Can a Marriage Last Without Intimacy?

can a marriage last without intimacy? man and woman laying down on a red blanket caressing each other's head Middle Class Dad

Anyone who has been in a relationship knows the importance of intimacy, both physically and emotionally. And while shared interests and kids can help bind a couple together, can a marriage last without intimacy? As a general rule, most marriages with a lack of intimacy fail. While 15% of marriages lack physical intimacy, a recent … Read more

Financial Marriage Counseling: Can It Stop Your Money Fights?

financial marriage counseling spend, save and be married wooden sign on old tree Middle Class Dad

Talking about money as a couple is is hard, whether you are recently married, not married yet or have been together for years. If you haven’t thought about it yet, consider financial marriage counseling to help strengthen your marriage. Here’s what you need to know: Financial marriage counseling combines traditional marriage counseling with financial planning … Read more

Gottman’s Four Horsemen & How They Can Lead You to Divorce

Gottman's Four Horsemen Middle Class Dad 4 horsemen riding through the trees

My wife and I used to name call, yell, use profanity, and constantly criticize one another. Dr. John Gottman, the world’s leading marriage expert, calls refers to that behavior as Gottman’s Four Horsemen. Dr. John Gottman’s Four Horsemen refer to the 4 worst things couples can do to one another which can lead to divorce. … Read more