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How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed with You (25 Tips)

It’s a wonderful feeling to have a loved one whose whole life revolves around you. Not all are lucky enough to get such obsessive, unconditional love. However, you can have it if you know how to manifest someone to be obsessed with you.

Essential tips to manifest someone to be obsessed with you:

  • Have clarity about the person and their obsession.
  • Visualize and feel deep love.
  • Emit clear intentions and affirmations.
  • Prepare yourself and your physical space.
  • Meditate to be mindful and intuitive.
  • Be the best version of yourself.

Following only the essentials won’t take you there fast enough. Below are all the 25 action steps to make it in time!

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But now let’s review my . . . 

25 Tips on How to Manifest Someone to Be Obsessed with You

1. Know the right kind of obsession

The first step is knowing the right kind of obsession. The degree or level of obsession is the most important thing here.

So, the first thing you need to ask yourself is – What kind of relationship do you have in mind exactly?

I’m stressing this so much only because too much obsession or the wrong kind of obsession can easily make a relationship go haywire.  Before you move on with manifesting obsessive love in your life, be sure to have a clear idea about the kind of obsession you actually want.

2. Build a clear perception of the person

After knowing the right kind of obsession, the second step is to know the person in the right way.

It’s great that you have a specific person in mind whom you want to be obsessed with you. Now try to know the type of person they are in as much detail as possible.    You probably know how they look. Now, try to know about their personality, habits, hobbies, and inner life.

3. Clearly form your intentions

The above two steps or tips were preparing you for the third step of forming clear intentions.

Now that you know exactly what kind of obsession you want and the person you want from, develop formulaic, precise, and vivid intentions within your mind as well as in words and sentences.

This is the exact desired formula that you will be sending out to the universe and using throughout the process of manifestation.

4. Cultivate focus

This next step is about sharpening something you already have – the power of your focus.

You will need to use mind focus for many other steps while manifesting your desires. Different things can help you cultivate focus, such as reading for longer periods without a break, trying to do deep work for long periods, and doing everything with integrity, love, and care.

5. Increase attention span

This tip is complementary to the one above. Along with trying to improve your focus power, you also have to increase your attention span.

Focus and attention span work hand in hand to make manifestations happen in life. It’s all about how strongly you can focus on your desires and for how long you can hold your attention to them.

To increase your attention span, I suggest minimizing your social media usage along with the tips suggested above for improved focus.

6. Start visualization sessions

Visualizing yourself in a happy and loving relationship and feeling the emotions of love is the best thing for manifesting someone to be obsessed with you.

Start with little visualizations associated with feelings. Experience the reality of your desire with your mind’s eye. Gradually, expand and enlarge your visions to a full-fledged life with your dream partner.

Imagine and feel all this to be really happening to you whenever you do your visualization sessions.

7. Incorporate meditation practice

Here comes the trump card of all manifestation tips. Meditation is a tool that will help you to perform all the other steps in a much better and more controlled way.

It will help you to visualize better and be more mindful and intuitive. It will also help you to maintain high-vibe energy. I suggest starting with meditating for a little while, before or after sleep. And then, gradually increase the timing as you become more comfortable with the inner silence.

8. Deploy positive affirmations

The best way to use affirmations is in the present tense, with clear intentions and specific statements.

Using positive statements can help reprogram your subconscious mind. Positive phrases release any negative self-talk or thinking patterns that may be hindering your manifestation process.

Use the following affirmations for your current purpose:

  • I am in a happy relationship with [name of the person].
  • [Name of the person] is obsessed with me and I love that.
  • [Name of the person] can’t live without me.

9. Carry out the whisper method

The whisper method is another powerful tool that you can try to make someone obsessed with you.

To use the whisper method, imagine you walk up to the person while they are sleeping and whispering to their ears, “You love [your name]. You love [your name] more than anyone else in the world. [Your name] is the love of your life and you are obsessively in love with [your name].”

10. Feel loved and pampered

The law of attraction requires you to feel the way you want your life to be. So, as you are trying to attract someone to be head over heels for you, try different ways of feeling loved or pampered.

Maybe spend more time with friends and family members who love you and care for you the most. Consider getting a pet to feel cherished and loved If you don’t have one already.

Use a dating app to simulate and stimulate attraction. Also, meeting new people will help deal with negative emotions.

11. Utilize a vision board

A vision board is a fantastic visualization aid. The best thing about a vision board is you can see your dream life right in front of you.

Hang a photo of your ideal partner and all the romantic images of your love life having a great time. You can draw your own images or use beautiful photos that represent the kind of feeling you visualize.

It will help you to generate positive feelings and a good intentions just by looking at it.

12. Use a manifestation journal

Writing down your dreams, desires, and visions on a piece of paper can be immensely powerful for the manifestation process. It’s because you are making them real in a physical form of writing.

So, without any further ado, start creating a manifestation journal like this great one on Amazon containing all of your visualizations regarding how you envision your life to be with the love of your life.

Be as detailed as possible, specifically about your feelings. Create new visions every day!

13. Be ready to receive your obsessed partner

Here’s another great tip when you are trying to manifest love in your life – prepare yourself to receive your partner.

Be ready and worthy of being obsessed over. Do a bit of analysis of your strengths and weaknesses as a partner. Improve the lovely aspect even more and try to decrease the less lovely tendencies.

It’s also a good idea to prepare yourself by removing any unrealistic expectations that you might have of your future partner. Check out the most problematic unrealistic expectations that people often have from their romantic partners in this recent article on my site.

