How to Choose the Best Organic Baby Formula: A Guide

The EWG found that certain non-organic baby formulas and foods contain dangerous levels of pesticides. There is evidence that pesticides in foods, including those used to make baby formula, may cause health problems.

This is why many parents are opting for organic baby formulas as a safer alternative, given that it is made from ingredients produced without the use of harmful pesticides, providing them with peace of mind regarding their child’s health and well-being.

As a result, organic baby formulas especially the ones seen on this site have become very popular due to their numerous health benefits. However, not all organic formulas are created equal.

A variety of different organic formulas are available, each with its own ingredients. So, what are the best types of formula for your baby?

Continue reading to discover how to choose the best organic baby formula.

Non-Organic vs Organic Baby Formula

According to the USDA, an organic baby formula must meet several higher standards to be certified. These include using organic ingredients, being non-GMO and free of preservatives, and more.

Organic formulas are also incredibly nutritious. Non-organic ones typically don’t offer the same abundance of vitamins.

Probiotics are Essential

Consider organic formulas that contain probiotics and prebiotics.

Providing your baby with these essential nutrients will confirm that he or she is absorbing good amounts of protein. They can also assist in brain development, and protect the skin and lungs of your baby.

Go Organic for a Healthy Gut

Organic formulas contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and oligosaccharides. This helps create a healthy gut balance in your baby, which facilitates digestion and strengthens their immunity.

Avoid Added Sugars

The best formula for babies is one that doesn’t include added sugars, which are found in many of the most popular formulas today.

Look for formulas like HIPP Organic Baby Formula, that contain no added sugars or corn syrup. Learn more about HIPP Organic Baby Formula here.

Amino Acids, Vitamin E, and L-Carnitine

Ensure the formula that you choose contains plenty of amino acids, vitamin E, and L-carnitine. These nutrients will help to keep your infant’s energy levels healthy, as well as ensure that fatty acids are successfully converted to energy.

Nutrients for Brain, Eye, and Nerve Development

Additionally, choose organic formulas that contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Particularly, these fatty acids play an important role in a baby’s brain, eye, and nerve development. Plus, they may even help your child avoid anxiety and depression later in life.

Always Check the Ingredients

Parents should carefully read labels and ingredients before purchasing an organic formula. By doing so, you can make sure that the product is free of harmful additives. Ask your pediatrician if you need help interpreting the ingredients of a formula.

Consult Your Baby’s Doctor

Make sure you consult with a pediatrician before changing your baby’s formula. Breast milk or iron-fortified formula, including organic formula, is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for the first 12 months of a baby’s life. But, certain babies may require specialized care.

Find the Best Organic Baby Formula for Your Child

The reality is that many non-organic infant formula manufacturers simply do not contain the essential nutrients found in organic formulas. Ensure your baby gets the proper nutrition by choosing the best organic baby formula.

Read more about types of baby formula, parenting tips, relationship advice, and DIY projects on our blog now.

Jeff Campbell