values and life directions are extremely different they must compromise. Continuous compromise means a compromised life for both parties. That is when difficult decisions need to be made.”

The above quote was actually from a personal reply Tony Robbins wrote in response to an email he received questioning the fact that Tony filed for divorce in 1998.

While he’s not talking specifically about infidelity here, what he is saying is that when 2 people’s goals, values, and dreams are in alignment, almost any setback or roadblock can be overcome.

He goes on to say regarding infidelity that people who cheat aren’t looking for a new partner. But instead are looking for a new version of themselves; not for sex, but for “desire and aliveness”.

Tony notes the basic steps needed to save the marriage (from the cheater) after an affair is:

  • Take ownership of the pain created by the affair (show remorse and feel empathy)
  • Show and prove your desire to save the relationship – let your spouse know how much you value them
  • Slowly help your spouse understand the why behind your actions (hint: it’s not about the 3rd person or details of the affair)

Lastly, Robbins is famous for saying “Success in life is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is usually the result of experience. Experience is usually the result of bad judgment.”

That is to say, that IF the cheater is willing to own their actions, learn from their mistakes, and move forward in a new way of thinking and behaving, the marriage can be saved after infidelity.

But ONLY if the spouse who had the affair takes 100% ownership and is willing to do whatever it takes to fix it.

DR. GARY CHAPMAN – Author of The 5 Love Languages

“The only way that (to) regain trust (after an affair) is for (the cheater) to be faithful over a period of time.” Dr. Chapman goes on to say, that some of the ways to do that include saying :

“My cell phone and computer are yours any time you want to look at them. If I tell you that I’m going to see (a friend) to help him work on his car, I’m happy for you to call over there to make sure I’m there.”

What he’s getting at, very simply, is being honest and transparent. When you have nothing to hide, then you have no reason to be fearful of anything being seen or heard.

The cheater has to understand that their affair destroyed the trust in the marriage.

Even if the other spouse had already done things to damage the relationship, that doesn’t excuse cheating and the affair certainly only made things worse.

Dr. Chapman goes on to recommend that the spouses avoid focusing on the 3rd person and instead:

“concentrate on restoring your own relationship. Remember, the marital difficulty has been caused by the marriage partners, not by someone outside the marriage.”

What he’s saying here is that ultimately, this isn’t about the other woman or other man.

This is about a breakdown of the marriage. This is about a personal breakdown in the person who cheated.

The 3rd person is ultimately inconsequential, isn’t technically to blame (although they did willingly choose to have a sexual relationship with someone who was married) and focusing on the 3rd person or the affair is not how a couple will successfully overcome the infidelity.

Lastly, on saving your marriage after infidelity, Dr. Chapman advises “Until your (spouse) is remarried, there is hope for your marriage.” also noting that

“Trust is broken because (the spouse who cheated) is unreliable and when (they) become reliable and trustworthy, then trust can be reborn.”

So again, as we’ve said elsewhere, it’s crucial for the person who cheated to:

  • Own it
  • Take the necessary steps to understand why they did what they did
  • Recognize that the burden of rebuilding trust is on them

And only when they get the marriage back to a neutral place is it OK to then work on any marriage issues that were present before the affair.

ESTHER PEREL – Noted psychotherapist, podcast host, and author

“When you pick a partner, you pick a story, and then you find yourself in a play you never auditioned for. And that is when the narratives clash.”

What Perel is saying here is that often times when we enter a marriage, we base our decision on attraction, some base-level goals, and lifestyle choices. But as the marriage develops, sometimes it unfolds in ways we don’t expect or understand.  That, of course, can lead to breakdowns or even infidelity if it’s not addressed.

Specifically, on whether or not a couple should divorce over infidelity, she says “To just push people to divorce and to think that divorce is always the better solution when it dissolves all the family bonds (is wrong).

She also notes, that for a couple who is willing to do the hard work following an affair “Sometimes the relationship that comes out is stronger and more honest and deeper than the one that existed before because people finally step up”.

That was certainly true for my wife and me, who, although we still have challenges and communication breakdowns, ultimately have a much better marriage now than we did before my own affair in 2013.

But Perel cautions:

“We expect too much from our partners . . . We still want everything the traditional family was meant to provide, but now we also want our partner to love us, to desire us, to be interested in us”.

What she’s saying here is that as our values and the so-called roles of men and women have changed over the years, she feels that reliance on family and friends has gotten smaller and put too big a burden on the 2 spouses, often leading to a breakdown.

How do you overcome infidelity in a marriage?

Interestingly, Dr. Gottman also notes “The problems in the relationship did not cause the affair but are important to change”.

In my own experience, I think that is key.

The problems are the real issue, but other issues in me led to me making the choice to cheat as a solution to those problems instead of trying to find a more genuine solution.

My wife and I’s relationship wasn’t great before my affair in 2013. But that ultimately wasn’t what caused me to cheat. I cheated out of my own insecurities that ultimately stemmed from childhood issues I had never resolved.

In reality, I had a tendency to rerail my relationships out of fear of eventually being left. If I destroyed my relationships then at least I was (so I thought) in control.

Until I dealt with my own insecurities, I was destined to repeat my mistakes and patterns. Ultimately, that’s true of anything. We HAVE to both recognize our issues AND take action to move things in a new direction.

Many people recognize they have a problem with something (drugs, alcohol, temper, or a tendency to cheat). But where people, and I was one of them, go wrong, is in not doing anything to really make a difference there.

Anyone can change. But as my old friend Mark who was high up in HR at Whole Foods Market back when I worked there used to say “there’s no better predictor of future behavior than past behavior”.

He knew, quite rightly, that people are SLOW to change. But it can happen.

To overcome infidelity in a marriage, the person who cheated simply has to be ready, willing, and able to consistently show up every day willing to:

  • Do the work on themselves (which ideally would include therapy and/or joining a support group)
  • Be completely open and transparent (to rebuild trust)
  • Allow their spouse to grieve, vent, and go through the recovery stages at their own pace (to ensure they get their emotional needs met and feel heard and understood)
  • Focus on being the person they always wanted to be (and that their spouse deserves)

But beyond fixing ourselves, we also have to learn how to Rekindle our Marriage (click to read my 15 steps). Because once we rebuild trust and get to the root of the underlying reasons why the cheater cheated, THEN we have to work on making a better marriage.

How common is infidelity in marriage?

Unfortunately, it’s more common than we think or want it to be.

In the early years of marriage, the percentage of spouses who cheat is 10% for men, and slightly higher for women (11%), according to the General Social Survey.

But those numbers creep up as the spouses get older to a whopping 26% of spouses aged 70-79.

It’s also worth noting that only in the 18-29 age bracket do women cheat more than men. As both spouses get older, the gap between men and women who cheat increases fairly significantly with men cheating between 8%-13% more.

It’s also interesting to note that according to the General Social Survey I mentioned above, Blacks tend to cheat more, and Hispanics cheat the least, with Whites in between. They also find that the odds of being a cheater increase if your parents divorced.

Think infidelity is the #1 Reason for Divorce (click to see them all on my site)? Think again! In reality, between 20-40% of divorces cite infidelity as the primary reason for divorce.

What are the odds of a marriage surviving infidelity?

It’s not surprising, but people don’t always do what they say they are going to do.

Only 31% of people polled in a recent Gallup poll said they would strive and save their marriage after their spouse had an affair.

But in reality, between 60-75% of those couples surveyed actually stayed together after an affair was discovered.

So your odds of your marriage surviving an affair are actually really good.

In a recent article, I compiled an amazing list of all the Infidelity Recovery Statistics (click to read on my site). Just click the link to read it on my site. I was really surprised to see the age category that sees the worst chances of staying together.

How long does affair recovery take?

To make marriage work after an affair takes a long time.

Second chances and working through the pain, guilt, emotional turmoil, jealousy, and insecurities is a slow process. There’s a lot top unpack in addition to both partners dealing with the underlying problems in the marriage that led the cheating spouse to make a bad decision.

I would expect it to take about 1 year for each month of cheating.

So a 6-month affair might take up to 6 years before the marriage is totally back to normal. The good thing is that there will be slow and steady progress along that way.

So both of you have to be patient, committed to honesty, openness, and transparency and take whatever steps are needed to support the mental health of each other.

You can have a happy marriage again. It will just take time and dedication.

The cheater just needs to take full responsibility for their actions without trying to justify them. And they need to get in touch with their own feelings and get to the real root of why they strayed.

Final thoughts

In this post, we examined something many couples eventually face during their marriage; infidelity.

We looked at what cheating is or may not be to some couples, and whether you should forgive a cheater. Then, if you decide to forgive them, what are some of the ways you can work through it. We also consulted some experts to get their opinion too.

Ultimately we answered the question of should you stay married after infidelity. Have you been a cheater or been cheated on?

Does My Husband Still Love Me? 45 Proven Signs to Look For!

Have you ever felt like something is off in your marriage? Maybe your once warm and affectionate husband now seems aloof and distant? If that’s what you’re seeing, it’s common to wonder does my husband still love me?

A husband who still loves his wife is still physically affectionate, attentive, communicative, makes eye contact with her, is passionate about her, is not rude or condescending when arguing, takes an active interest in her life and friends, and still makes sex a priority.

But that’s just the beginning of how to know your husband’s true intentions. And there are 13 signs in total you should be on the lookout for. So let’s keep going and look at each one.

Does your husband not include you in plans? Or maybe your husband feels like less of a lover and more like a roommate. In times like these, it’s often a compulsory reaction to think of the worst.

What’s wrong here? How did things come to this? Does my husband even still love me?

Before jumping to any conclusions, know that it’s often not the worst. A lot of times, relationship problems can be solved easily enough.

So, in this article, we’ll check out 45 proven signs that your husband still loves you. Most of these signs are in the little details and are pretty specific.

45 signs your husband still loves you

Read on to learn more about some proven ways to spot love as an action.

Of course,  if a man actually did all 45 of these things, he would be superman. So don’t hold him to an impossibly high standard or think he doesn’t love you if he doesn’t hit everything on this list.

Also bear in mind if he’s never done some of these things then maybe that’s just not his style and not a symptom of a problem.

As with most things, look for CHANGES in his behavior from how he used to be.

1. He still likes to touch, hold hands and kiss

Everyone has their own preference for physical displays of affection. But, there’s something about the warmth of your lover’s touch that’s just nice. And that should never fade.

Holding hands, cuddling and kisses don’t need to disappear in marriage. These kinds of sweet displays might cool down a bit after the honeymoon phase of any relationship. There’s nothing strange about that. But if there is a total lack of affection, intimacy, or touch this is a sign something is wrong.

These might not be a big deal to some who dislike public displays of affection.

But these little things are an important signal. It’s one that says, “I still see you as my lover. I still see you as my partner.” This signal of affection should be relayed one way or another on the regular.

2. He puts his phone down when you’re around

It’s hard to resist the allure of too much screen time these days. But how do you know if your man is up to something more nefarious than late-night Candy Crush?

Check out his behavior about his phone when you’re around.

Does he quickly exit the screen he was on if you sneak up behind him? Did he drop and lock the cell phone as soon as you were near? Is his phone placed screen down only when you’re around? These are all signs something’s up.

Calling out the behavior at this point might be for the best before throwing out any damaging accusations. But these are all signs it’s time to keep a closer eye on how and when he’s using his phone.

3. He makes eye contact regularly

In sizing up and connecting with others, people place a lot of weight on eye contact. And for good reason! There are a host of subtle psychological changes that take place when we make eye contact with someone. Through direct eye contact, we are allowing someone a glimpse into our subconscious mind.

Most importantly, we’re showing that we’re open to connecting.

There’s a phrase in German, “wie Luft behandeln”, which means to be seen as air. It’s a feeling of disconnection when someone refuses to look at us. A husband’s purposeful lack of eye contact is a sign of just that – a desire to disconnect.

This is one key feature of an emotionally distant husband.

If you’re seeing that, check out my recent article to know for sure if you’re dealing with emotional disconnection and how to turn that around and not have it destroy your marriage. Just click that link to read it on my site.

Don’t ignore this sign if you see it and ask what’s going on.

4. He still argues passionately (but not rudely)

Every couple has arguments.

A couple that never argues either has some secret that we’ve all yet to find or is one between a pair of incredibly cunning psychopaths. So, arguing by itself isn’t a sign of anything, except maybe that your relationship is totally normal – congratulations! But, you should pay attention to how your husband argues.

Does he respect your feelings and the problems you’ve brought to the argument? Does he ask questions to understand your perspective? Does he offer potential compromises to solve the problem amicably? If so, you’ve found yourself a very healthy arguer.

But what about some bad signs?

Immediately getting on the defensive, indifference to your feelings, or retreating into noncommunicative silence are all terrible ways to handle a disagreement. These might be signs of waning affection if your husband fails to argue productively with you.
In fact, there are 4 behaviors tied to arguing that almost always lead to divorce.

Those are:

Learn more about them, why they can destroy your marriage in a recent article. I not only go in-depth, but I give you proven strategies on how to stop them either in yourself or your spouse.

5. He asks for your opinion

When you love someone, they should have a place in both your daily life and your larger vision of the future.

Asking for your lover’s opinion is one way to honor this notion. It’s a statement that says they value your thoughts and how their actions affect you matter. Therefore, your husband asking for your opinion is another proven sign that he loves you.

Small matters like changing a hairstyle, buying new clothes, or switching ice cream brands obviously don’t call for a big counsel with you. But perhaps you’ve felt hurt by plans made without you, impulsive big purchases, or an apparent lack of interest in your input about these issues.

This is behavior that certainly deserves some examination and discussion.

6. You hear from him throughout the day

Staying in contact is critical in any successful marriage.

We often need to work as a team with our partners. This is especially so if children or other family obligations get thrown into the mix. But beyond this, contact serves another very important purpose. It lets you know your partner is thinking of you.

If the only messages or calls you get are exchanging information, that’s great! You’re with a considerate husband who makes sure you’re on the same page.

But better still would be text messages or calls for no reason at all. “Hope you have a nice lunch,” “how’s your day going?” or “Good news! …” messages are all signs of a heart filled with affection for you.

7. He likes spending time with you

It should go without saying this but, make sure you actually enjoy spending time with your partner.

This may seem obvious but there are plenty of couples out there suffering in quiet desperation. We’ve all seen couples with seemingly little in common going through the motions, stifling boredom, and silent resentment. Don’t be that couple.

If your man doesn’t enjoy your interests or hobbies, by extension, they one day won’t like you much either.

And the opposite is true, too. Hopefully, you’ve done the smart thing and made sure you’ve got some common interests before entering into a committed relationship. If not, now is the time to branch out and try something new. Explore your partner’s hobbies, ask them to join yours, or discover something totally different together.

Find ways to make your relationship grow, the sake of your future may depend on it.

In a recent article, I get into how to keep your relationship growing and stop it from getting stale and boring. And if it already has reached that point, I talk about getting out of that rut.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

8. He takes an active interest in your life

He has his friends and you have yours. He does his thing with his friends while you unwind with yours. Nothing wrong with this scenario at all. But, there should be limits to this kind of compartmentalization of your social lives.

Most people’s friends and interests are an integral part of their identity.

To not at least try to meld into each other’s social lives is a misstep at best and planting a seed of catastrophe at worst. Not enjoying each other’s friends is a bad sign. Those people are a reflection of what your partner values and what they can accept.

If your husband makes no attempts to connect with and accept your friends, it is a rejection of one aspect of you. 

Anyone with their sights set to the future with their partner should at least try to be involved with their social life. Not everyone is going to get along perfectly and some people may never become great friends. But just making the attempt and respecting you and your life is a total necessity.

9. You still catch him checking you out

  • Light touches throughout the day
  • A hand on the small of your back as he reaches for something
  • A gaze up from the phone to watch you pass by

All of these should leave you feeling good about yourself. And more importantly, this means you can rest easy knowing this is a sign your partner still loves you and thinks you’re as attractive as ever.

10. Sex is still a priority (and still good)

As couples age, take on new responsibilities and the relationship matures, your life in the bedroom might seem a bit less active than it used to.

How often do couples have sex as they get older?

I break it all down with statistics and hard facts in a recent article. I look at the average frequency in different age ranges as well as the one thing that tends to kill a formerly good sex life.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

But a little bit of a slowdown is totally normal. We start relationships in a kind of frenzied state thanks to love’s feel-good chemical release. Eventually, we acclimate to our partners and level back out again to normal, whatever that may be for you.

That said, there are a ton of links between a healthy relationship and a good sex life.

Keep in mind one begets the other and they correlate in both directions. Sex can serve as a bonding tool, a display of affection or even a way to make up after an argument.

Studies show that people who pay attention to their lover’s sexual needs report being more satisfied in the relationship as a whole. Satisfying sex can even help unrelated communication problems.

