Podcasts & Blogs I Love

There’s a million other bloggers and podcasters out there.  Too many to mention or even to listen to.  These, however, are among my many favorites and what I listen to daily on my commute.

PAT FLYNN – The man largely responsible for motivating me to create this blog.  He has 2 podcasts and a blog.  His main podcast is called Smart Passive Income, but his newer podcast Ask Pat is also great.  He has actually featured me about 5 times on Ask Pat!  His podcasts are required listening for anyone looking to start a blog, podcast or any type of online business and while there are many who operate in this space, he is my favorite.

THE BLOGGING MILLIONAIRE – Whereas Pat covers content and philosophy and then to a lesser degree the more technical aspects of online business, Brandon Gaille focuses on the technical aspects (SEO, link building, etc).

VERY good stuff here and extremely detailed and actionable steps for any blogger, podcaster or anyone looking to create an online business!  His podcast seems to have ended in 2016 but his blog and social networks are going strong and there’s a TON of good stuff on the podcast episodes still out there.

COACH CORREY WAYNE – Coach Correy Wayne is a love and relationship coach. He’s also on YouTube. He tells it exactly like it is; the good, the bad, and the ugly. His book How to Be a 3% Man is essential for any guy wanting to better understand women.

THE ART OF PAID TRAFFIC – Rick Mulready is the host of this action-packed podcast, formerly known as The Art of Paid Traffic. He used to focus on Facebook ad strategy but now has great guests and covers other online marketing topics too.

THE TONY ROBBINS PODCAST – Hopefully, a man who needs no introduction!  Tony has been motivating, challenging & inspiring people to new heights for over 3 decades now.  On his podcast, he interviews a wide variety of people with the common denominator being you come away fired up to take your life and your career to new levels!

DAVE RAMSEY – A man who likely needs no introduction.  Money and poor handling of money is the number 1 cause of divorce in America.  ‘Nuff said.  If your financial house is not in order, give him a listen!  You can also see Dave on my list of Books I Love. I have followed Dave for well over a decade and am FAR better off financially for it.