7 Crucial Stages of a Healthy Relationship (& Why It Matters)

7 stages of a healthy relationship Middle Class Dad black and white photo of a couple smiling

Anyone who has ever been in a long-term committed relationship will agree with me that romantic relationships change over time. And when we grow apart, the relationship suffers. So what are the stages of a healthy relationship? Infatuation Love and acceptance Relationship conflict and resolution Love renewed Children Relationship crisis The golden years But don’t … Read more

Why Does My Husband Ignore My Texts? (& what to do about it)

There’s nothing more infuriating than a read text message going unanswered. In a conversation, one person speaks, then the other replies. A read message with no reply can easily start us second-guessing and making assumptions. Unfortunately, sometimes wives wonder why does my husband ignore my texts? A husband ignores texts from his wife because his … Read more

10 Amazing Ways to Help Your Relationship Grow Stronger

ways to help your relationship grow man and woman sitting on a log laying over a river in the woods middle class dad

Anyone in a serious relationship dreams of having it last. But if our relationship is stuck or stagnant, we often search for ways to help your relationship grow. Here’s how I’ve grown my marriage: The ways to make a relationship grow healthily include: Making yourself happy and not looking to others for happiness Focusing on … Read more

Can Empathic Listening Skills Help You Enhance Your Relationship?

My wife and I used to struggle with our communication; to really be and feel heard. We had heard of empathic or empathetic listening, and wondered can empathic listening skills help you enhance your relationship? Empathy listening skills help relationships by allowing each partner to really feel and understand what the other is feeling and … Read more