So, if you’re past the honeymoon stage and your husband still initiates and tries to satisfy you, you’re doing great.

11. He talks about your future together

Most humans are simple creatures.

It seems we tend to think and talk about what concerns us at the present moment. It might be as banal as what’s for dinner, or our latest Netflix bender. But in a strong relationship, some of those thoughts should be about you. A husband who never mentions the future, or fails to include you in those plans is a bad sign.

If he’s not thinking of your shared future, it might mean he’s not thinking of you either.

Mentioning you in his future is one big sign he still loves you. Getting a random text message from our partners and being included in his vision of the future are both indicative of one important fact – he is thinking of you.

Of course, a long stretch without talking about the future isn’t a bad sign by itself. But it could be cause for concern if some of the other boxes on this list are ticked as well.

12. He’s willing to be vulnerable with you

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is essential to build a meaningful connection with someone. It is a leap of faith hoping you will cushion the fall rather than step aside. A brave act for the vulnerable one, certainly.

But it’s also a sign of trust in you. 

Most are not willing to take a chance to reveal themselves to someone who will probably hurt them. So continuing to be vulnerable is a meaningful display of their faith in you. It is a display that you understanding them fully is important to them. It’s an endeavor that takes a lifetime.

If the effort or trust in this fades, it could be a sign he feels unsafe with you or is ready to place that effort elsewhere.

13. He still flirts with you

Playfulness and charm don’t have to fade just because you’ve been together for a long time.

Though flirting loses its role as an indicator of interest in a marriage, it serves another important purpose: making you laugh or feel wanted. If these things are important to your partner, flirting is one great indicator of it .

14. He still spends more time with you than he does going out

Don’t get me wrong. Time apart is crucial for neither spouse to feel smothered or controlled. But the flipside also doesn’t work, where each spouse mostly does their own thing.

So balance is the key.

But a good husband is also like a best friend and will want to spend more time with you than he does anyone else. When he makes more plans with you than anyone else, that’s a clear sign he loves you.

15. He shows you respect

When a spouse falls out of love but is still married, they begin to feel trapped. That is especially true if he’s forged an emotional connection (or a physical one) with someone else.

And when that happens, the wayward spouse can start to feel resentful.

And then it’s all too common for that resentment to turn into anger, disrespect, creating unrealistic expectations to justify their obvious disappointment, and maybe even emotional abuse.

16. He posts pictures of you on his social media

When a spouse has fallen out of love they might fall off of social media altogether.

That’s what my now ex-wife did back in April 2021 when she asked for a divorce. In fact, to this day, he abandoned social media channels still have loads of pictures of us together.

But if your husband is still active on social media and still posting pictures of both of you (or just you), that’s a great sign he still loves you.

17. He’s a fan of public displays of affection

Most couples hold hands as they walk, kiss occasionally, hug, and have other forms of affection that they aren’t afraid of the general public witnessing.

Of course, some people are more reserved than others.

But if he’s always been a fan of public displays of affection, and continues to do that, that’s a great sign that he still loves you.

18. He’s attentive to you

Does he bring you a drink when he makes one for himself?

Maybe he offers to give you a back rub when you complain about being sore? Or maybe he opens doors for you and is otherwise attentive to your every need?

I’m not talking total simp. But I am saying if he’s making an effort to take care of you in a strong masculine way, that’s a great sign he’s totally into you.

19. He surprises you with gifts

Does he surprise you with gifts for no reason?

Or maybe you mentioned something you liked in passing once and he remembered and bought it for you later? If so, those are clear signs he’s thinking about you a lot!

20. He still plans regular date nights

A regular date night for couples is a must to avoid getting into a rut.

Unfortunately, it’s all too common for couples to let those fall by the wayside as careers and kids start to become a bigger priority. So don’t beat yourself up if he’s not planning these regularly. That tends to happen in many long-term relationships.

But for sure if he is still making a consistent effort to plan quality time together and to wine and dine you, that’s a great sign!

21. He’s a good listener

Good listening is an important sign of a good relationship.

Many of us, unfortunately, just wait our turn to talk instead of really hearing our spouse. While they jabber on, we’re just thinking about our response instead of really being present to them and what they are saying.

So if he clearly remembers discussions, and sometimes repeats back things you said, that’s a clear sign he loves you.

22. He takes ownership when he makes a mistake

All of us make mistakes. And when he does, does he try and blame you (or others)? Does he try and justify it? “I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t have happened if . . .”

Or does he take, as Jocko Willink says “extreme ownership”?

Does he take 100% responsibility for his makes, make amends for them, and learn from them so he doesn’t repeat them? If so, you’ve got a keeper!

23. He confides in you

Love works in different ways. And not every husband will communicate in the same ways. But most relationship experts agree that a man who shares his innermost secrets and confides in you regularly is a loving husband.

24. He is accepting of exactly how you are

How many times have we seen couples where one or both married their spouse knowing they behaved one way, but then they desperately tried to change them after they said “I do”?

When you’re in it for the long haul, it’s a very good sign when your husband doesn’t have any expectations of you and simply loves you for exactly who you are.

That doesn’t mean they can’t motivate and inspire you. But if you never changed whatsoever, a good husband’s love should not change.

25. He says “I love you” regularly

Saying “I love you” is one of the most obvious signs of a loving spouse.

It’s not the most important thing. But it is a little sign that they are thinking about you, and care enough about you to not make you wonder how they feel about you.

26. He makes you feel safe

At the risk of gender stereotyping, women like to feel safe, heard, and understood.

And when they don’t that’s when a lack of intimacy can develop and other warning signs of an unhappy marriage start to crop up.

And if the man isn’t in tune with his wife, then he’ll often become grumpy or argumentative with his wife which causes her negative behavior to escalate.

So if your man goes out of his way to make you feel both physically and emotionally safe, he clearly loves you.

27. He has your back

When you have a falling out with a friend is he there to listen to you vent?

Didn’t get that promotion at work and he takes you out to your favorite restaurant? If he has your back through thick and thin, that’s a clear sign he loves you.

28. He remembers birthdays and anniversaries

Now some guys are notorious for forgetting special dates and occasions. And I’m not saying every guy that has ever forgotten their wife’s birthday didn’t love her.

But I am saying that if he always remembers and never fails to surprise you on those days, that is the best way to know he still loves you.

29. He gets you flowers occasionally for no reason

Flowers are one of those things that some husbands only do on birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Dady; obligatory.

But if he’s randomly getting them for you on occasion, the good news is that means he’s thinking about you. And he wouldn’t be thinking of you if he didn’t care.

30. He helps around the house

Gender roles have changed a lot in the last 60 years. But even so, there are still a lot of guys who tend to expect their wife to do the lion’s share of the work around the house; even if she works just as many hours at a traditional job as he does.

Not fair, I know.

So if your husband is all too eager to lend a helping hand around the house, be it laundry, cooking, school lunches, etc, especially on a regular basis, that’s a really good sign that he loves you and values you and your time.

31. He’s thoughtful 

Does he make dinner with your favorite foods? Does he plan date nights at your favorite restaurant? When he goes out of his way to please you and remembers things you like and shows that he’s thinking about them (and you) that’s a great sign!

32. He’s proud of you

There’s nothing quite like knowing that our spouse is proud of us.

As your love story unfolds, does he continually praise you? Does he admire your accomplishments at work or compliment you on hobbies you engage in?

If so, let it go to your head! He loves you!

33. He brags about you to his friends and family

Along those same lines, does he brag about you to his family and friends? Is he frequently complimenting you to others or showing them pictures of things you’ve done?

I’m not talking just your physical appearance but your accomplishments too. If so, have no doubt he still loves you.

34. He’s quick to respond to your texts

There’s nothing worse than a romantic partner who always takes forever to respond to texts.

It makes it hard to hold a flowing conversation, but it also makes us feel low of their priority list. And if the relationship isn’t totally solid, it can also make us wonder what they are up to that is delaying their responses.

But if your man never (or rarely) let’s you down and replies to your texts quickly that’s a great sign. That’s even truer if he also goes to the trouble to explain when there is a delay in replying.

35. You never have to wonder if he misses you

There’s nothing worse in a relationship than constantly wondering where you stand with your spouse. That lack of communication often gets our wheels spinning and creating all sorts of ideas as to why that might be.

Now it’s true that words of affirmation might not be your husband’s love language.

And if so, his not telling you regularly how he feels about you doesn’t indicate a lack of love. But if he never lets you wonder and clearly expresses how much he adores you, that’s a great sign he’s not going anywhere.

36. He sees you as his equal; not his property

In decades past, it wasn’t uncommon for men to see their wives more as something they owned than a true equal partner in the relationship.

These days, unfortunately, that does still happen a little bit.

But now, instead of being driven by customs and sociateal expectations, it’s driven by needy, insecure guys who have childhood abandonment issues they’ve never resolved. And it comes out as controlling behavior.

Now you could still have a caring guy who needs therapy. But if your man clearly sees you as an equal in the household, gets your input on important decisions, values your opinions, and sometimes goes with what you want to do, that’s a great sign.

If he didn’t love you, he wouldn’t bother.

37. He makes an effort to get along with your family and friends

Sometimes husbands and boyfriends don’t get along with their wife’s or girlfriend’s friends and family; especially their mom and dad (who can sometimes have very high standards for their “little girl”).

But if (especially against pushback) he still goes out of his way to spend time with your family and friends and makes an effort to get along with them, that’s a great sign!

38. He never puts anyone else before you

True love means that no one, not friends, family, or even his mom come before you. At least not on any regular basis. And if he is regularly putting others before you, that’s a sure warning sign that his priorities are off.

39. He enjoys making you happy

Let’s be honest.

No one can make you happy but you. And even when someone else does something rude or inconsiderate, we still have a choice as to whether or not to let that bother us (I know; easier said than done).

But if your man goes out of his way to do things that he knows bring you joy, that’s a clear sign he loves you!

40. He likes to resolve arguments quickly

All couples argue and disagree.

But a smart man knows he can’t win arguments against his woman. That’s because (at the risk of gender stereotyping), men tend to argue with logic and women argue with emotions.

And even a crystal clear logical argument won’t sway a woman off her emotions because that is literally how she’s feeling in that moment.

So when arguments do come up, a guy who loves you will quickly take ownership of anything he did wrong and listen to how you feel and keep digging until his woman has really told him everything she’s feeling.

And when she’s done getting everything off her chest and truly feels heard and understood, the argument is over.

41. He gets jealous (a little bit)

A little bit of occasional jealousy is not a bad thing.

Now if he’s suspicious of every text you get and wants to know your exact whereabouts every time you go out that is a sure sign that he’s insecure, needy, and controlling.

And only couples therapy can help work through that.

But if he gets playfully jealous when he notices someone checking you out, or when you tell him you got hit on at the grocery store, that’s a great sign he’s still into you.

After all, if the love was gone; he would be indifferent.

42. He never brings up divorce or separation during an argument

There’s nothing worse than a spouse bringing up breaking up every time your argue.

It’s like a veiled threat and really a kind of emotional abuse. All couples argue from time to time, and you and your spouse’s first thought during an argument shouldn’t be breaking up.

If he does, especially more than once, that’s not a great sign.

43. He supports your long-term goals

Do you have a long-term career goal? Maybe it’s to go back to work after being at home with the kids for a few years. Maybe it’s to finish a degree or go beyond a bachelor’s degree? Or maybe it’s to start your own business.

Whatever goals you have for yourself, does he actively support them, champion them, and motivate you to complete them? If so, he’s a keeper!

44. He takes on tasks to make your life easier

Life can get hectic. That’s especially true as we start to advance careers, buy houses, and start a family. And some lesser husbands take an “every man for himself” approach.

So if your guy goes out of his way to do stuff to make your life easier, he clearly loves you. It could be any of the following:

  • He cleans the kitchen after you cooked
  • He let you sleep in and he made the kid’s lunches
  • He picked up dinner on the way home from work so you could relax or go to happy hour with friends
  • He put the laundry away that you washed and dried

45. He looks forward to spending time with you (and tells you)

I love the anticipation of spending time with my girlfriend.

She has 3 kids that she raises 99% by herself, and I have 3 kids two of which I have full-custody of. So we have busy lives and can’t get together more than once or twice a week.

So I relish when we do have time together! And I make sure she knows how excited I am for date night.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my husband really loves me?

In some ways, this is an incredibly complex problem, and in others, it’s the simplest thing in the world. Love is a multi-faceted concept that means any number of things depending on who you ask.

For simplicity’s sake, let’s define love in two measures:

  • Love as an action
  • Love as a feeling

Love is a feeling. It’s the explosion of chemicals in your brain that is akin to being high. It’s temporary insanity in the best definition of that word. It’s acceptance and euphoria in finding a connection. It’s dreams of your shared future together until the end of days. So in this way, knowing your husband loves you is intuitive and instinctual. When you feel it, you just know.

Love is an action. The throes of passion of a new love can’t last forever. And that’s probably for good reason; nothing would ever get done! But, your husband can choose to show you his love through his actions and behavior.

Love as a feeling is easy; connect with an attractive, like-minded person long enough and it just happens.

Love as an action is the mature, older sibling that knows better. It’s a bit more elusive and harder to maintain. If you’re starting to question whether your husband loves you or not, looking at his behavior and actions are a good place to start.

Most couples can rekindle their marriage with an open ear and a willingness to communicate.

In a recent article, I get into specifically how to rekindle your marriage when the passion has faded. Click that link to read that on my site.

How do you know when your husband doesn’t love you anymore?

Love as an action includes all the thoughtful and considerate things a husband should do for his wife.

Maybe he sends you sweet text messages throughout the day. Or he surprises you with a night off while he watches the kids. Maybe it’s asking about your day and listening with sincere care.

Unlike love as a feeling, all of these things require effort and thought.

It’s an indicator you matter to your husband. It shows that he thinks of you and acts accordingly. When you see these kinds of thoughtful actions fade, it could be a sign something’s wrong.

Are you seeing any of the signs he may be thinking about divorce?

If you’re already past this point, and sensing your husband might be thinking of separation, check out my recent article here about signs your husband wants a divorce. Just click that link to read it on my site.

If you’re reading this because of a feeling something’s off, it can be difficult to identify exactly what it is.

Final thoughts

It’s never easy to ask if your husband (or wife) still loves you.

It’s a frightening thought that someone we’ve grown to rely on might be fading. But getting to this point, recognizing this pattern and choosing to do something about it already puts you far ahead of a lot of partners out there.

Just remember to consider love as both a feeling and an action. Both of these constantly wax and wane with time. And some lulls in your marriage are expected and totally normal.

Ready to get to work restoring your marriage?

If after reading through the list, you still feel uncertain about your husband’s affections check out my recent article about how to restore a damaged marriage.

I get into 31 specific steps that I took when my marriage was on the brink of divorce in 2013. And today our marriage is better than ever!

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Image by Goran Horvat from Pixabay

29 Best Ways to Revive Your Marriage

All marriages have ups and downs. But sometimes if we let a downturn go on too long without addressing it, it can lead to an unhappy marriage and is beyond saving. I used to wonder “how can I revive my marriage?”:

To revive a failing marriage, take the following steps:

  1. Focus on fixing problems, not your spouse
  2. Be the best version of yourself you can be
  3. Wipe the slate clean, forgive, and start fresh
  4. Spend time together daily 
  5. Go through the motions even if they don’t feel genuine at first
  6. Practice active listening, not just waiting your turn to talk

But those are just a few of the 29 tips we’ll be reviewing today!

If you’re like most people in a long-term committed relationship, your marriage or relationship will ebb and flow. It’s totally natural for it to NOT feel like it did while you were dating. That is even truer if you now have kids and have settled into life, careers, family, and building a life together.

Everything about your life is different now, so it makes sense that your relationship would feel different too. The good thing is you can commit to making positive changes at any time!

revive my marriage lg

So now let’s review my . . . 

29 Best Ways to Revive Your Marriage

1. Avoid criticizing your spouse

Being critical of your spouse will eventually lead to divorce if you do it on a regular basis.

No one likes feeling like they aren’t good enough. And if they mostly hear criticisms and not appreciation, they WILL come to resent you. If you only walk away from this article with one tip, this is the most important thing.

If you go into a relationship expecting to never hit a speedbump you’re probably in for a rude awakening.

In my house, we have a fireplace. It’s great when it’s cold outside. But the fire wasn’t going when we bought the house and it’s not going 24/7. So when we want the fire to come back after it’s gone out there are steps we have to take.

We start small with twigs and branches to get that first spark going. Then we gradually throw on bigger pieces, carefully stoking the flames and making sure to not overload it too quickly.

