Why Does My Husband Put Work Before Me?

It can be lonely when the person you love the most puts his work before your relationship. Logically, we know that we need food on the table, a roof over our heads, and money for bills. But eventually, a lot of wives ask, “why does my husband put work before me?” For husbands, men are … Read more

Why Does My Wife Suddenly Want a Divorce?

I won’t lie. I’m writing this article because I am literally asking myself this question. A month ago, my wife told me out of the blue that she was done with our marriage of almost 15 years. So, why does my wife suddenly want a divorce? A wife will seemingly suddenly decide she wants a … Read more

Why Does My Husband Hide His Phone? (And What to Do)

Are you reading this because your husband’s behavior has changed out of the blue, and he is acting suspiciously? Have you specifically found yourself wondering, “why does my husband hide his phone?”. A husband who hides their phone has something to hide. However, while it could mean infidelity or other inappropriate behavior, it could also … Read more

Why Does My Wife Get So Angry?

Marriage fights are one of the top reasons for divorce. But many couples argue without getting angry. For many husbands, it’s not uncommon to wonder why does my wife get so angry? Most married women’s anger comes from a deep feeling of exhaustion or frustration in the marriage, and of not feeling heard or supported … Read more

Why Does My Husband Use Private Browsing?

Is your husband frequently on his laptop or desktop but often closes his browser when you walk in the room? Maybe you’ve even noticed him using an incognito window or just don’t see anything when you check the search history. If that sounds familiar, you’ve likely wondered “why does my husband use private browsing?” Your … Read more

Why Does My Husband Hate My Family?

It can be painful to be in the middle of a combative relationship, especially if it’s between people you love. And sometimes women feel like they have to choose between their family and their husband. Have you ever wondered “why does my husband hate my family?” A husband might hate his in-laws if he feels … Read more