3 Steps to Bigger Paychecks You Probably Don’t Know

bigger paychecks regular sized hand holding a tiny $100 dollar bill Middle Class Dad

Many Americans struggle to get bigger paychecks Since the economy began to struggle in 2008, many segments of society have lost ground or just tread water. But it’s not all bad news and there ARE things you can do to change your habits, expenses, income, and yes, even get bigger paychecks. To get bigger paychecks, … Read more

Simple Form 9465 Instructions for Your IRS Payment Plan

form 9465 instructions 2 people sitting at a laptop Middle Class Dad

Can’t pay the taxes you owe this year? Set up an IRS Payment Plan with these simple form 9465 instructions! I think you’ll agree with me that worrying about taxes is incredibly stressful. Owing taxes is no fun.  I’ve been there.  Wondering when or if the IRS is going to come knocking is stressful. Hiding … Read more