That causes the flames to get snuffed out. Obviously, I’m talking about fire here, but it also perfectly describes how to rekindle a broken relationship.

2. Don’t place expectations on them

When we have expectations of another person, we become judgy (been there, done that).

No one likes feeling judged. Plus, we’re almost certainly setting them up to fail. And then we both end up feeling frustrated. If your spouse feels inferior (or that you see them that way), there’s no quicker way to kill the love they feel for you.

If you can’t accept your spouse EXACTLY how they are, do both of you a favor and move on.

3. Appreciate them for what they do

The inverse of #2 is it’s important to appreciate our spouse for what they do.

And I don’t just mean things like laundry or cleaning the kitchen. Appreciate ALL aspects of them; visual, artistic, emotional, physical, and the actions they take.

Ceasing expectations and appreciating them more are the easiest ways to quickly and easily improve a relationship .

4. Talk about your problems, not each other

All couples have disagreements and problems.

But when we start talking about what our spouse is doing wrong instead of the underlying problem, egos get in the way and it’s easy to get defensive.

Instead, focus on the problem. It could be communication, sex, money, etc.

If you can’t communicate effectively, consider marriage counseling. Marriage counselors, at least the good ones, can really help a married couple learn how to communicate effectively with each other and get back to having a strong relationship.

5. Avoid accusations

Along those same lines, don’t accuse your spouse of anything unless it’s something big (like cheating) AND you are certain of their guilt.

None of us like feeling falsely accused. And hurling unfounded accusations at our spouse is the best way to build bitterness and resentment.

Instead, in most cases, you’ll get far better results asking questions instead of making statements or hurling accusations.

6. Talk about how your spouse’s actions make you feel

Even people in great relationships still argue.

So along those same lines of #5, if your spouse has done something to hurt you, don’t name-call or accuse them of being a jerk. Instead, focus on how their actions made you feel.

Let’s say they forgot to get you an anniversary present.

You could say the following with likely disastrous results:

I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary! You don’t care about me! You’re such an asshole! Why am I even married to you?

And sure, that might feel good to say in the moment.

But trust me. Your spouse will get defensive. And then they’ll likely attack back with all the things that you aren’t doing right in their eyes.

And then it will escalate and end badly.

But what if instead, you said the following:

Hey honey. I know you have so much on your plate and do so much for our family. But when you forgot our anniversary, it made me feel like you don’t care about me or value me, and it makes me feel disposable. I would love it if you could make that a bigger priority.

7. Spend more time together being present to one another

Vegging out on the couch drinking and watching TV isn’t connecting.

Sure there are times when that’s fun and appropriate. But every time you’re with your spouse (after work and getting the kids to bed) shouldn’t be like that.

So a few times a week, make sure to spend quality time together without the distraction of the TV, phones, or kids and just talk and enjoy each other’s company. It might not seem like much, but often it’s a series of little things that can bring back the passion to a marriage rather than 1 big thing.

8. Acknowledge the issue with your spouse (it’s not like they don’t know it too)

When there are problems in a marriage, it’s like the elephant in the room.

So don’t pretend it’s not there. Your spouse feels it too. Sure you might feel it more, but only someone truly oblivious won’t see it whatsoever.

So don’t be afraid to bring it up, acknowledge it, and start to talk about fixing it.

9. Know that it will take time (it’s not a quick fix; it either took time to diminish the relationship or a serious breach of trust)

Most marriage problems take time to create; they aren’t usually born overnight. Even an affair is usually the result of a significant decline in the marriage over a period of time.

So just know that problems that took time to create will take time to fix.

So the first step is to not look for miracles or quick fixes. Plan for this to take time, but you will see gradual improvements along the way.

How much time?

That depends on how big the problem is, how long you’ve been together, and how long the issue has gone unaddressed.

10. Be willing to both talk (without criticism) and be willing to listen (without defensiveness)

It’s all too easy to criticize our spouse for all the things we think they are doing wrong. And who knows? Maybe all of it’s true.

But when we feel accused and attacked, are we likely to really listen and respond?

Hell no. We get defensive and are likely going to attack back. Then it turns into a full-blown argument and can escalate out of control.

11. Court them as you did when you were dating

There’s a reason your spouse fell in love with you.

But over time, those qualities and habits can move to the back burner. So if you used to be in shape and are now heavy, get back in the gym! If you used to engage in fun hobbies that you’ve neglected, get back to doing those.

When we do things (even without our spouse) that bring us joy, we are happier. That will naturally translate into being a better spouse.

12. Do things and go to places you frequented early in the relationship

Remember all those places you used to go when you were first dating your spouse?

How many of those restaurants, bars, or activities do you regularly do now? I thought so. It’s easy over time for the “fun” to move down the priority list.

So get back to going places and doing things that were crucial to your initial falling in love process.

13. Spend time together away from technology and the kids

Connect regularly throughout the week (phones down, TV off, maybe sitting on the patio with a glass of wine just talking)

Do fun things outside the house regularly. This can be with the kids, but it’s great to do something fun with our spouse that isn’t tied to the operation of the family.

14. Forgive past issues and start fresh

We have all done things to damage our relationships.

But when our spouse has taken 100% ownership and accountability, it’s crucial that we forgive them, and move forward. That doesn’t mean you forget the transgression. But it does mean not continually bringing it up as ammunition in arguments.

If you can’t forgive your spouse, do both of your a favor and move on.

15. Surprise your spouse occasionally

Guys this is for you especially.

Women (in most cases), naturally want the man to take the lead in the relationship. So plan date nights and romantic dinners. Mix it up. Change where you do and what you do.

Keep her guessing and you’ll keep her in love.

16. Listen without just waiting your turn to talk

Real conversation has to involve you really hearing your spouse, and then expressing how you feel while they truly hear you.

Many of us don’t really listen; we just wait our turn to talk.

And when we do that, we aren’t really present to our spouse and hearing what they are saying. And if they pick up on our lack of presence they won’t feel heard.

That creates frustration and can escalate tension.

17. Touch without the expectation of sex

Sex is an important part of all romantic relationships.

But no one wants to be only thought of as a sex object. And women especially don’t want to feel like the only reason their man touches them is when he wants sex.

So cuddle. Hold hands, spoon. And do it without the expectation of it leading to sex. Believe it or not, but this can actually increase sexual desire.

18. Change up your routines

Routine is a love killer for human beings.

If you usually have date nights on a Friday, sometimes surprise her with a Saturday or a weeknight. If you often go to restaurant “A”, scour Yelp and find a new hot restaurant you’ve never been to.

Avoid the routine and show her you put some thought into her!

19. Go on weekly date nights

Along those same lines, make sure you do have regular date nights.

Kids, family, and friends are great. But at the nucleus of that should be you and your spouse. And it can’t always be about everyone else.

Date and court each other regularly to keep the spark alive (or bring it back).

20. Guys – make a f’ing decision!

Guys this is another one for you.

Women love strong, confident guys. That’s no surprise. So if you’ve become one of those guys who just says “I dunno what do you want to do?” when your wife asks what you want to do or what restaurant you want to go to, it’s time to man up!

Make decisions. Be decisive.

That doesn’t mean being domineering or never letting her give input. But make a f’ing decision! Trust me. Your wife will love you for it and it will help her feel safer and more comfortable in your masculine presence.

21. Focus on being your best

At the end of the day though, while we might be desperate to learn how to fix a broken marriage, all we can really change is ourselves:

  • How we act
  • The words we choose to communicate with
  • The way we respond or react to what’s happening around us

So if you know you need to rekindle your marriage and your spouse is oblivious, just focus on yourself and your own actions.

Ask for what you want. Be clear but be kind.

While it’s great to go to couples counseling together, seeing a therapist on your own has great benefits too. So if your spouse won’t go to therapy together, don’t just throw in the towel; seek therapy on your own.

At the very least you’ll feel better and you may gain clarity about your role in the marriage going stale. Make no mistake; it takes 2 to make a marriage and it takes 2 to run it into the ground.

22. Have sex regularly

I said it before. An active sex life is a HUGELY important part of all romantic relationships.

But careers, kids, and other elements have a way of moving sex to the backburner in long-term marriages and relationships.

So we have to commit to making it a priority.

Schedule it if you must. But sex at least 1-2 times a week (minimum) is crucial for a couple’s long-term happiness. If you have issues with desire or ED; talk to your doctor and get it fixed.

Almost any issue can be fixed with focus and effort.

23. Have a little time apart (for couples who do everything together, one will often end up feeling smothered)

We can’t spend 24/7 with our spouse and expect them to stay interested in us.

After all, what are you going to talk about?? Now, it also doesn’t work to do everything separately. So there has to be a balance. So consider this:

  • Each of you separately has a night out with friends 2-4 times a month
  • You both hang out with friends as a couple 1-3 times a month
  • Family night with the kids weekly
  • Date night once a week
  • Each of you engages in a hobby 1-2 times a week
  • Each of you hits the gym, yoga class, or a sport 1-3 times a week

24. Really connect with your spouse

Sitting and sleeping in close proximity is not connecting.

Often in families, one person is more the breadwinner while the other holds down the family and household. Genders and stereotypes have changed a lot over the decades, so I’m not going to make any assumptions.

But chances are one of you in your relationship leans one way or the other. And vice versa.

In that scenario, it’s quite common for one spouse to see the obvious while the other remains oblivious. And when one spouse doesn’t feel heard and understood, that’s when relationship problems start to develop.

25. Take 100% ownership and accountability for your actions

Apologize – It’s CRUCIAL to take ownership if you blow up after a hard day, do or say things you don’t mean, etc. Don’t just blow those moments over and don’t try and justify the wrong.

Take ownership, apologize fully, and move on.

And whatever you do, after you say you’re sorry, never, EVER, follow it with a “but”. When we say “I’m sorry, but . . . ” we’re shirking responsibility and basically trying to lay fault elsewhere.

And when we don’t take ownership, it is virtually impossible for our spouse to forgive us and it diminishes trust.

26. Make an effort

Marriage is hard work (click to read my article).

In that linked article, I talk about exactly why marriage shouldn’t be easy, but how to make the work you put into it truly effective and not be grueling.

But anything worth doing takes energy, focus, and time. In a marriage, generally speaking, damage or neglect robs us of our feelings of love.

Being married takes time, effort, focus, and attention. A great marriage doesn’t just “happen”. If yours isn’t what it was or could be, commit to rekindling your marriage today!

27. Fake it ’till you make it

Love does ebb and flow throughout a marriage.

Sometimes in the course of it, especially after damaging behavior like an affair, the love goes away. Think of your heart as a finite space where love exists.

As damaging things happen, slowly the love pours out and gets replaced by apathy, anger, or even hate.

But with time, energy, and focus, you CAN fall back in love.

The key is to fake it ’till you make it. I know that phrase sometimes gets a bad rap, but hear me out. When you go through the motions, you are programming your mind and building a pattern into your thoughts and brain.

It WILL feel unnatural at first. It may not be enjoyable.

But when you first learned to do ANYTHING, it felt uncomfortable at first too. Whether that was driving, playing tennis, or learning how to play a musical instrument, it didn’t feel comfortable at first.

Why should love be any different?

But like learning how to be good at anything, EVENTUALLY, it clicked. You got it and it started to make sense, feel right, and be a part of who you are.

Your marriage can be like that too!

28. Be upfront about your feelings

We have to be willing to really share our feelings and bare our souls if we’re going to repair our marriage and rebuild it.

When we avoid uncomfortable conversations, we’re just delaying the inevitable. But it can also build resentment and escalate the tension unnecessarily.

So don’t shy away from uncomfortable feelings. Just be willing to express them in a productive manner.

29. Avoid doing the 4 most damaging things to your spouse

What damages a marriage?

According to renowned marriage expert Dr. John Gottman, there are 4 pillars that destroy a marriage or relationship.

He calls them the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (click to read my article which details the 4).  I have a previous post on this as well that is well worth diving into to learn more.

Those 4 things are:

  1. Criticism
  2. Contempt
  3. Defensiveness
  4. Stonewalling

Each of these areas is ways of behaving or interacting with each other that destroy the relationship over time.

Thus when you want to learn how to rekindle a broken marriage, eliminating those 4 destructive behaviors is essential. Your marriage might be able to survive just one of these, but often they go hand in hand.

Criticism & Contempt

When you and your spouse have an argument do you name call, drop profanity, or hurl insults? Instead of sticking to the topic you’re arguing over do you take jabs at the other’s personality or appearance?


If they accuse you of something do you redirect it elsewhere or make accusations back instead of just owning your mistake?

The most common form of this is to apologize for a wrong but to backhand it by adding “but” at the end of it.

“I’m sorry I did that, but it wouldn’t have happened in the first place if you hadn’t . . . .”

I’m sure that will sound familiar to some.


Lastly, we have stonewalling, which is essentially avoiding your spouse or the argument.  The classic Silent Treatment (click to read my detailed article).

I’ve covered this deceptively deadly relationship killer before as well. If you or your spouse have issues with avoidance, you must check out that post and put an end to this before it’s too late!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a comfortable relationship in trouble?

No. A comfortable relationship is not in trouble as long as neither partner views it as boring or stale. But even a well-functioning comfortable relationship can benefit from surprise date nights, changes in routines, and occasional deep conversations without the distractions of phones, TV, or kids.

There is definitely a difference between 2 people co-existing in a comfortable rhythm and 2 people headed for divorce.

But it’s totally natural 10+ years into marriages or long-term relationships for 2 people to get comfortable.

It’s not too late even if you have talked about divorce.  I’ve posted previously about the Top 3 Reasons for Divorce (click to read my surprising article).  So if you are moving in that direction, I highly recommend you read that post!

In that post, I walk you through each of those top 3 reasons, what the divorce rate is for each of the 3, and what you can do to come back from them if you find them at work in your marriage.

A “comfortable” relationship simply means:

  1. You’re in sync with each other and drama and fights are few
  2. You both enjoy the life you have built
  3. You’re just cruising along loving the journey

People in this boat aren’t unhappy.

True they may not quite have the agonizing passion they felt when they first met. But their love hasn’t faded and they aren’t desperately looking for ways to revive their marriage.

But the need to rekindle your marriage isn’t always as obvious as one might think.

That’s especially true if we are focused on a career. We work long hours, maybe travel some, come home, grab a cocktail, and veg out on the couch with the family watching TV until it’s time for bed.

Repeat daily.

There’s nothing wrong with the above scenario, per se, but nothing about that is nurturing your marriage.  You aren’t focusing on your spouse.

Practicing Empathetic Listening Skills (click to read my article) goes a long way to improve the connection with your spouse, so if you or your partner often don’t feel heard by the other, take a minute and check out my post on that.

Do couples reconcile after separation?

No. 87% of couples who separate do not end up reconciling. While some couples do reconcile after separation, the odds strongly favor divorce. So it’s far better to try and fix a failing marriage before one spouse moves out.

When you’ve separated and one person has physically moved out, it can be much harder to reconcile.

The good news is that it sends a clear message to the other spouse that this is serious and something needs to change if the marriage is going to survive.

The bad news is that when you lead largely separate lives, it takes more work, time, and energy to start the reconciliation process and keep it going.

It also costs a lot more financially and if you have kids it puts an incredible strain on them (as well as both of you).

Unfortunately, the statistics don’t support separation as part of the process of trying to rekindle a broken marriage.

According to DivorceStatistics, a whopping 87% of couples who separate end up getting divorced.

Thus, if you or your spouse do separate with hopes of fixing things, you only have about a 13% chance of success. Obviously, if you are in a situation where your spouse is physically abusive or cruel, for your own safety you should move out ASAP (and the marriage probably can’t be saved anyway).

But for most of us who want to save and rekindle our marriage, moving out is a BAD idea.

What is a loveless marriage?

A loveless marriage is one where, over time, the love in the marriage has just naturally faded away. It could be due to an affair or abuse, but often it’s just from a lack of paying attention.

Lots of things can cause love to diminish.

My own marriage has definitely seen its share of challenges.  There was a time when my wife said to me “I love you but I’m not sure I’m still in love with you”.

Luckily that was not recently.

Believe me, that hurt.  It was a wake-up call for sure. I could have been angry. Or said hurtful things back. But she was just being honest.  She wasn’t trying to hurt me.

Learning to be honest with your spouse and to receive honest, heartfelt feedback graciously are excellent traits to have or hone.

In my case, I was working a ton. I was also going out after work with friends for drinks. My wife was home alone with our girls. We’d also moved states for my work 3 times in the prior 15 months so my wife also probably felt somewhat alone and isolated.

She had quit drinking alcohol a few months earlier while I hadn’t (yet).

Thus all of that set the table for widening the rift between us. I thought working hard to provide financially and otherwise was enough. It wasn’t. I needed to rekindle love in my marriage, but at the time I was too oblivious to see it.

