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Money Saving Ideas for Your Next Road Trip

Taking a road trip really is an excellent alternative to traveling by train or airplane. With a good car, you can have all the freedom you need. There will be no strict schedules for you. You can take your time and hit any number of restaurants, shops, stops on the north shore, Art Institute museum tours, and other venues whenever you feel like it. However, you would still want to save as much money as you can on your road trips since it will allow you to get the most out of it.

Here are money saving ideas for your next road trip:

Set Your Road Trip Budget

Setting a road trip budget is the single most important decision that you will ever make. If you don’t have a road trip budget in place before you go, you’ll never know how much it’ll cost to get to your destination, especially if you get blindsided by any number of unexpected expenses.

Forgetting to set a budget when planning a road trip can be very costly. You need to have at least enough funds saved for unforeseen expenses during your adventure.

It’s highly suggested that before you start your next adventure, you go ahead and do some research on road trip tips and tricks based on the location you want to travel to.

Say for example that you want to take a trip to a big country such as the UK, you would definitely need to check for UK road trip ideas in order to know where to head to, and save money along the journey.

Share The Expenses with Your Friends

Split the expenses with your friends so that you can enjoy your road trip more and get closer to your goal. In this way, road-tripping will not seem like a burden to anyone, and it will only become more fun as you travel together. You can start by splitting the cost of gas.

Later on, you can decide on the other stuff you’d want to split with your buddies.

Find Affordable Accommodation

If you are planning a road trip, it is important to find the best accommodation deals.

A hotel in one place will probably be a lot more expensive than a hotel in another so it’s best to ask around and do some research. While you’re at it, you might want to give camping a try. Camping can be a fun and inexpensive way to rest in between trips, though it is not as comfortable as staying in a hotel room.

Bring Food on Your Road Trip

The obvious benefit you can get from this is that you will be able to reduce your food expenses.

This will also give you the fuel for your day-long drive as well as give you time to bond with your family or friends. No matter how long the drive, bring food so that you and others can eat whenever you are taking a break.

Don’t Set Your Trip on Holidays

If you’d prefer to travel during a summer holiday, things will be much more expensive for a shorter period of time compared to a winter holiday. It is primarily because of low supplies and high demands.

Whether you are intending to go to popular areas or traveling over Saturday or Sunday (a big travel day), always make it earlier than later on these holidays.

Use a Packing List For Your Road Trip

Write down all the supplies you’ll need for your road trip.

Don’t go over-packing, and don’t underestimate the need for snacks and water. Pack your smartphone, and attach a small power supply to it somewhere on your pack; you’ll want to be able to use it if you get in trouble on the road. Take your window wash and some paper towels in a plastic bag, just in case.

This will keep you from spending money on supplies you forgot to bring.


Taking a road trip can give you time to rest and relax, and allows you to get away from your daily routine.

It can help you to get into a new perspective on what is important, and help you make new friends. While it may cost you money, there are ways to go around it.


Jeff Campbell