The Cryptocurrency Basics That One Must Know Before Investing


The terms cryptocurrency and blockchain have become so popular that only a person living under the rock would be unaware of them. It might still be quite a while before we adopt them into the mainstream, but that has, in no way, been a deterrent to the investors all over the world.

Cryptocurrencies provide a sort of safety that is otherwise not found in any other form of transaction. Plus, the technology that these digital currencies use for a transaction to be deemed complete, which is the blockchain technology, is one of the safest mediums of transactions possible.

Any data concerning the transaction that enters into the blockchain network becomes immutable at once and can be used to trace criminal activities of any kind. With such a form of currency at our disposal and such a magnificent piece of technology working for us, it is only just if we were to understand the domain of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology in all their glory.

With this notion in mind, we have put together some basics regarding the same topic for a better understanding.

Public Ledgers:

A Public Ledger is a record that contains the information of every completed transaction ever.

However, there is a complete anonymity of the people who own the cryptocurrencies, which makes it quite a safe place for transactions to go through. Another plus of the public ledger is that it contains all the necessary information within its system, which makes it easy for criminal activities to be traced.


The transaction is the process of transfer of funds from one digital wallet to another.

However, the kind of transactions that we are talking about here is a more complex one, and it requires miners to step into the picture to deem it as complete.

These transactions are end-to-end encrypted and thus, completely secure. Also, another important element that must be factored in while talking about transactions is that cryptographic transactions involve a cryptographic signature, the absence of which shall impede the transaction.

Speaking of transactions, it is important to learn about the various payment gateways that there are, likeย Flexipay, which can help fasten the process of transactions.


Mining is the process where professionals known as miners step into the picture to confirm the transaction. Transactions involving cryptocurrencies would not be deemed complete without the role of these people called the miners.

The miners, as the name suggests, mine the information regarding the transaction by checking their authenticity, the credentials of the parties involved in the transaction and then deem the transaction as complete only when every detail matches and sounds legitimate.

The transaction might take some time to be approved, but once it is confirmed, there is no way one can change the information.

Thus, the role of the miners in checking through every detail of the transaction is significant. One minor mistake can cost humongous losses. Therefore, the onus of being responsible for transactions involving cryptocurrencies falls upon these miners as much as it falls upon the parties involved with the transactions.


The domain of cryptocurrencies was thought of as an elusive area given the complexities it was interspersed with.

However, things gradually changed over the decade, and the sphere continues to evolve with optimal velocity and enough gusto even to this day.

As a matter of fact, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology are now slowly making their way into the mainstream, which is an excellent move if you carefully think about it. It shall encourage more people to take a keen interest in the domain and become active participants than just passive observers.

Jeff Campbell

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