How to fix a marriage after infidelity

For the cheater, here are the steps to turn things around:

  • Be 100% accountable for your actions – No excuses, no shifting blame
  • Ended all contact with the other man or woman (changing phone numbers and my email address, blocking them on social media)
  • Allowed your spouse to go through the grieving stages (at their pace with no pressure from you to move past it)
  • Focus on changing yourself (to show them through your actions that you can be the person they fell in love with)

I’m in a unique position to speak here as I cheated on my wife in 2013.

As I alluded to in the above passage, our marriage wasn’t great at the time. Our communication had deteriorated and my wife had recently quit drinking (but I had not).

It was the lowest point in my life and certainly for our marriage.

We could have broken up and separated our family. But instead (luckily) my wife and I decided to rebuild our marriage.

The good news is we went through the turmoil and came out significantly stronger than we ever were before.

If you want to see all the crucial steps we took, check out my most shared post on Pinterest about How to Save a Marriage After Infidelity (click to read my article).

Does sexless marriage lead to divorce?

In most cases, yes. A sexless marriage will end in divorce. A sexless marriage is a sign that one partner has a physical and/or mental issue they have not dealt with. The other spouse will eventually get frustrated at both the lack of intimacy, but also their spouse’s inability to deal with the underlying issue.

Intimacy, both physical and emotional is CRUCIAL for a successful long-term marriage.

While I’m not talking specifically about sex, I also don’t want to diminish the role of sex in a healthy marriage either. It’s vitally important that spouses are having sex at least once a week.

But having said that, it’s also crucial that both spouses are having their emotional needs met too and finding ways to connect that don’t have the expectation of sex.

So if your marriage is lacking intimacy and you’ve wondered “Can a Marriage Last Without Intimacy (click to read my article)?”, I urge you to explore one of my newer posts that answers that very question.

How can I fight for my marriage alone?

Sometimes our spouse seems unwilling to make an effort to fix the marriage. You can fight for your marriage alone by:

  • Start going through the motions – go places you went early in the marriage, go on dates, put the phones down, and make time for each other
  • Wipe the slate clean – Cast aside judgments, blame, and other things you may be feeling towards them
  • Focus on being the best version of yourself – You can’t change anyone; you can only change yourself. So don’t worry about what you can’t change. Just be you at your best.
  • Don’t pressure your spouse
  • Avoid being critical of your spouse
  • Give them space, but be clear you want to fix the marriage

Maybe our spouse is oblivious or maybe they’ve grown apathetic and just aren’t willing to fight to save your marriage. That’s a rough spot to be in; isolating, frustrating, and lonely.

Start by telling them how you feel. Rather than placing expectations on them or getting angry, just start by talking about your feelings.

It’s OK to describe how your spouse’s actions (or inactions) make you feel but bring it back to how it makes you feel. That’s key to them not feeling attacked and getting defensive.

If they are oblivious you have to paint a picture of what’s going wrong in the marriage so they can see it.

Even if their perception is totally different (which is OK as they are entitled to their opinion), they should be crystal clear on how you feel about it.

If they are apathetic, then you need to give them a glimmer of hope of what your marriage could be like if you could regain what you’ve lost.

How do I reconnect with my husband after having a baby?

A baby causes physical, hormonal, emotional, and mental changes to a mother. It can take 6 weeks or more after giving birth before a wife is ready to be intimate again with her husband.

Here’s how to reconnect with your husband after having a baby:

  • Be clear with your husband about what you’re feeling
  • Let them know the medical recommendations for how long it will be before you’re ready to have sex
  • Also, be clear that aside from being physically ready, you need to be mentally ready
  • Connect with your husband in other ways outside of sex
  • Don’t feel guilty; this is a natural part of motherhood
  • Understand that any trauma that happened at birth may delay intimacy

I have 3 kids, so I’m a great position to know exactly how this feels.

As guys, we sometimes are clueless about what a woman is going through after giving birth to a child. We see the child, but we don’t always understand the changes your body is going through both physically and hormonally.

So it’s crucial that you talk to us; let us in.

That’s not the same as sex, but it is an intimate connection that is better than none. Talk to us about what you’re feeling and going through. If your sex drive has changed, talk about it.

If you gained weight and feel unattractive, talk to us about it!

Guys are naturally fixers, so at the start of the conversation, make it clear you just want us to listen and not solve the issues. But keeping it bottled up will only make both of you miserable.

Then, maybe 6-8 weeks following the birth of the baby, do try and recommit to regular sex, as it’s an important part of a healthy marriage.

If you aren’t quite feeling it emotionally, it’s still OK to engage in it as it will help to reengage your sex drive and it will help to reconnect you to your husband too.

Final thoughts

We don’t have to settle

We don’t have to accept that passion is gone never to return.  You CAN fix your marriage and rekindle love!  You simply need to re-prioritize what’s important.

To restore love, we simply have to put aside expectations of our spouse, judgments, and criticisms.

It’s totally ok to ask for what you need and express how it makes you feel if they let you down, but just having a long list of what you expect from your spouse is likely to frustrate you and them and ensure they don’t measure up.


  • Take some time each week to do something similar to what you did when dating (music, restaurants, hangouts, games, etc)
  • Each day, think of one thing you appreciate about your spouse and write it down
  • Do something small for your spouse each day that lets them know you are thinking about them (without the expectation of getting anything in return)
  • Hug, connect and say I love you every day (multiple times a day)

As kids, careers, new houses, cars, material things, and life came along, your relationship got prioritized down on the to-do list. But none of those things mean much without someone to share it with.

So learning how to fix these marital problems is crucial!

Image by Anastasiya Babienko from Pixabay

How to Rebuild Your Wife’s Trust – 15 Proven Ways

In 2013, I cheated on my wife. It’s not my proudest moment, and as you can imagine, it took a while for my wife to trust me again. Here’s what I learned about how to regain my wife’s trust:

  1. Admit your indiscretion
  2. Take 100% ownership and accountability for the issue
  3. Avoid blaming others or trying to justify the choice
  4. Be 100% transparent and open
  5. Allow your spouse to vent without trying to defend yourself
  6. Work on yourself to get to the root of the problem so it doesn’t happen again

But there’s a lot more to say about regaining your wife’s trust and restoring a relationship. The good news is that trust can be restored, and your marriage can be saved. You can have a healthy relationship again!

Not only was I able to regain my wife’s trust, but my marriage is not better than it’s ever been.

So, if you’re wondering how to regain your partner’s trust and want to save your marriage, you’ve come to the right place.

Just keep reading!

15 Effective Steps on how to regain your wife’s trust

1. Take 100% ownership for what happened

Whatever your indiscretions, the first step is to take 100% ownership. Whether you cheated, got into deep debt, or any other kind of hot water, you need to own it.

Don’t place blame on your wife or anyone else. You can’t control many things in your life, but you can always control yourself.

Don’t try to sugarcoat it, either. Tell your wife exactly what happened in as much detail as she wants. Apologize once, take complete ownership, and then tell her how you are going to fix it.

2. Avoid trying to justify why you did what you did

Whatever you do, don’t try to justify what you did. It’s only going to sound like you’re making excuses. Making excuses means you’re not taking ownership of your choices.

It’s going to lead to placing blame, and inevitably, fighting.

Some daily bickering and going back and forth is completely normal and okay. But if it gets into name-calling, criticism, and yelling, it’s counter-productive at best. It’s damaging at worst.

To read more about how damaging constant fighting can be, read this recent article.

In this article, I talk about how some small daily fights can be okay. I also talk about how damaging it can be if you call names, constantly criticize, or yell. You’re trying to regain your wife’s trust, not pick fights.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

3. Don’t focus on trying to convince her of anything – show her through your actions

Actions will always speak louder than words.

If you are serious about regaining your wife’s trust, don’t try to convince her of it. Do whatever you can to show her that you want to save the marriage and that she can trust you again.

Let her have complete access to your phone, computer, and social media.

Don’t leave the room when you take calls. Let her know where you’re going, why you’re going, and when you’re going to be home.

If something happens, especially if it is related to your indiscretions, tell her about it. Then, tell her what you will do about it if anything needs to be done.

Answer all of her questions, no matter how trivial they may seem to you.

And don’t get frustrated with her questions. You’re the one who created her trust issues, so you’re the one that needs to earn it back.

4. Let her vent and release her anger (verbally) whenever she needs to

Let her vent when she needs to. Anger, just like grief, is going to come and go. She may seem fine one day, and the next day she may have explosive anger.

This is okay and should be treated with patience.

Obviously, if she gets physical or starts name-calling, that is not okay. If this starts to happen, the best thing to do is remove yourself from the situation. Simply don’t engage if she feels the need to get physical or belittle you.

Venting anger and frustration is okay. Being abusive is never okay.

Depending on what you’ve done, her anger may come along with something that correlates to your indiscretion.

For example, if you’ve committed some sort of fraud, and you get a court notice, she may get angry. That’s normal and okay. Depending on the nature of the breach of trust, her reactions will vary, as will the amount of time it takes for her to work through it.

You should also be okay with the fact that this may happen on and off for months. It may seem like it comes out of the blue. When it does happen, don’t try to defend yourself. Just listen to her frustrations without judgment and without being defensive.

5. Be clear you intend to save the marriage and earn her trust back

No matter what you’ve done, if you want to save the marriage, be very clear in that. If she mentions divorce, tell her that you are not interested in getting a divorce.

Be very clear about your intentions.

For example, if you’ve cheated and are serious about saving your marriage, tell her that and then show her. Cut off all communication with the other person.

Give your wife access to all of your social accounts, your email, and your phone. Change jobs if you cheated with a co-worker. Even emotional affairs that never got physical should be handled the same way.

Don’t keep anything from her, even if you feel like it’s not relevant.

Tell her repeatedly that you do not want to get a divorce, but don’t be demanding. Then, make sure your actions show that you want to earn her trust back. Ask for time.

Your marriage can be saved, but she needs to want it, too.

If she is on the fence about saving the marriage, help guide her in the direction you want by making your intentions clear.

Complete transparency is a good step to show her that you are serious about saving your marriage.

And above all, don’t try and justify the affair. I don’t care if she was the worst wife in the world. Having an affair is wrong, and not the way to try and get her to be a better wife.

6. Allow her space when she needs it

Sometimes she’s not going to want to be around you. She may not want to talk to you. She’s not giving you the silent treatment; she’s ruminating.

This is normal and okay. Give her space. Don’t push her to talk to you. If you push her when she doesn’t want to talk to you, it could lead to fighting and resentment.

The idea is to get your marriage in a better place and to gain her trust. If you try to push her into talking to you, it’s just going to frustrate her.

By giving her the needed space, you are showing her that you respect her feelings.

If she says she needs to go out and think, let her do that. If she is at home, just be nearby to let her know that you are there if she needs you.

But don’t bug her to talk to you because you feel bad. It’s not her responsibility to make you feel better.

Giving her the space she needs but being nearby demonstrates that you genuinely care about her needs and not just your own.

7. If you cheated, give her all passwords to phones, email & social

Cheating is a deep betrayal, and it’s going to require a lot of work to overcome. First, you should cease all communication with the person you had an affair with, no matter how long or short.

Then, you should change your phone number and email address. 

Block them on all social media accounts. And if they are a co-worker, quit that job and get a new one. When you are doing all of this, give your wife complete access to your social media, phone, and email.

By complete access – I mean everything. Give her all of your passwords for everything and keep NOTHING from her. This may seem extreme, but I really can’t think of anything worse than cheating in a relationship.

If you’re serious about getting your wife to trust you again, you’re going to have to take drastic measures.

Being 100% transparent and open will ease the betrayed partner’s mind about any insecurity, anger, frustration, and self-doubt she may have.

8. Suggest seeing a marriage counselor together

Marriages are a lot of work, even when trust hasn’t been broken.

Once trust has been broken, it can be near impossible to get it back. The best way to gain trust back and get to the real root of the problem is to attend counseling.

There is an underlying reason for whatever it was that you did. Whether you lost your life savings to gambling, whether you cheated, or committed some crime, there is an underlying reason.

You can’t get to the root of the cause alone.

You should seek professional help. A marriage counselor can give you an objective, non-judgmental ear to talk to about your issues. They have the expertise to provide real, actionable advice on how to fix your marriage and learn to trust one another again.

They can also get to the “why” of the situation and help you work through it. It is not a quick fix, and it’s going to take a lot of work. It may even get worse before it gets better.

But if you are serious about keeping your marriage intact, it is a step you should both consider taking.

9. Understand the healing process could take years

The healing process is going to take time. That’s something you need to understand and get used to. If you’ve made it clear that you want to save your marriage, and she agrees, it’s not going to happen overnight.

Healing a broken marriage, just like going through grief, is a process. You are both going to have issues that need to be worked through.

So just be prepared for healing to take time.

Also, understand that the longer your indiscretions and the longer you kept them from your wife, the longer it will take to get over.

Your marriage can go back to normal.

In fact, it can even be better than it was. But you can’t rush the process. Allow it to take as long as necessary. As long as you are in the right mindset, it will prevent you from rushing things, and it will allow you to heal, too.

It will also prevent you from feeling resentment towards your wife when she isn’t moving forward fast enough for your liking.

It will gradually get better. Just let the process run its course.

10. Overcommunicate your whereabouts when not at home or work

Go overboard on communicating your whereabouts when not at home or work.

This is especially important if you cheated. As the person who cheated, you have to let your partner see your emails, cell phone, and social media accounts. This may feel like a violation of your privacy, or it may make you feel insecure.

But this is important to the person who has been cheated on.

By telling them your whereabouts and sharing your passwords, your partner will feel reassured that you don’t have anything to hide.

You’ll also be showing them that they can trust you again.

If you gambled away a significant amount of money, tell your partner about any bank accounts they may not have known about before.

And give them the passwords so they can check in on your spending habits.

Keep them updated on your whereabouts, check in frequently when you are not home, and come home when you say you are going to be home.

11. Make her your #1 priority

Make your wife your number one priority.

Ask her what she needs from you. You are not a mind reader, and she doesn’t expect you to be. But she may not always verbalize what she needs from you. So, instead of guessing what she needs, ask her. And then do what she says.

If she needs space, give it to her. If she wants flowers every day, get them for her.

Whatever you do, you need to make sure she knows that she is important to you. If she wants a date night, don’t work late or go hang out with your friends. Take her on the date.

Do small things throughout the day to let her know that you are thinking about her. And do this without any expectations for something in return. She should be your best friend, so treat her like one!

Hug her, connect with her, and tell her you love her every day, multiple times a day.

Have meaningful conversations. Take an active interest in her life and interests. Simply appreciating your wife for who she is and what she does for you and your family can go a long way.

12. Go places and do things you did when the marriage was young and fun

Part of rebuilding trust is rebuilding the relationship.

You may desperately want your marriage to have trust, mutual acceptance, and respect. All hope is not lost. Even damaged marriages can be saved.

A great way to do this is to go on dates like you did when the marriage was brand new. Even if you have kids, you can still go on dates. Leave the kids with a sitter or make them a part of your dates. It can and should feel like a fresh start!

Older kids really enjoy hearing about their parents’ lives before they were parents.

Go see a movie at the theatre you used to frequent, go eat at the restaurant where you had your first date, and do the activities you loved to do together.

This can not only remind you of the more fun times in your relationship, but it can help you remember why you fell in love in the first place. This recent article is entirely devoted to helping you fall back in love.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

13. Appreciate her without expectation

Appreciation can look like a lot of things. It can be random texts once or twice a week, telling your wife that you love her.

And while you’re being thankful, don’t expect anything from her in return. Just be grateful in the moment.

It can be praise for a job well done. If she recently completed a project, praise her for working hard and getting it done. But also understand her love language and make sure your actions support that.

The 5 love languages are:

  • Words of affirmation
  • Acts of service
  • Receiving gifts
  • Quality time
  • Physical touch

So if her love language is words of affirmation and you never tell her you love and appreciate her, she may feel unloved no matter what you buy her or how much time you spend with her.

You should also show appreciation for the things she does on a daily basis.

Does she cook dinner every day? Do laundry and other household chores? Make sure the kids are educated, entertained, and clean?

Be thankful for those things.

When you appreciate the little things, you’ll notice that she will appreciate you more, too.

14. If you cheated, understand it may be a while before she’s ready to have sex

Cheating is a huge betrayal. While you may feel guilty about it, she is likely emotionally drained. You’ve made a connection with someone outside of your marriage.

This means that not only have you been lying, but you’ve essentially invited someone else into your marriage without your wife’s knowledge or consent. That broken trust is a lot to process.

She’s going to feel insecure, angry, and maybe even a little guilty herself.

