17 Surprising Infidelity Recovery Statistics You May Not Know

infidelity recovery statistics young man with one hand behind his back with fingers crossed Middle Class Dad

Being cheated on deals a devastating blow to your marriage. But it happens. And when it does, people often take comfort in knowing how many others have made it through and saved their marriages. So here are the infidelity recovery statistics. Even the strongest relationships can get rocked by infidelity and many won’t survive. That … Read more

17 Surprising Charter Schools vs Public Schools Statistics

charter schools vs public schools statistics tin cups holding school supplies - scissors, pencils, brushes and markers Middle Class Dad

Charter schools have become more popular in the past decade. But, are they better? I decided to compile all the charter school vs public school statistics. 56.5% of charter schools are located in cities 43 states plus Washington DC have established laws allowing charter schools to operate Between the years 2000 and 2016, charter schools increased … Read more

15 Shocking Autism Statistics Worldwide You Probably Didn’t Know

autism statistics worldwide blue puzzle of head with puzzle pieces falling out Middle Class Dad

My ex-wife is a teacher who works with autistic kids, so while she is an expert about autism in the kids she has worked with over the years, we’ve both wondered what the autism statistics worldwide were and how they might differ. Autism statistics worldwide tell us that boys get autism 5 times more than … Read more