14. Create physical space to live together

While you are trying to manifest the person of your dreams in your life, prepare a space for you two to live together.

Imagine what you want your apartment to be like when you will be together. How do you think your partner would like it to be?

Design your space exactly like that. Even have a set of pillows for them on your bed. Do whatever you can within your budget to make it feel like you are living your dream life with your beloved.

15. Develop intuition

An intuitive mental state is one of the most powerful law of attraction states you can think of.

Intuition can change your life with just one single unique insight. It can show us clear signs of what is working and what we need to do more to stay on the right track.

You can also intuitively ascertain whether you are manifesting a soulmate into your life. All you need to do is be on the lookout for the major soulmate manifestation signs I have detailed in a recent article.

Click to read the post on my site!

16. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness has numerous benefits for not only the manifestation process but life as a whole. Mindfulness means maintaining your cool no matter what life throws at you.

Maintaining calmness even during a hard time will enable you to sustain positive emotions and high vibrations all the time. This will enormously help you to turn your manifestations into reality.

The fastest way to achieve mindfulness is focused breathing. Simply be aware of your breathing, and you will be more and more mindful with time.

17. Improve your energy and vibration

Surrounding yourself with positive energy and maintaining a positive mindset is the most effective way to manifest love and attract the right person into your life.

The power of manifestation is much weaker in a state of low vibration.

The above steps of meditation, mindfulness, and intuition will enable you to be in a state of high vibrational energy and attract a good vibrational match.

However, it’s also important to consciously try to keep an upbeat frame of mind to sustain sufficiently high levels of joyful vibrations within you.

18. Be on guard against negative beliefs

Letting go of any negative beliefs and replacing them with positive thoughts and feelings is a great way to align yourself with the universe’s plan for you to find true love.

But negative beliefs can be hard to detect as they operate from deep within the subconscious mind. A few of these common limiting beliefs, like you are not good enough to get an obsessed lover, you are not beautiful enough or smart enough, etc., are very damaging to the manifestation process.

19. Replace negative thoughts, feelings, emotions

Negative thoughts or emotions hold us back from attracting the right person or situation into our life.

Whenever you find yourself in the clutches of negative experiences, bring back your awareness to breathing and take a few deep breaths. This works like a charm every time in alleviating negative energy and negative thinking.

Now, intentionally replace the negatives by thinking or doing pleasant thoughts and activities. Moments spent with negative emotion are a massive loss of power. Do not let it happen.

20. Improve your relationship with others

To manifest the love of your life, it’s important that your other relationships are also in a positive state.

Having a loving relationship with everybody around is a good way to maintain a positive attitude toward your goals. It will also help you to improve the goodness and kindness required for the law of attraction mental state.

For the same reasons, try to stay away from people who tend to drag you down emotionally.

21. Be kind and grateful

To align yourself with the energy of love, cultivate a loving, kind, and positive mindset toward yourself and the world around you.

Feel grateful for all the good things and people you have in life. Incorporate the feeling of gratefulness whenever you do your meditations. You can also write down grateful statements in your manifestation journal.

Kindness and gratitude enable us to have an overall healthy relationship with life as a whole.

22. Trust the manifestation process completely

I don’t need to tell you that trust is an important thing for the manifestation process.

It’s about trusting that the perfect time and the perfect match will come into your life as per the universe’s plan and having patience about it.

Above all, you must let go of any doubts. Sometimes, we can see that lingering doubts often stay beneath the conscious layer and sabotage our efforts. We must be careful about such instances.

23. Practice manifestation for everything

While you are trying to manifest something in particular, it’s also helpful to incorporate manifestation into your daily life.

Deploy the manifestation techniques for every single one of your desires. Start with easy steps of manifesting smaller things. This will help you to eliminate any doubts that you might have.

At first, manifesting a text from the person you are manifesting in your life could be a great way to start small.

Yes, you can do exactly that by following this detailed plan laid down in my recent article here on my site. Just a reminder, manifestation can only work for bringing positive things out of the depth of creation.

So, you cannot manifest anything that can be dangerous or harmful to you or others.

24. Letting go is also important

Manifesting love is not about forcing or controlling. Every relationship unfolds at its own pace.

Good things take a lot of time to manifest, but they will at the right time. Just do your work patiently. That’s why you have to create a balance between holding on to your desires and also letting it go at the same time.

That’s the mental state when manifestation thrives.

25. Be your best version

This is the final step because it’s the one that blankets all the other steps above. Living the best life is the original goal. And, you can do that only by becoming the best version of yourself.

Once you can actively work to become the best you can be, everyone around you will start to be madly in love with you. End of the day, that’s the most important achievement in life.

Now, before you move on to start your journey of manifesting someone to be obsessively in love with you, you will also find another recent article of mine immensely helpful. It’s about how to manifest a boyfriend.

The great tips and tools I have described here will be very useful for your manifestations.


Still finding it difficult to believe that these simple steps could manifest someone to be obsessed with you?

Just give it a try with an open mind!

Draw a clear perception of the kind of obsession you want and the person you want it from. Send out your intentions to the universe with clear words and visions. Feel like you are already living your dream life with your obsessed lover, all the while preparing yourself and the physical space to receive your dream partner.

Also, meditate to raise your energy level and live a mindful and intuitive life.

Above all, be the best version of yourself. Soon, you will find that not only the special someone but the whole world is obsessively in love with you!

Image by Alfonso Cerezo from Pixabay

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Jeff Campbell