All of these emotions are going to be hard to get past, and she probably won’t be ready to have sex for a while. This goes for any type of affair you’ve had. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or a combination of both.

That doesn’t mean she will never have sex with you again. It just means she is still processing, and it’s going to take some effort and hard work on your part.

But your relationship can go back to normal after cheating. It’s going to take time and patience. Read this recent article where I explore the harsh reality many couples face when it comes to cheating.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

15. Make positive changes in your life (quit drinking, start a workout regime, eat healthier, etc.) 

One of the easiest things you can do is to make positive changes in your own life.

There’s an underlying reason for doing what you did. If you’re an alcoholic, stop drinking and get help. Attend AA meetings and follow the steps.

If you are a gambler, find something else to get that dopamine hit. Work out and eat healthier, meditate.

You’d be surprised at how much better you feel mentally if you just walk on a daily basis. Occupy your mind with healthy habits. Getting help and changing behaviors is a huge part of not relapsing.

Oftentimes, our vices are influenced by our environment. If you grew up with an alcoholic, there is a good chance you will also be an alcoholic.

If you surround yourself with gamblers or drug users, you will likely gamble or use drugs, too.

Take a look around you and see what you can change about yourself and your environment for the better. When you start taking better care of yourself, you’ll find that it’s easier to take care of other things, too.

You’ll find that because you’re happier and more in tune with your body and mind, you won’t want to participate in the negative behaviors that brought you down before.

Therapy, meditation, or a practice like yoga or martial arts can help significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I regain my wife’s trust after cheating?

If you want to regain your wife’s trust after an affair, give your wife complete access to your phone, email, and social accounts. Then, over-communicate on your whereabouts when not at home or work.

Cheating can be devastating to a relationship.

If you’re serious about saving your relationship and regaining your wife’s trust, it’s going to take a lot of work. Patience is vital, and you can’t rush the process.

You need to be completely transparent in your life. Give your wife complete access to your phone, email, and social accounts—over-communicate your whereabouts.

You also need to take 100% accountability for your actions. Don’t give excuses or place blame on others.

It may get frustrating, but understand that it will take time. Don’t pressure your spouse to just “get over it.” You are the one who cheated. You are the one who needs to fix it.

I’ve been both the cheater and the one who has been cheated on. This gives me a unique perspective from both sides of the coin.

To read more in-depth about how to regain your wife’s trust after cheating, check out this recent article.

In that article, I go deep into how to prove you won’t cheat again. After all, many say once a cheater, always a cheater. But that doesn’t have to be true.

Just click the link to read it on my site.

How do you get your wife to fall back in love with you again?

To revive a marriage and get your wife to fall back in love, focus on fixing the problems in yourself, listening to your wife, and being the best version of you that you can be, and the best husband you can be. Make your intentions clear, but don’t seem needy or clingy.

Ultimately you’ll have to show her that you can change. And only your actions, over time, will do that; not words.

Lack of trust can often lead to a boring or even broken marriage. Marriages ebb and flow, and that’s completely normal, especially if you’ve been married a long time.

Kids, careers, and routines can all make a marriage feel less than stellar. Long-term relationships take work. It’s not going to feel like it was when you were dating, but it doesn’t have to feel bland, either.

To bring back that spark, have a date night. Leave the kids with a sitter, turn off the cell phones, and focus on each other.

But if I were to break it down as simply as possible, it would be to:

  • Show appreciation for your wife without expecting anything in return
  • Leave thoughtful notes around the house. Do household chores that you don’t normally. You’d be surprised at how much simply washing the dishes can do for your marriage!
  • Be willing to listen to your wife (and not just waiting your turn to talk)
  • Tell her what you need, too. Neither one of you are a mind reader, and you can’t rekindle a marriage if you don’t communicate with one another.
  • Avoid begging or guilting her – no one likes someone who seems desperate (even if that’s how you feel)
  • Show her through your actions that you are still the man she feel in love with – words don’t have nearly as much value as action

If your marriage is failing, then check out this quick video on the 7 Steps to Fixing Your Marriage that will help get yours back on track.

Can a marriage survive without trust?

Simply put, no. A marriage without trust will end in divorce or be miserable. Trust is what relationships are built on. Without trust, you end up questioning everything. Your wife may constantly be expecting the worst from you. This is stressful and exhausting.

Once trust has been broken, it can be nearly impossible to get it back.

When trust is broken, it’s easy to feel on edge all the time. You start to question every phone notification, text message, and email.

Lack of trust can also lead to fighting, lack of communication, and even a shift in priorities.

If your spouse doesn’t trust you, they simply aren’t going to believe what you say. They may also question your motives in your actions.

This is an unhealthy way to live in general. But it is especially exhausting and stressful, and if mistrust continues, it will ultimately lead to the demise of your relationship.

So, if you’re serious about regaining your wife’s trust, here are my…

Final thoughts

Trust is crucial in a marriage, and your marriage simply won’t survive without trust. If it does survive, it won’t be in an enjoyable or healthy way.

If you have lost your wife’s trust for whatever reason, it is vital that you regain it. It’s going to take time, and it’s not going to be easy. We all have past mistakes. But it’s crucial that we take extreme ownership of them, learn from them, and don’t repeat them.

It’s going to take patience on your part, and you are going to have to work on yourself at the same time.

But if you really want to save your marriage, you need to rebuild that trust. It’s a crucial step and the only way to really put your marriage back together. If you put in the time to rebuild the trust, your marriage can be even better than it was before.

How to Rekindle Your Marriage – 15 Ways that Really Work!

old dried rose rekindle your marriage rekindle love middle class dad

My wife and I had a great marriage for years, but there was a time when she told me that she wasn’t IN love with me anymore. I knew I needed to take action, so I began to research how to rekindle your marriage.

Here are the best ways to rekindle your marriage:

  1. Spend quality time together (put the kids to bed & put phones down)
  2. Increase physical touch without the expectation of sex
  3. Make your sex life a priority too
  4. Be 100% accountable for your actions
  5. Appreciate your spouse without expectation
  6. Don’t look to your spouse to make you happy or for feelings of validation

But there’s a lot more to rebuilding trust in a damaged relationship and rekindling the lost passion in a marriage.

So in this post, we’re diving deep into the world of stale, boring, and even broken marriages. We’re answering all the top questions, reviewing advice from some top relationship experts, and walking you through the best way to rekindle your marriage when the love has faded.

15 Proven Steps to Rekindle Your Marriage 

1. Spend time together weekly

Kids, bills, dinner, yard-work, business dinners, that new episode of whatever.

The world seemingly conspires against you and your spouse just getting to hang out. So the first place to start is with making your spouse a priority. You have to consciously make it happen.

Use an app if you must or a calendar, but have weekly date nights!

2. Talk and connect regularly

After work when the kids are in bed don’t just turn on the TV, pour a glass of wine and sit next to your spouse in a vegetative state.

That’s OK some nights, but it shouldn’t be every night.

Get together sometimes and just talk.  Connect.  Over coffee or after dinner.  Meet up for lunch occasionally. Make an effort to connect with each other’s lives, thoughts, goals, and fears.

This person is (hopefully) the biggest part of your life, so why should we expend the least amount of effort on them?

3. Avoid placing expectations on them

There is a saying from Tony Robbins I love:

“Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant”.

Essentially that means don’t focus on what you think your spouse should be doing.

Just be appreciative of who they are and what they are doing and what they bring to the table.  It’s essentially a glass half full or empty proposition.

When all you focus on is what they aren’t doing, you’ll never feel satisfied. If you see your spouse as a constant disappointment, that’s a recipe for divorce! Trust me. This goes a long way towards you feeling happier and more fulfilled.

4. Take 100% ownership and accountability

Anyone in a long-term relationship has done things to damage it.

Maybe one of you had a problem with drugs or alcohol.  Or had an affair. Perhaps you were overly critical and always on edge.

It could also be more benign habits. But over a period of years, even the smallest issue can become draining to our spouse. It can take its toll on love and being in love.

So if you know you’ve contributed to the broken relationship it’s not enough just to stop the behavior.

Acknowledge it!  Own it. Accept it. Apologize for it. You don’t need to dwell on the past, but you do need to take responsibility for it so your partner can heal.

That, in turn, will often cause them to let their guard down and own their behavior too.  Then and only then can you truly begin to move forward in forging the best chapter yet in your romantic relationship.

There’s no shame in making mistakes. The shame comes in repeating them and/or not taking responsibility for them. Learning how to rekindle a marriage must include accountability.

5. Make sex a priority

As with #1, the world again conspires to push sex by the wayside.  Men and women also have different sexual needs. And our needs change differently as we age. And it’s also true that each of you might have a different sex drive.

That being said, sexual intimacy and physical affection are an important part of ANY relationship and it can be very hard to have a rewarding and lasting relationship without them.

Make sex a priority. Keep it interesting. Change it up, and don’t cast it aside.

If you’re too tired at night after the kids go to bed, make it part of the morning ritual.  Schedule it if you must like Adam & Kristina Braverman on Parenthood.

But make it a regular part of your routine and you will rekindle your marriage.

6. Touch and connect without the expectation of sex

Aside from making sure sex is a priority, it’s also important to touch your partner without the expectation that it’s leading to physical intimacy.

Women want to feel valued for more than just being a sex object.

Yes, they want to feel sexy and desired. But they also want an emotional bond and to be appreciated for all the many facets and aspects of their personality. A true intimate connection goes way beyond just sex.

Emotional intimacy is fostered by touch. A sense of security and connection with our partner is created by physical connections.

Hold hands, snuggle, kiss.  If it leads to sex; great!  But don’t initiate it for that reason.

7. Fake it till you make it

I know that phrase is a bit controversial but I like it.

Anything we do, when we are first learning it (or trying to rekindle it) will feel awkward.  It feels foreign and unfamiliar; a bit unnatural.

Learning how to rekindle a broken marriage is no different!

But you didn’t stop riding your bike as a kid just because it felt awkward at first.  You kept doing it until it felt natural; until you fell into a groove and it became part of who you are.

So any task, habit, or direction you want to take in life can be seen in the same way.

If you and your spouse have had love diminish, go through the motions.  Follow the steps above.  It will feel a little awkward at first, but the good news is it will eventually feel totally natural; you will fall back in love again!

8. Don’t look to your spouse to make you happy

Only you can make yourself happy.

It’s true that others can do things to anger or sadden us, but our own inner happiness is ours to own and nurture.

If you expect your spouse to provide your happiness you’re in for a disappointment.  They can bring joy, love, and support, but don’t lose sight of looking inward.

9. Have some activities away from each other

We don’t need to do EVERYTHING together. An ex once told me “wouldn’t it be great if we could spend every minute together with no one else ever around?”

At the time I thought it was sweet.  Now older and wise I realize how truly co-dependent and potentially smothering that really was.

Have hobbies and activities away from each other. Not all the time, and not even the majority of the time.

But have interests and friends outside of your marriage or relationship. Then when you do come together you’re excited to see one another and you have interesting things to talk about.

10. Build true intimacy

Intimacy means closeness and familiarity.

Our spouse is often the person with whom we let our guard down the most.  As damage in the relationship happens, the guard comes up and trust diminishes.

So when working on relationship issues, it’s essential that we work on rebuilding intimacy.  It’s one of the most important things. Be less defensive, say things that don’t make your spouse feel defensive.

As the guard comes down and intimacy and emotional connection improve, so will the marriage.

There are MANY ways to help build intimacy, so I urge you to check out all 31 incredible ways you can Restore Intimacy in Marriage (click to read my article) in one of my newer posts.

11. Change up your sex patterns

After a couple has been together some time, it’s easy to fall into routine patterns.

When we’re talking about sex, the routine can sometimes become boring.  Now don’t get me wrong, most of us would rather have routine sex than none at all.

But change it up once in a while! If your spouse is usually the one who initiates it, you initiate it every once in a while. Change positions or even location.  Spice things up a little and create new experiences!

12. Make a list of your favorite memories

All long-term couples will have a few standout moments of the early days of the relationship; places, events, concerts, or simpler moments where they really enjoyed time with their spouse.

Often that’s in the honeymoon phase of the relationship.

Write those moments down. If you want to take it a step farther, print out pictures from them and create a photo album of them or a montage of photos in a frame on the wall.

As you recall those moments, it’s an easy way for the feelings you had for your spouse at that time to return.

13. Alter your routine

Married couples, especially with kids in the mix, tend to fall into a routine each week.

Getting kids ready for school. grocery shopping, cleaning the house, etc. We fall into a rhythm and find ourselves doing the same things each week and most days of the week.

So, it can get a little boring.

So next time you want to do something, change it up! Do something together you used to do separately. Change the days you do some tasks. Allow some lesser important things to get moved to the back burner.

As life gets more interesting and less routine, your marriage will follow suit!

14. Understand each other’s love language

When my wife used to ask me to tell her in-depth, exactly why I love her, I fumbled at my words.

But if she asked me to build her something, fix something, or schedule something, I am ALL about it. I show love through my actions and less so through my words.

But learning to get more comfortable with your spouse’s love language is a great way to build (or rebuild) connection on a deeper level.

When you put aside expectations and just appreciate your spouse AND the ways that THEY choose to show love you WILL be happier.

Each person shows and expresses love differently and it’s not fair to expect one spouse to show you love how you think it should be shown. If they aren’t showing it at all, that’s a different problem.

But do take time to understand and appreciate their (and your) love language.

The 5 love languages are:

  • Words of affirmation
  • Acts of service
  • Receiving gifts
  • Quality time
  • Physical touch

So if your wife’s love language is words of affirmation but you rarely tell her you love her or appreciate the things she does, she may feel unloved even if you buy her a lot of things or spend a lot of time with her.

15. Examine your friends’ list

Are most of your friends single or divorced? Are they are the bar or club every weekend drinking heavily and hooking up with strangers?

When you (and they) are in your early 20s and single that’s OK.

But as we get older, get further down the career path, get married, and especially when we have kids, behaviors like that don’t have a place in our lives anymore.

But if you still hang out with friends like that, however great a person they might be, it affects how we think (negatively).

I’m not saying to ditch all your single friends, but I am saying that according to the noted speaker and author Jim Rohn (and often misappropriated to Aristotle):

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

So, begin to cultivate friendships with people that you’d like to be more like and slowly begin to spend less time with people whose lives you would not want for yourself.

How do you rekindle a marriage during separation?

Here are the steps to rekindle a marriage after separation:

  • Take things slowly, but not vague or undefined (it’s not fair to keep your spouse in limbo indefinitely)
  • Set regular weekly times to meet and talk
  • Have clear boundaries (no alcohol consumption when meeting, no unscheduled drop-ins, no intimacy at first)
  • Avoid being intimate at the start (it sends a very confusing message)
  • Do express how you feel (but avoid yelling, name-calling, or blame)
  • Consider seeing a marriage counselor (if you aren’t already)
  • Try to understand your role in the problem (and any underlying root issues that fueled it)
  • As things progress, begin to date your spouse (still taking things slowly)
  • Don’t rush to reconcile (the tendency will be for both of you to return to your old patterns if you don’t really take time to examine the real issues and take steps to change them.
  • It’s OK if you aren’t sure if you are still in love (but know that you CAN fall back in love as things progress)
  • Make saving your marriage the top priority (friends, nights out, family, and even your kids all need to take a backseat to get your marriage back on track. After all, if you end up divorcing, none of it will matter anyway).
  • Put ego and pride aside (many a marriage has ended in divorce because one spouse was too proud to apologize or take real ownership of the damage they did)

Final Thoughts

In this post, we examined exactly how to how to rekindle a broken marriage.

We identified some of the most common things and main reason that derails marriages. That includes things that cause damage and also can cause partners to drift apart.

But we also looked at the crucial steps you can take to rekindle the marriage. It’s totally natural for relationships to settle into a routine. But you don’t have to accept a boring or passionless marriage.

Like anything worth doing you have to put forth the effort. It’s never too late to save your marriage or relationship; you just have to try.

Photo credits (that aren’t mine or which require attribution):
Faded Love via (Lomo edit) by Clyde Robinson is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Marriage is Hard Work (but worth it!) – 13 Reasons Why

marriage is hard work construction couple middle class dad

There are a lot of folks out there who say marriage shouldn’t feel like work.  Or if it feels like work, you’re doing it wrong.  But in truth, like anything else that is rewarding, we have to work at our marriages. And it’s OK if marriage is hard work!

Marriage is hard work. However, some of the benefits include living longer, being better off financially, happier and healthier kids, and increased happiness and overall satisfaction.

But those are just a handful of the proven benefits of marriage being hard work, so let’s get into it!

So in this post, we’re diving deep into what a great marriage is (or should be), why it’s OK to continually work at improving it, how to take things to the next level, and why you should be worried when it ISN’T hard work.

marriage is hard work construction couple middle class dad

Is marriage supposed to be hard work?

Marriage is supposed to be hard work. It takes both people putting in the effort to make something greater than the sum of its individual parts. People are inherently flawed. Therefore marriage is inherently flawed.

If you got a college degree, learned a trade like becoming an electrician, or mastered a musical instrument, what did that take?

It took HARD WORK!

Now I’m not referring to horrible soul-crushing work; the kind you dread every morning when you wake up.  If that’s what your marriage feels like then you are doing it wrong.

No, I’m simply stating that anything worth doing, having, or pursuing doesn’t come easy. 

And once you’ve made it to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra as a violinist does the work stop No! You have to keep focusing your craft; honing it, improving it, and nurturing it.

And when that violinist does that, it’s not a chore they loathe; it’s a labor of love (hopefully).  Marriage IS hard work and that’s OK.  It’s supposed to be.

It somehow feels wrong to admit that marriage is hard work.

We feel a little ashamed or that somehow it means our marriage is in trouble and the “work” is us desperately trying to fix it.

In some cases that could be true.  I’ve walked through my own marital struggles before in a post about the different types of Marital Conflict (click to read my post on all of them) including the 1 you should absolutely avoid at all costs.

But in most cases our marriages are fine and the “work” is just the daily effort we put into:

  • Communicate more effectively
  • Be less defensive
  • Take more responsibility when we mess up
  • Not give & give & give to work, the kids, and everyone else and have nothing left for our spouse

Is marriage easier if it’s true love?

Yes. Marriage will be easier when married couples are truly both head over heels in love with each other. A successful marriage will still take a lot of effort. And a fairy tale marriage doesn’t really exist.

But you can make marriage work best by not settling in your marriage or even long-term relationships.

Many people make the decision to get married out of fear. Things like:

  • Fear of being alone
  • Fear of struggling financially
  • Fear that they aren’t worthy of love

Often those feelings are rooted in unresolved childhood issues around emotional abuse, neglect, or a fear of abandonment.

And they can cause people wanting good relationships to settle for the first person who comes along who seems halfway decent. While it is possible for love to grow over time and become a close relationship, more likely it will lead to a bad marriage.

So the best thing is to wait to marry or even move in together until that light bulb moment where you become sure they are “the one”. You feel that excitement and there’s no hesitation. While the divorce rate is still up there even for couples madly in love, this is by far the best way to help ensure you stay together for the rest of your life.

How difficult is it to live in a marriage?

Marriage is kind of hard work. And there will inevitably be marriage conflict. But there is a difference between that and being difficult. Done right, married life means real love, date nights, and a good relationship with the right person. Someone who always has your back. Someone who you can count on when then going gets tough.

A good marriage requires the following from you:

  • Communication
  • Compromise
  • Understanding that your actions affect others
  • Not always getting what you want when you want it

The reason a lot of marriages end in divorce is that people simply give up when things get hard (and they will).

In our society today, we’ve become accustomed to getting what we want quickly and when something doesn’t give us what we want, we dispose of it and get a new one.

Unfortunately, relationships have become like that too.

But I’m here to tell you that it is indeed OK to admit that marriage is hard work. But it’s work well worth doing.  It’s soul-enriching.  It’s life-saving (your own and your children’s).

If you admit that marriage is hard work that means you’re focused on it; improving it and yourself. You’re dedicated to your marriage, your spouse, and your family. And that’s a great thing!

If you think, however, that things are too far gone and have wondered if Can Marriage Counseling Help? (click to read my article to find out), one of my most popular posts walks you through the world of couples counseling.

I get into what they do, how they do it, what it costs, and what the actual statistics say about success rates. So if you’re curious, check that out now!

How do you survive a difficult marriage?

So, in short, I don’t think you should have to just survive a difficult marriage.

Life is too short to just survive. Life is a journey and it ends the same way for everyone. So what’s the point if that journey to the end is miserable.

The bad news is you can’t change anyone else.

The good news is you can change yourself, your attitude, your mindset, and your boundaries. I’m active in a few marriage groups on Facebook and I couldn’t tell you how many hundreds of times I’ve seen comments from people who feel stuck in a miserable marriage.

Their spouse is controlling, abusive, secretive, or maybe even all of the above.

Now, if you’re a stay-at-home mom with 3 kids married to a jerk, you might feel stuck; especially if the kids are young. You might feel you have to survive the marriage rather than leave it. And maybe you’ve tried to fix or improve it and it hasn’t worked.

In that case, there are 2 possibilities:

  1. He’s always been a jerk and you should have known better before you said “I do”
  2. Something has shifted in him, you, or the marriage that is creating tension and unhappiness

If it’s #1, there isn’t a lot you can do other than be clear, be honest, set boundaries, and come up with a long-term plan for yourself and your kids. That could be taking online classes so you can get a job once the kids are in school. Or maybe it’s an online side-hustle (like this blog).

But don’t just stay in a miserable marriage with no hope in sight and no escape plan.

But I think more often, a miserable marriage is probably due to #2. Something has changed. Maybe just the pressure we guys often put on ourselves to climb the corporate ladder, make more money, buy more stuff, etc.

It’s easy to shift our priorities to what we think matters and let the stuff that actually matters fall by the wayside.

If that sounds familiar, the keys are open and honest (and non-accusatory) communication. Maybe therapy, and finding a way back to the love you once felt for each other.

How do you know when your marriage is really over?

If marriage ever stops feeling like hard work that’s a bad sign.  It means one of you or both of you have either:

  1. Given up and are just coasting through life because it’s easier than divorce
  2. Started building a life outside the marriage (I’m not necessarily referring to infidelity)
  3. Felt like all the issues in the relationship are the other person’s and it’s just not worth the effort to change

Marriage is hard work.  And it’s designed to stay that way.

The violinist in my first example has to practice every day!  Not only to improve but just to maintain. Your marriage is no different.

If we start to slack on our marriage & take it for granted we risk losing what we had.  At the very least we risk it never being as good as it can be.

Of course, if the bad significantly outweighs the good in your marriage and you dream about life without them or with someone else, you do need to take action as your marriage is close to the end.

The good news is that if you want it, you can Rekindle Your Marriage (click to read my step-by-step article) at almost any time.

So if you aren’t sure your marriage is worth saving, but you want to give it one last shot, I highly encourage you to take a moment and review my post on EXACTLY how I did that in my own marriage after it started falling apart in 2013.

What stage of marriage is the hardest?

While we hear about the so-called “7-year-itch”, in most cases, the 1st year of marriage is the hardest. This is because we still are just getting to know this other human being. And while we may well be learning many wonderful things about them, and they may now be our best friend, it’s still different unless you were already living together and had for years.

After all, the honeymoon is over and you’re learning what it really means to be with this person. Even if you lived together first, it can still be hard.

When we’re dating, our endorphins are rushing and we tend to only see the good and the exciting aspects of our partner.

That wears off once you say “I do”. Then we set about everyday life. We see each other in worn-out underwear instead of only the sexy stuff. We start paying bills together, cleaning cat boxes, and other mundane stuff that probably wasn’t part of our everyday dating life.

You’re also really getting to know someone unless you dated for a decade.

The reason I said “no” at the top in addition to yes, is that the 1st year often still doesn’t involve kids. So in that regard you may still be going out and having fun, sleeping in, and feeling rested. Kiss most of that goodbye when kids come into the picture.

The other thing that happens when kids enter the picture is we start thinking about career advancement so we can make more money. That has a way of shifting our priorities away from our spouse. We think we’re doing what is most important, but over time, it can create a divide between the couple.

That can lead to resentment and building separate lives away from each other.

The side effects of that can lead to affairs, addiction, or best-case scenario, just feeling more like roommates than partners and lovers. So for those reasons, I also feel like years 3-7 can be the hardest for many couples.

Why is marriage harder than dating?

In short, when you’re dating you usually have far fewer responsibilities. Single people often don’t have kids yet, may be lower on the corporate ladder, and are more often just out having fun.

They have yet to experience the tough times, financial stresses, and reduced sex life that sometimes come with modern marriages.

When we are in a long marriage, other things get pushed to the top of our priority list, above our spouse. Things like:

  • Kids
  • Careers
  • Buying a house
  • Keeping up with the Joneses
  • Financial stresses

And all of that can take a toll on married people and leave us eventually feeling stuck in unhappy marriages.

Luckily, there is a way to being your marriage back and Restore the Intimacy, even if things have been bad for years.  My article walks you through 31 incredibly simple things you can do to help make things feel more like they did when you were dating.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

What are the signs of an unhappy marriage?

I alluded to it above, but for me, work is rewarding, and enriching and I like seeing the effort I put forth in building something up.

If anything in your life that requires effort doesn’t make you feel rewarded you should look to change something. Either yourself or your attitude about it, or that thing itself.

Marriage is hard work but it should feel good.  The work you put into your marriage should be improving it; making it better and stronger.

It should be the kind of work you feel great about.  You should be able to see a noticeable improvement in your marriage. If you are seeing any of the following signs, that is a sign of an unhappy marriage (time to take action!):

  • Arguments with name-calling, belittling, or profanity
  • Neither of you initiates sex
  • You have totally separate interests and networks of friends
  • You feel totally apathetic about your spouse

Believe it or not, you can take your relationship to the next level even from this place.

I’ve covered the 7 Stages of a Healthy Relationship (click to read my post) in a previous post that was my most popular post when it came out.

Why you should work harder in your marriage

Everyone who is married or in a committed relationship should work harder.

Why?  For many of us, our kids are counting on us.  Kids need 2 parents.  That doesn’t mean single parents are bad (my Mom was one). But children of divorce just face more challenges than kids from 2 parent homes.

That’s not to shame anyone.

If you’re in that boat there might be very good reasons why you got divorced and your kids could well be better off.  It’s not my place to judge and I don’t know your situation.

But I do know from personal experience that divorce can be very hard on kids. If you feel like you’re heading for divorce, it may not be too late!  Marriage is hard work but as Lenny says, “it ain’t over ’till it’s over”.

Check out my 2nd most popular relationship post which covers the Top 3 Reasons for Divorce (click to read my article that breaks them down) and how you can steer clear of them!

In that above-mentioned post, I focused a lot on divorce statistics in the USA where I live.  But I love this infographic here which covers the impact and effects of divorce in the UK.

All in all, people are people, and no matter where you live I bet your numbers aren’t very different.

Can a marriage survive without intimacy?

The short answer is probably not.

The good news is that you can start to work on changing it at almost any time, no matter how bad things have gotten. Ultimately a marriage lacking sex and intimacy (related but not always the same thing) is usually caused by:

  • Depression
  • A medical condition
  • The aftermath of something bad like an affair
  • Childhood trauma or abuse that was never dealt with (but triggered recently)

So first we have to figure out the underlying cause. Then, and only then, can we deal with the lack of intimacy (which is a symptom and not the actual problem itself).

If that sounds familiar, I strongly urge you to check out my post Can a Marriage Last Without Intimacy? (click to read my post). I get into the statistics and survival rates and how often men and women cheat who are in sexless marriages.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

So what are my . . .

13 reasons to stick with and improve your marriage

marriage is hard work converse wearing married couple middle class dad


Our kids deserve 2 parents who love each other.

I know personally what it was like to grow up with parents who fought, yelled and otherwise made the house tense.  I also know what it was later like to just live with one parent and have the other be a long way away.

That takes its toll on our kids in ways we often don’t even realize well into adulthood.

In a book called “The Longevity Project“, authors and Psychologists Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin determined that “The children of divorce were . . . more likely to grow up to smoke and to drink heavily, with such women more than twice as likely to be heavy smokers.

The boys of divorce were less likely to complete their education and accomplish as much in their careers.” If you’re already divorced, don’t beat yourself up.

Life happens and expecting to go through life without making wrong turns just isn’t realistic.  That’s also how we learn and grow. Just realize there will be some work to do to help your kids (and yourself) get through some tough feelings.

You may need professional help with that and that’s OK.

But if it’s not too late, focus on your marriage!  (re-) Commit to your marriage.  Your kids deserve it and you do too!


Life can be tough.  Sometimes we get knocked down.

If you have someone there by your side to pick you back up again, that makes everything just a little bit better.

Why go through life working a job you hate, divorced, out of shape with emotionally distant kids?  It doesn’t have to be that way.  You deserve better.

We can’t control anything in our lives except for our actions, choices, and how we respond to things going on around us.  Those who try and control external circumstances are doomed to misery. If something isn’t right in your marriage change it, or at least change your attitude about it!


The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services conducted an extensive study on marriage and its impact on health.

In particular, they found that being married reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 5%.  They also found that cardiovascular risk factors were much higher (31%) in divorced people.

The US Government’s National Institutes of Health conducted a study on marriage and the effects on lifespan.

They found that “the death rate for people who were unmarried was significantly higher than it was for those who were married and living with their spouses.”

Going back to the Longevity Project book I mentioned above in #1, they also found that men, in particular, were 2/3 less likely to live to age 70 when divorced.


I think it goes without saying that 2 are better than 1.

Even if one spouse stays at home with the kids, that’s money you don’t have to spend on childcare (and the kids will be better off too). 2 people together making financial decisions are better than 1.  2 incomes are better than 1.  When we have a partner, we have someone who can keep our spending habits in check.  Or they can push the stingy person to indulge.

2 are better than 1 in just about every aspect of life but especially financially.


It probably goes without saying that if you’re living longer, healthier, and doing better financially with well-adjusted kids you’ll be happier.

A recent study conducted by Michigan State University and published by the Journal of Research in Personality found that “(their study) suggests that people on average are happier than they would have been if they didn’t get married”.

They also found that marriage “appears to protect against normal declines in happiness during adulthood”.

But don’t forget that marriage is hard work! None of these things will come to pass just by saying “I do”. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.  And to do something well requires effort, mistakes, learning from those mistakes, and persevering through the rough patch.

6. You have a partner for life who has your back

Let’s face it. Life gets tough!

Sometimes the challenges are with our spouse. But often it’s just life and life is just better when you’re part of a team and have someone to face those challenges with.

7. You’ll always have someone to have sex with

Sex is important for human beings.

It helps keep us calm, steady, focused, and happy. Who isn’t grouchy when they haven’t had sex in a while? Most people.

So being happily married means you ALWAYS have someone to have sex with. No dating. No online profiles to sift through, and no long periods of drought.

8. You always have someone to call you on your BS

Our spouse knows us better than ANYONE else.

They know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We sometimes let pride, ego, and other things get in the way of seeing what’s really going on. So, having a spouse who’s not afraid to (politely) call us out when we aren’t thinking clearly is a great thing!

9. You will look back on memories more fondly

I’ve been married previously. I’ve also had a few serious relationships before being married to my wife. While I have a lot of fond memories (playing with the B-52’s was cool!) it’s great when most of your fond memories aren’t tied up around an ex.

So staying married means you’ll have a lot more fond memories to look back upon, AND to share those with. After all, your current spouse doesn’t really want to hear about your fond memories with someone else.

10. Two heads are better than one

As they say, 2 heads are better than 1, and it’s just true.

Whether it’s a financial decision, parenting call, or vacation destination choices, it’s ALWAYS better to have someone to bounce ideas off of, get ideas from, and make decisions with.

11. Your spouse can motivate you and drive you to greater success

I do what I do for my wife and kids.

I get up every day a little after 4 am to work on my blog because I want it to grow to be something bigger. While I do it for me, I’m really motivated by them.

If you’re alone and single, it’s a lot harder to get motivated than when a supportive spouse is helping fuel your fire.

12. You have someone to share watching your kids grow up 

Let’s face it. Our kids aren’t getting any younger.

True, you could be like us and have a 3rd baby when the older two are in their tween years (almost like starting over). But our kids are growing. And fast.

So sharing those memories with your spouse, just makes it all the sweeter.

13. Going through rough patches makes you stronger together

Adversity makes us stronger. It just does.

Like the song says, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. If you have been married for any length of time, you have weathered storms and gone through challenges.

You’ve probably talked about divorce at some point and thought about breaking up.

Going through all that together and coming out on top makes your marriage far stronger than if it had just been smooth sailing the whole time.

Final thoughts

In this post, we looked at the common misconception that somehow marriage isn’t supposed to take effort. Somehow our society has come to think of marriage as something we set and forget.

In reality, marriage IS hard work!

Anything worth doing is worth doing well and marriage is no different. We also looked at the 5 reasons why you should work harder at your marriage.

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases if you click on Amazon from my site and choose to make a purchase. You can read my complete affiliate disclosure for more details.

Can a Marriage Last Without Intimacy?

can a marriage last without intimacy? man and woman laying down on a red blanket caressing each other's head Middle Class Dad

Anyone who has been in a relationship knows the importance of intimacy, both physically and emotionally. And while shared interests and kids can help bind a couple together, can a marriage last without intimacy?

As a general rule, most marriages with a lack of intimacy fail. While 15% of marriages lack physical intimacy, a recent study found that among divorced couples surveyed, 43% listed intimacy issues, including a lack of physical intimacy as the reason for divorce. 

If you have been in multiple relationships, chances are you also have had one where the intimacy was lacking. No passion, no fire burning, and yes; little to no sex.

But a relationship with little to no emotional intimacy or physical intimacy is going to be very challenging.

So today, we’re diving in deep into the world of marriages, intimacy, and what to do if you find yourself in that situation. We’ll explore the underlying causes a partner might have to not be intimate. We will also talk about options the spouse wanting the intimacy has to get it back.

But specifically, though, we’re answering the tough question of can a marriage last without intimacy.

How a lack of intimacy affects a marriage

A recent study by the Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal looked at over 25,000 couples over 23 years. They found overwhelmingly that couples who had sex at least once a week were significantly happier than those who do not.

Interestingly, happiness did not seem to be affected when the sexual activity occurred even more frequently than once a week. So as long as it’s at least once a week, the frequency of sex has little impact on a couple’s overall happiness.

The lead researcher on the study, Assistant Professor Amy Muise of York University, stated:

“it’s important to maintain an intimate connection with your partner, but you don’t need to have sex every day as long as you’re maintaining that connection.”

But what happens to a marriage where intimacy and sex are lacking?

The following are all side effects of a sexless relationship:

  • Both partners feel unhappy, alone, and unfulfilled
  • The partner on the receiving end feels unloved and unattractive
  • Frustrations from the lack of sex cause the couple to emotionally withdraw too
  • Apathy will set in with the partner who wants more intimacy
  • The partner who wants sex is more likely to have an affair

Going further, the UK law firm of Woolley & Co found that 43% of the divorces they analyzed ended in divorce due to sexual issues, including a lack of intimacy.

In yet another recent survey conducted by the Huffington Post, they found that over 50% of spouses “wouldn’t have married their spouses if they had known the marriage would be sexless.”

And while that survey did note that almost 50% of spouses said “lack of sex in the marriage was not a deal-breaker”, 33% said they would consider divorce.

A lack of intimacy, sexual or otherwise, can be painful for the partner on the receiving end.

It is often seen as a rejection, and that rejection is painful. As the attachment bond is weakened, the marriage is weakened. After a long time with this issue, the marriage can reach a point of no return.

Is it OK to be in a sexless marriage?

Anything between 2 consenting adults is OK and technically no one else’s business. But there are 2 main problems.

First, it’s pretty rare that both people in the relationship are OK with the lack of sexual intimacy. Second, unless we’re talking about a medical condition for the low sex drive when a partner pulls away and shuts down, there’s usually a somewhat catastrophic incident that led to it.

While it could be that one spouse cheated on the other and the spouse who was cheated on then shut down on an intimate level.

That’s totally understandable and something that will improve over time as the couple (hopefully) work through the issue.

Is your emotional and physical intimacy suffering in the wake of an affair? If so, I highly recommend you take a moment and check out one of my most popular posts on Pinterest.

There I walk you through the exact steps to Save a Marriage After Infidelity (click to read my article). So while it is technically OK to be in a sexless marriage, in most cases, the answer is no.

Is a sexless marriage normal?

In short, no.

While it certainly does happen (15% of married couples haven’t had sex in 6-12 months or more), most people would not consider a sexless marriage normal.

Technically “sexless” doesn’t mean no sex ever. It just means less sex. Most experts agree that 10 or fewer sex acts a year counts as “sexless”. So we’re talking anyone who doesn’t have regular sex at least once a month.

What is “normal” is for the sex in your relationship to diminish after the first few years.

A recent study by the National Institutes of Health found that when a relationship is new, those intimate interactions with your partner hit the brain like opioids, activating the reward center of the brain. It also was shown to reduce pain and unhappiness.

Over time, as our brain becomes used to our partner, that effect can diminish.

After all, that’s often when kids come into the picture and one or both spouses start to ramp up their career goals or maybe continue their education. Life comes into play and all of that can conspire to put our sex life, and sometimes our marriage, on the back burner.

BUT, if you aren’t at least having sex once a month (once a week is more the average for long-term married couples), then that’s a sign that something is wrong. When you see that sign, it’s crucial that you act before your marriage starts to crumble.

Whether or not a marriage can survive without physical intimacy is what we’re exploring next.

can a marriage last without intimacy? black and white photo of a Black couple shirtless holding each other's heads Middle Class Dad

Can a marriage survive without physical intimacy?

In short, no.

All human beings need and crave emotional and physical intimacy as a basic need. Without it, the connection and spark between the 2 people withers and dies.

Also, as I mentioned above, usually for a person to suddenly withdraw from intimacy, there is often a triggering event. And while it could be something fairly common and easily treatable like vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction, it could also be something more traumatic from our childhood.

So until that spouse deals with the underlying cause and learns to Let Go of the Past (click to read my post), they will face challenges in all walks of life.

Not dealing with it will ultimately cause them to not be the person they truly want to be.

If that sounds at all familiar, I highly recommend you take a moment and to click the link above and review my most shared post on Twitter.

The only other possible exception there would be if a long-term couple had an issue that left one (or both) of them unable to be physically intimate. Obviously, in that case, the other spouse would (hopefully) understand and be considerate of the limitations.

But for that marriage to survive, the relationship would have to have been built on very solid ground over a long period of time. They would also have to still be able to connect emotionally in an intimate way or make other accommodations for the limitations.

So asking can a marriage last without intimacy almost always leads to a solid “no”.

If your marriage is failing, then check out this short video on the 7 Steps to Fixing a Marriage that will help get yours back on track.


Is a sexless marriage grounds for divorce?

The short answer is you can divorce anyone for any reason in almost any state in the US.

Obviously, laws vary from state to state and certainly from country to country, but when someone decides to divorce, in most cases, they’ll find a way to make it happen. But a lack of a love life is one of the common reasons for divorce.

There is also a legal precedent. Legally, marriage implies a sexual relationship between the spouses. Thus, if one spouse withholds sex, it can, therefore, be grounds for divorce.

Lawyers typically refer to this as “constructive abandonment.”

Even though the spouse refusing sex hasn’t physically abandoned their spouse, it can be successfully argued that they have emotionally withdrawn from the marriage.

That, by definition, is grounds for an at-fault divorce.

According to the General Social Survey, married couples, on average, have sex 58 times a year. That amounts to a little more than once a week.

That being said, married couples under 30 have sex almost twice as often. The reasons for the age differences are pretty obvious. Younger people have fewer (if any) kids and generally are not at the peak of their careers.

But if you think those numbers are low, around 15 percent of married couples haven’t had sex anywhere from 6-12 months. That’s according to associate professor of sociology Denise A. Donnelly of Georgia State University.

What’s a relationship without intimacy?

Maybe we should first start by defining intimacy.

After all, it might mean different things to different people. The dictionary describes it as

  • a close familiarity or friendship; closeness
  • a private cozy atmosphere.
  • an intimate act, especially sexual intercourse.

So obviously it includes sex but is not exclusively sex.

If sexual desire, for medical or emotional reasons, just isn’t possible (at least for right now), consider some alternatives that can still provide that needed intimate connection.

Here are some of the top ways of building intimacy without the traditional sex act:

1. Touch

Often when we find ourselves in long-term relationships, we allow the day-to-day distractions of life to limit our non-sexual touching.

So we have to be intentional and strive to connect to your spouse throughout the day.

Hold hands as you go for a walk. Kiss each morning, each evening, and during the day. Physical touch that isn’t (necessarily) tied to just wanting sex builds and fosters healthy intimacy and emotional connection.

A healthy sex life is an important part of any romantic relationship.

But there are many forms of intimacy and if frequent sex isn’t possible, that doesn’t mean married people can’t connect intimately in other ways.

2. Spend time talking without distraction

When I come home from work at the end of a long day, there’s nothing I feel like doing more than throwing on comfy clothes, pouring a drink, and vegging out in front of the TV.

But you know what that doesn’t do?

It provides almost no connection to and for my wife who I haven’t seen all day. So maybe not every day, but at least 2-3 times a week, focus on your spouse.

Turn the TV off, put the phones down and after the kids are asleep, just sit and talk. You’ll be amazed at what you learn, how much more connected you both feel, and how much better your relationship will get over time.

3. Explore other forms of orgasm

Perhaps you or your spouse has a medical condition like ED?

Or perhaps an emotional trauma issue has left one of you not wanting traditional intercourse? If so, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with exploring alternate forms of orgasm.

4. Court and date one another

Most of us can recall that heart-pounding magic of when our relationship was new and shiny.

But over time, especially with careers, mortgages, kids, and life, that tends to diminish as our priorities shift.

So, if you find yourself asking “can a marriage last without intimacy?”, setting a regular date night is a great way to rebuild that passion you both once had.

5. Connect throughout the workday through calls and texts

Often in the mornings, spouses go their separate ways and don’t reconnect again until the dinner table or later.

Thus, finding some way to connect throughout our busy days is crucial! So whether it’s through a call or a few texts or even an email, do something to connect with them.

It lets them know you’re thinking about them and it’s an opportunity to have an exchange. And however impersonal an electronic exchange is, it’s better than none.

How can I improve my sexless marriage?

If you are the spouse withholding the sex then obviously there is something medically or emotionally going on that needs to be dealt with.

If you are the spouse who struggles with intimacy, even if you divorce your spouse, you can’t run away from yourself. Those damaging feelings (or underlying medical conditions) will still be there. And any prospective future partner will still have sexual needs.

You owe it to yourself to fix it.

If you are the spouse being forced to live in an emotionally barren and sexless marriage then you have an altogether different path to fixing the issue.

First, if you did anything to cause your partner to withdraw, you have to own it 100%, fix it, and be patient. Extramarital affairs are a common reason a spouse might have withdrawn from being intimate.

But if your spouse is dealing with something from their past or some other issue outside the marriage then that requires a different approach. Before you start demanding sex, you have to help your spouse identify the root cause and support them in dealing with that.

Do let them know how their actions make you feel. Don’t make them feel guilty, ashamed, or criticized.

When they feel supported emotionally and don’t feel criticized or belittled, they will start to open back up; especially if you support them in getting the mental or physical help they need.

There are ultimately many ways to Rekindle a Marriage (click to read on my website) when the passion has faded. So if you’re ready, dive in deeper into one of my most shared blog posts on my whole site.

The terrible truth about divorce statistics

Ultimately we can talk about thoughts and feelings all day on the question of can a marriage last without intimacy?

But it’s also good to take a look at the cold, hard facts.

The top 3 reasons for divorce include:

  • Infidelity
  • Money problems
  • Basic incompatibility

In truth, a lack of intimacy could certainly fall under the heading of “basic incompatibility, so let’s dive in deeper.

The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (bet those are some folks who know how to party) found that”the incompatibility is usually caused by one or more of the other choices.”

They go on to note that “basic incompatibility – is usually created by deeper issues somewhere in the relationship – usually an emotional, physical, or financial breach of trust.”

But on a slightly good note, they ultimately found that “financial disagreements were the strongest disagreement types to predict divorce for both men and women.”

So compared to a sexless marriage, money is an even greater destroyer of marriages.

That being said, it’s clear that in the vast majority of cases that when asking the question can a marriage last without intimacy, the answer is almost always going to be a no.

Now that you understand how important intimacy is, I urge you to check out all 31 incredible ways you can Restore Intimacy in Marriage (click to see my tips on how).

The marriage you save may be your own!

How long do sexless marriages last?

On average, all marriages last 8.2 years but due to the age of those in sexless marriages, it is common for them to stay together that long or longer despite the lack of physical connection.

Sexless marriages. not surprisingly, are more common above age 30 and the age group where it is most common is age 60 or above. While couples in their 60s would often stay together even if the amount of sex has diminished, the divorce rate for ages 50+ is starting to increase.

Remember, a “sexless marriage” is one where a couple has sexual experiences no more than once a month. And upwards of 20% of marriages fall into this category.

But let’s face it. That’s not a healthy relationship.

How many sexless marriages end in divorce?

As a general rule, 50% of all marriages end. Upwards of 20% of all marriages are technically sexless with 13.5% of all married couples having not had sex in 5 or more years.

But as we’ve discussed, no-fault divorces mean that a couple doesn’t have to list a specific reason for filing for divorce. So while 50% or more of sexless marriages could end in divorce, there are other factors that might make that number lower.

For starters, as we’ve discussed, a lack of physical intimacy increases with age.

50% of women ages 75-85 totally lose interest in sex. By comparison, only 1 in 4 men in that same age range have lost interest in sex. Overall, an interest in sex starts dropping from age 57 and can vanish by age 85.

But couples in their 60s, 70s, or 80s are less likely to divorce because of the amount of time they’ve already spent together and the challenges of finding someone new at that age.

(source) and (source)

Why do couples stop being intimate?

Couples stop being physically and/or emotionally intimate due to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Complacency – A focus on careers, running the household, and raising children often sees a couple putting romance on the back burner. Over time, this can become the norm.
  2. Pain – As a woman gets closer to menopause (or is past it), sometimes vaginal dryness makes sex painful. Luckily, using lubrication can be an easy way to remedy this.
  3. Erectile dysfunction – Men over age 40 can experience a drop in testosterone and an increase in erectile dysfunction (ED). Because of ego, many men struggle to admit this to their spouses or seek treatment for it. Luckily, it’s not that hard or expensive to get testosterone shots or take medication that can help.
  4. Damaged Trust – 40% of couples see 1 or both partners having an affair. According to the General Social Survey, “twenty percent of men cheat compared to 13 percent of women.” So a lack of trust can easily affect intimacy, especially if the one who cheated has done it with more than 1 person and not taken steps to earn the trust back.
  5. Anger issues or emotional abuse – Let’s face it. No one wants to have sex with someone they are scared of. So a man (or a woman) who is constantly getting angry, is controlling, or otherwise emotionally abusive is never going to make their spouse want to willingly have sex with them.

And going back to cheating, there are other sources that claim 70% of married Americans cheat at least once in their marriage.


Final thoughts

In this post, we took a hard look into one of the more common marital challenges.

Intimacy and the lack of it in marriages and relationships. We explored why someone might withdraw their intimacy from a relationship and what we can do to get it back. Specifically, we answered the question can a marriage last without intimacy.

While you may not like the answer, now that you know it, you can at least make an educated choice as to what to do in your marriage.

Is your marriage struggling with intimacy?


Can a Marriage Survive a Love Child? (Here’s What to Do)

Anytime a spouse cheats, there’s a chance it will destroy the marriage. But sometimes that affair produces a child, leading both spouses to wonder can a marriage survive a love child?

A marriage can survive a love child, and 3% of all children are raised by men who aren’t their fathers but believe they are. And while as many as 75% of couples stay together after an affair, that does drop significantly if the affair produces a child. 

But there’s a lot more to know about an extramarital affair and illegitimate children.

So in this article, we’re taking an in-depth look at what happens when an unfaithful spouse produces a child. We’ll explore what the statistics tell us about the marriage’s chances of survival.

But we’ll also see what things can improve or worsen that chance of survival. Most often this happens when a married man is the cheating spouse. But wives also can find themselves in a similar situation too.

Ultimately, we’re answering the question of can a marriage survive a love child?

When infidelity produces a child

Nothing hurts more than an affair.

Well, nothing, except perhaps when that affair leads to a child being born. An affair always destroys trust. And while the marriage can definitely be saved, a child is a constant reminder of the affair. And then if you stay together, there’s most likely going to be child support payments for the next 18 years too.

Every time we see or hear of the love child, it’s like hearing about the affair for the 1st time all over again!

Getting over an affair takes time. But you CAN get past this difficult time and save your marriage. However, when there is a love child, that does require a huge amount of maturity, patience, and humility from the spouse of the cheater. When a child comes from the affair, expect the marriage recovery to take twice as long as recovering from an affair alone.

Sadly, 41% of spouses have an affair.

Since a husband cheats almost twice as often as women, my article will focus mostly on a man cheating and getting another woman pregnant.

But make no mistake. Extramarital sex happens on both sides.

A woman getting pregnant by a man other than her husband can also be incredibly devastating to the marriage. In fact, the best-selling book on Amazon called Marriage Undercover details the marriage of Bob and Audrey Meisner.

Just click that link to see the book on Amazon.

In this case, Audrey had the affair and got pregnant. They not only stayed together, but Bob adopted the child of the affair and raised it as his own.

Should I be OK with my husband wanting to be involved with his illegitimate child?

Yes, is the short answer here. It’s the right thing to do.

Ultimately, we’re talking about an innocent child here.  The child isn’t responsible for your husband’s reckless behavior. But the child NEEDS a father in their life.

You should only move forward trying to save your marriage if you are prepared to forgive your husband (eventually) and learn to be at peace with him helping to raise the biological mother’s child.

No one says you have to get there emotionally overnight. It will be hard work. But in order to save the marriage, you do need to get there eventually.

Now, no one would fault you for not wanting to stay with a man who fathered a child with someone else. BUT, if you do choose to stay with him, you should only do so being 100% accepting that he will (and should) be involved in the child’s life.

By definition, that also means you’ll likely have some level of interaction with the other woman.

If you can’t see yourself doing that, you should ask yourself if you really want to stay with your husband. After all, what kind of a man would he be if he abandoned his child? That’s the kind of man you should question being with, not the kind of man who wants to be involved in his child’s life.

A child raised without a father faces a lot of challenges in life, and life is challenging enough.

If you don’t get that, check out a recent article where I spell out all of the benefits of father involvement in a child’s life.

In short, a father’s role, as with the mother’s role, is crucial for a child’s development. And again, the child is INNOCENT in this situation. You’re understandably hurt. But don’t hurt the child in the process of dealing with your pain.

If your spouse is lying about an illegitimate child

Having an affair is bad.

I know. I’ve been cheated on and been a cheater. But I can tell you from personal experience that being 100% transparent and humble is the only way to keep your marriage going in the aftermath of an affair.

Now, to be fair, I’ve never fathered a child outside of my marriage or been with someone who had a child from another man. So that is new territory for me.

But I can still say with absolute certainty, that for the cheater, 100% accountability is a must.

Now, I get wanting to lie about a child fathered with a mistress. I really do. If that happened to me, I would feel ashamed and embarrassed. I would also be afraid of my wife’s reaction. When I admitted my affair to my wife, it was the hardest decision of my life. But being honest was critical.

In short, you don’t fix a huge problem (a child from an affair) with another problem (lying about it). If you know your husband had a child with another woman but he isn’t being honest about it, you have a tough decision to make.

Here’s what I would do in that situation:

  1. I would let them know that I know
  2. If I wanted to save the marriage, I would make that clear
  3. Then I would lay out specific conditions I would need to be met to move forward
    • 100% honesty moving forward
    • The father must be involved in the child’s life
    • I would want to meet the other woman (and lay out some clear ground rules with her)
    • The father cannot have any communication with the other woman unless it pertains specifically to the child.

Then, just as with any affair, the husband would need to earn back his wife’s trust. That likely means marriage counseling. But it also takes time and losing some freedoms and flexibility during the healing process.

I have a recent article that breaks down the best ways to decide whether to stay with a cheater. In it, I consulted with 6 marriage experts to get some unique and expert opinions.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

How do I get over my spouse’s infidelity when I have to see the child?

Any time someone cheats, it is devastating.

I once heard that for every month an affair lasted, it can take up to a year for that to heal. In my case, my affair was only 2 months long, back in 2013. But that 2-month affair still took the better part of 2 years to heal.

But when you have to regularly see a child from an affair, that’s like ripping the bandaid off every single time. It’s almost like starting over on the healing with every visit.

And that’s on top of the guilt most of us would feel for feeling that way towards an innocent child.

But the reality is that anytime one of us has sex with someone of the opposite sex, a child is possible. It’s just that most people cheating get lucky and don’t end up having a child.

The key to restoring a marriage after an affair, with or without a love child, is rebuilding trust.

Now that sounds overly simplistic and obvious. But if you have complete love and trust in your husband, seeing the child will eventually not hurt. Or at least not as much. You may even grow to love the child if they are in your house often enough.

There are several steps your husband can take to rebuild trust. But while he is ultimately in the driver’s seat of that, you can lay out clear expectations, such as:

  • No contact with the other woman that you aren’t aware of
  • That contact should only pertain to the needs of the child
  • They should give you complete access to their phone, email, and social media accounts
  • He should be willing to go to marriage counseling

In a recent article, I go a lot deeper into what you should look for and expect from your husband when he’s trying to win your trust back after an affair. I even cover the 1 thing that’s an absolute deal-breaker for 99% of us.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Can a marriage survive an illegitimate child? – What the statistics tell us

Unfortunately, affairs happen.

The reality is that 10-15% of women cheat on their husbands and  20-25% of men cheat on their wives. Despite what you might think, of those affairs, between 60-75% of couples stay together after the affair is uncovered.

BUT, if that affair produces a child, that can potentially change everything.

It’s also worth pointing out that only 3% of men who cheat actually leave their wives for the mistress. But when they do, 75% of the time they end up divorcing.

Amazingly, almost 3% of all children born are the result of an affair the wife had. And most of the time, that child is raised by a man who isn’t the father but doesn’t know that.

Check out these and a lot more statistics about infidelity in a recent article I published. The biggest shocker was how long couples take to recover from an affair.

Just click the link to read that on my site.

Should I ask my husband to verify the paternity of the child of an affair?

The paternity of a child would be something worth verifying. And as the betrayed partner, there’s nothing wrong with you insisting on it.

After all, both your husband and the young mother had unprotected sex. And both were clearly OK with marital infidelity and putting morals aside for their own gratification.

And since we know they’re capable of that, there’s no reason she may not have also been having unprotected sex with other men.

So for your sake and the potential future marital satisfaction, I would want to know 100% if the kid was indeed my spouse’s. And of course if it’s not, while that’s a horrible place to put the child, it’s now no longer your probable or your husbands.

Since my husband will be seeing the biological mother occasionally, are they likely to rekindle things?

There is always a chance that he or she will be weak and look for an opportunity to revisit their affair.

After all, just because there’s been a lot of drama doesn’t mean whatever drew them together in the first place is gone. And while it’s entirely possible for your husband to recommit himself to you and be dedicated to rebuilding a good marriage, he will have to be strong.

And as the saying goes, “if a woman sets the table, a man’s gonna eat”. 

And by that, I mean that we men can be weak creatures if being hit on by an attractive woman. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve turned down plenty of advances when I was in committed relationships. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

So the best plan, if you and he stay together, is to:

  • Do custody exchanges or visitations at a public place
  • You go with him
  • For a period of time, he should be 100% willing to let you monitor his phone, email, and social accounts

After all, he’s got to earn back your trust. This is a difficult situation. And if he is serious about wanting to turn your unhappy marriage into a good relationship, he’s got to be open, honest, and transparent.

Final thoughts

In this article, we took a detailed look at marriages that are rocked not only by infidelity, but also a child born of the affair.

We looked at the terrible toll that takes on the marriage. But we also looked at what the marriage’s chances of survival are.

Ultimately, we answered the question of can a marriage survive a love child? And we looked at the best way to get through this for couples that wish to.

Some infidelity statistics data are courtesy of the General Social Survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. Other info courtesy of the book Intimacy After Infidelity: How to Rebuild and Affair-Proof Your Marriage by Steven Solomon & Lorie Teagno.

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases if you click on Amazon from my site and choose to make a purchase. You can read my complete affiliate disclosure for more details.

Why Does My Wife Not Wear Her Wedding Ring?

A wedding band is typically worn 24/7 on their left ring finger by most married couples. While some take theirs off for good reason, it’s usually a red flag. So sometimes guys wonder why does my wife not wear her wedding ring?

A wife taking off her wedding ring is telling the world that she is unmarried. It may be done simply to get more attention from men as an ego boost, but it could mean she’s actively considering divorce or looking for an affair. Either way it is a red flag.

But, of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

And I used to work with a good friend who never wore his wedding ring. And while he loved going out and flirting, he never cheated on his wife. It was just his personal preference and was solid in his committed relationship.

So in this article, we’ll examine all the possible reasons a wife might not wear her wedding ring. More importantly, we’ll talk about what that means for you and what to do about it.

Let’s get going.

What does it mean when your wife takes off her wedding ring?

When a wife removes her wedding ring it could mean she simply wants more attention from other men or is actively looking for an affair. But if she has gained weight, the ring may also be too small now and she may be embarrassed to mention it.

You may naturally be worried about your wife taking off her wedding ring suddenly.

And you’re not alone. There are so many implications that come along with removing a wedding ring. Cheating seems to be what most would fear most.

But surprisingly, there are very few studies on this topic.

And none that I could find made a connection between cheating and wedding rings. Common thinking on this is, “a cheater is going to cheat anyway; they’ll just take it off when they’re going to cheat.”

The truth of the matter is everyone knows what that ring should symbolize. It’s a signal of your commitment to onlookers. It’s a sign you’re not available. What good reason could there be to remove it?

Anecdotal evidence and confessional forums online mostly describe deceptive reasons like:

  • Hiding marital status
  • Flirting
  • Getting men to buy drinks
  • Unhappy in their marriage
  • Getting more tips
  • Looking for male attention

So the important thing is to not rush to judgment, not accuse her of anything without proof, and to simply communicate. There are a number of reasons to remove a wedding ring, such as:

Your wife might simply hate jewelry

If she wore no rings before your marriage, maybe the idea of having to keep one on every day seems uncomfortable. It could make her work more difficult in certain professions. Or maybe when you got married, you didn’t have a lot of money and it’s not a beautiful ring, she may just not like it.

But if this is the reason, then most likely she has never worn the ring and she shouldn’t be uncomfortable talking to you about it.

It also could be a family heirloom and is both delicate and treasured and she may have stopped wearing it to protect it. But if that’s the case, she should tell you and get a new diamond ring to replace it. Or she could at least wear it sometimes and on special occasions.

Weight gain could be another reason

It’s a sensitive topic, and maybe she’d rather not call attention to a now ill-fitting ring.

She might be ashamed or embarrassed and intentionally avoiding the subject. Not wearing her ring could be a natural extension of that.


And you’d likely know this final reason, but she might be allergic to metals.

Sometimes metal allergies show up later in life, so it may be a new thing. But again, she shouldn’t be reluctant to talk about it, if this is the case.

There are, however, products you can coat jewelry with to prevent allergy breakouts. So if this is the case, check out Jewelry Shield on Amazon. It’s dirt cheap, has good reviews, and is an Amazon’s Choice product too.

Just click that link to see it on Amazon.

If she is from another country it may not be part of her culture

A ring on the wedding ring finger has significance here in the United States.

But if your wife is not from western countries, it could be simply that what a wedding ring means is different in her culture and not common practice. After all, how married men and married women behave can be very different in different parts of the world.

Her culture might even see it as an outdated symbol of ownership.

It is dangerous in her work environment

Depending on where she works and the nature of her work, it may not make sense for her to wear her ring at work.

For example, I ran a martial arts school and most of the guys who worked there, myself included, would take our rings off while training. Granted I wore my ring to work and just took it off when I walked onto the mats.

But if she works with her hands, heavy equipment, or machinery, it might make total sense for her to not wear her wedding and diamond engagement rings.

Is it disrespectful to not wear your wedding ring?

For a married couple, it would be disrespectful to not wear a wedding ring regularly. A wedding ring is a significant piece of jewelry and a symbol of the wedding day and can easily lead to mistrust if a spouse often goes out without wearing it.

But, I think the decision to wear or not wear a wedding ring depends entirely on the couple. For some, objects can hold a lot of meaning, symbolism, and value. Think of an old guitar, a classic car, or a passport full of stamps. And the wedding ring can very much be a symbol of your wedding ceremony and overall marriage commitment.

We attach memories to these things. They become an extension of your past with that object.

So when a spouse suddenly stops wearing their wedding ring, it’s announcing that the meaning behind it isn’t important anymore. But, others still don’t have this affinity for shiny things, the sentimental value of objects, or remnants of the past.

Maybe a wife like this wouldn’t be inclined to wear her ring. She probably wouldn’t mind if you took yours off either.

The hard reality here is that not wearing a wedding absolutely will affect the way people see and treat you and your spouse. Another man might flirt with her a bit more casually. Someone might indicate interest when they might have moved on before.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with these things. This is other people’s behavior that can’t be controlled. But they need to be discussed if you’re going to talk about not wearing wedding rings.

Does taking off a wedding ring mean they are cheating?

No. Not wearing a wedding ring, or taking it off sometimes, in and of itself, is not a sign the spouse is cheating. It can be one sign amongst others. But by itself, the assumption of cheating is way too premature.

It’s a classic cliche in pop culture.

A man steps into a darkened nightclub. He chats up a young, attractive woman, has a few too many. He decides to slip off his wedding ring under the table or moves it to his right hand and make a terrible mistake.

Let me ease your mind and say again that no studies currently link not wearing wedding rings and cheating. So it’s not the first tangible sign of an affair.

But, anecdotal evidence all points to this as a typical behavior in a troubled relationship. A married woman not wearing her ring definitely can be a sign that something is off. And left unchecked, it could lead to an affair or divorce.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not too late to turn things around.

Luckily, I get into how to rekindle a marriage in a recent article. And it’s not just a dry list of tips. It’s actually what I did to save my marriage after my wife left me in 2013.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Bur rather than assuming that not wearing her ring is a sign of cheating, the first thing is to watch for other changes or suspicious behavior:

  • Spending less time with you
  • Lack of romance 
  • Few or no displays of affection
  • Changes in sex life
  • Lack of intimacy
  • Wandering eyes
  • Sudden changes in schedule
  • Renewed interest in working out or appearance
  • Use of phone late at night or early in the morning
  • A new hobby or similar excuse to be out without you

It’s important to keep your cool and not automatically assume your spouse is cheating if her wedding ring is off.

The best thing is to communicate first and ask why she didn’t. There could be a completely understandable reason. But, if her answers are vague, overly defensive, or highly reactive, try to be aware of the list above.

How do I get my wife to wear her wedding ring?

You can’t make your wife wear her wedding ring if she doesn’t want to. But you can explain why it’s important to you, what the ring means to you and what you believe it says about your marriage for her to not wear it.

Assuming that it’s not foul play, your wife might not place as much importance on wearing her ring as you do, and it could be an innocent oversight.

While you can never force this issue, communication with your spouse is the best solution here. Try to listen to her hangups about the ring and make her understand your perspective, too.

Clearly and honestly communicate how not wearing her ring makes you feel.

Ask questions to understand why she does this. And be sure to listen to the answers and validate her thoughts. Let her know how she feels matters to you, too. After all, there could be a number of answers here.

Don’t accuse or imply that she would do any of these things. Explain that it’s human nature for these rogue thoughts to come up, independent of the person wearing the ring.

If, for whatever reason, she won’t always wear her ring, try to reach a compromise.

Are there some situations where you’d prefer she wore it? Maybe there are certain triggers (parties, family events, work functions) that make you uncomfortable. Share these and see if you can find a solution.

In the case of an outright refusal or saying yes and going back on her word, something more serious might be the underlying issue.

If you’re worried, please read my recent article. In it, I detail other signs your wife might be thinking of leaving for good.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Am I being insecure in my relationship?

Whether you are being insecure in your relationship depends on your history and tendencies. Was insecurity, possessiveness, or jealousy a pattern in previous relationships? Do you suffer from low self-esteem or a lot of anxiety?

Ultimately, you know your spouse better than anyone. And more importantly, you know yourself better than anyone.

All of these might mean you’re prone to overreacting here. If honest and open communication with your spouse is not easing your concerns, it might be time for extra help. Continuously confronting a spouse about an issue that doesn’t exist absolutely can cause friction in a relationship.

So proceed with caution if you know this is one of your habits.

Before a potentially damaging confrontation, get an outside opinion. Talk to a close friend or, ideally, a therapist. While I’m pretty confident these days, I know I was a clingy guy in the early stages of my marriage. Luckily, I’m not now, and I detailed my journey in a recent article about How to be Less Clingy in a Relationship.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

With that being said, if your gut is telling you something is wrong, and all evidence genuinely points to something awful, trust those instincts.

Keep in mind that not all cases of infidelity end in a separation.

I’m living proof of that! Even if it is the worst-case imaginable, check out my recent article to see how to save your marriage after one of you has an affair.

Just click that link to read it on my site.


It’s not a good feeling to realize your wife isn’t wearing her wedding ring. Good reasons for married people not wearing them seem few and far between. So, make sure to take this realization as a great chance to reconnect with your wife.

At the end of the day, all good marriages take work. Check out my recent article to learn how to succeed despite how hard it may be. I cover why being hard doesn’t have to mean bad.

Just click that link to read it on my site.

Don’t jump to the worst conclusion, keep your cool, communicate honestly and fully. It doesn’t necessarily mean she’s cheating or looking for a new life. Do all of these, and she’ll surely remember why she put her ring on in the first place.

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases if you click on Amazon from my site and choose to make a purchase. You can read my complete affiliate disclosure for more details.